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  1. TheHead


    Not working actually tried more than 1 time actually
  2. TheHead


    How turn this function from milliseconds to Minutes ? screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() function startTheClock () if not systemUpTime then systemUpTime = getTickCount () --Store the system tick count, this will be 0 for us end currentCount = getTickCount () dxDrawRectangle (screenX *.40, screenY * .09, 250, 50, tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawText ( currentCount - systemUpTime, screenX * .48, screenY * .1, screenX, screenY, tocolor(255,255,255), 2) end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, startTheClock )
  3. TheHead


    Is there anycode for personal Uptime . such as time = getRealTime() ?
  4. I would like to make it when player is died/wasted/killed . The panel closes immediately Client Window_CHK = guiCreateWindow(screX/2-170,screY/2-60,290,140," Vehicle Sales",false) guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, false) guiSetAlpha(Window_CHK, 0.97) guiSetProperty(Window_CHK, "AlwaysOnTop", "true") guiWindowSetSizable(Window_CHK, false) Label_CHK = guiCreateLabel(12,28,266,36,"",false,Window_CHK) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label_CHK,"center",true) Button_CHK_Y = guiCreateButton(10,73,129,36,"Yes",false,Window_CHK) Button_CHK_N = guiCreateButton(150,73,129,36,"No",false,Window_CHK) --- Code that should close the panel but not working function hideGUIOnPlayerDeath() if guiSetVisible( Window_CHK ) then guiSetVisible( Window_CHK, false ) end end addEvent("closePANEL",true) addEventHandler( "closePANEL", root, hideGUIOnPlayerDeath ) function hideGUIOnPlayerDeath() triggerClientEvent( source, "closePANEL", source ) end addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, hideGUIOnPlayerDeath ) Server ^
  5. It's save system but I got a problem in the code that keeps sending me this line in debugscript . " Bad arguement @ 'getPlayerAccount' [Expected element at arguement 1 , got nil] function onPlayerQuit() local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(source) if (playeraccount) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local HijackExp = getElementData (source, "hiExp" ) local health = getElementHealth (source) local armor = getPedArmor (source) local storeRobExp = getElementData (source, "srExp" ) local CriminalExp = getElementData (source, "CriminalExp" ) local married = getElementData (source, "married" ) local CopKillingExp = getElementData (source, "cExp" ) local walkstyle = getAccountData( source, "walks") local job = exports.CISbusiness:getPlayerJob(source) local w = getElementData(source, "w") local policearrests = getElementData(source, "policeArrests") local arrestpoints = getElementData(source, "arrestPoints") local arrestkills = getElementData(source, "arrestsKills") local sweepam = getElementData(source, "sweeps") local farmam = getElementData(source, "farmer_bails") local taxiam = getElementData(source, "taxi_dropoff") local limoam = getElementData(source, "limo_dropoff") local busam = getElementData(source, "busdriver_progress") local fisham = getElementData(source, "fish_sales") local wasteam = getElementData(source, "rubbish_collections") local pizzaam = getElementData(source, "delivered_pizzas") local ironam = getElementData(source, "iron") local ironlifeam = getElementData(source, "lifetimeiron") local turftakenam = getElementData(source, "turfTaken") local bagtakenam = getElementData(source, "bagtaken") local oil = getElementData(source, "oil") local EX = getElementData(source, "explosive") local EP = getElementData(source, "engineparts") local Ch = getElementData(source, "chemicals") local gold = getElementData(source, "gold") local pin = getElementData(source, "ATMPW") local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) setAccountData (playeraccount, "pin", pin) setAccountData (playeraccount, "TagR", r) setAccountData (playeraccount, "TagG", g) setAccountData (playeraccount, "TagB", b) setAccountData (playeraccount, "chemicals", Ch) setAccountData (playeraccount, "gold", gold) setAccountData (playeraccount, "EX", EX) setAccountData (playeraccount, "engineparts", EP) setAccountData (playeraccount, "cis.job", job) setAccountData (playeraccount, "health", health) setAccountData (playeraccount, "armor", armor) setAccountData (playeraccount, "hiExp", HijackExp) setAccountData (playeraccount, "CriminalExp", CriminalExp) setAccountData (playeraccount, "policeArrests", policearrests) setAccountData (playeraccount, "arrestPoints", arrestpoints) setAccountData (playeraccount, "arrestsKills", arrestkills) setAccountData (playeraccount, "married", married) setAccountData (playeraccount, "cExp", CopKillingExp) setAccountData (playeraccount, "srExp", storeRobExp) setAccountData (playeraccount, "w", w) setAccountData (playeraccount, "sweeps", sweepam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "farmer_bails", farmam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "taxi_dropoff", taxiam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "limo_dropoff", limoam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "busdriver_progress", busam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "fish_sales", fisham) setAccountData (playeraccount, "rubbish_collections", wasteam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "delivered_pizzas", pizzaam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "iron", ironam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "lifetimeiron", ironlifeam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "bagtaken", bagtakenam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "turfTaken", turftakenam) setAccountData (playeraccount, "oil", oil) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.HandMoney", getPlayerMoney ( source ) ) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source))) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.x", x) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.y", y) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.z", z) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.int", getElementInterior (source)) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.dim", getElementDimension (source)) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.rot", getPedRotation (source)) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap0", getPedWeapon ( source, 0 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap1", getPedWeapon ( source, 1 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap2", getPedWeapon ( source, 2 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo2", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 2 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap3", getPedWeapon ( source, 3 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo3", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 3 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap4", getPedWeapon ( source, 4 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo4", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 4 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap5", getPedWeapon ( source, 5 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo5", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 5 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap6", getPedWeapon ( source, 6 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo6", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 6 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap7", getPedWeapon ( source, 7 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo7", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 7 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap8", getPedWeapon ( source, 8 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo8", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 8 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap9", getPedWeapon ( source, 9 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.ammo9", getPedTotalAmmo ( source, 9 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap10", getPedWeapon ( source, 10 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap11", getPedWeapon ( source, 11 )) setAccountData (playeraccount, "s.weap12", getPedWeapon ( source, 12 )) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onPlayerQuit) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onPlayerQuit) setTimer(onPlayerQuit, 3000, 0)
  6. Here's SS http://imgur.com/c9T9u8w , http://imgur.com/JoRS3dk We made alot of things in CST real with DB . Updates we made it with FTP not /updatemanager
  7. Well, CST is back real one . But some one today made server named CST2 with our scripts. With our staffs names . I hope MTA team close it . Fake one IP : mtasa:// Regards , [CST]TheHead[sF] L4 Staff in CST
  8. Any way if MTA will take action His server IP : mtasa:// Name : CGG I hope they help me
  9. I wanna only remove my server resources from his server
  10. SS when he told me from CNG to CGG & SS of his profile
  11. Another proof [01:53:45 م] Mustafa Ardal: no [01:53:51 م] Mustafa Ardal: i changed all things to cng to cgg [01:53:56 م] Mustafa Ardal: + all thngs to ngc to cgg [01:54:00 م] Mustafa Ardal: all tihngs to csg to cgg [01:54:03 م] Mustafa Ardal: full of changed That's from some mins when I told him don't use CNG resources or I will report you His Skype acc name : maskol12
  12. I found that today because this resources when I kicked the Developer . My server opened from month really but closed now
  13. He was my best friend & pro developer that's why I gave him Developers Rights
  14. (LOCAL) (3) Mustafa: idiot its cng resources , (LOCAL) (3) Mustafa: just cng resources This another proof this in his server
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