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Everything posted by #TeKa

  1. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و باركته اليوم انا صنعت سيرفر حياة وقعيه و حبيت اضيف وظائف كثيره و حصريا من صنعي مثل بائع الشكولاته بائع الايس كريم موصل تاكسي موصل الاتوبيس عامل نظافة مسعف بوست مان مكانيكي مينر تخريم تحت الارض الرجاء الزياره اسم السيرفر GamerRoleing [Roleplay] تحذير: كل شييء في هذا السيرفر بلغة ال English IP: mtasa:// نتمنا لك امتع الاوقات مع السيرفر
  2. Heelo Today i'm create new server for playing roleplay all script new Pelase Come the server Name server: GamerRoleing [Roleplay] IP: mtasa://
  3. شكرا لك اخوي ممكن تعطيني الفيس حقق اضيفك او سكايب
  4. السلام عليكم انا اليوم جيت اخلي مود الجروب بدل لما يفتح من اف 6 عملت ماركر اول لما اللاعب يخشو يفتحلو اللوحه حق الجروب ممكن الكود ده انا سويت الماركر و كل شييء بس ما يشتغل شوف local gangmarker = createMarker ( -2036.7021484375, 1196.1943359375, 45.23950958252,"cylinder",1.5,0,255,255,255) local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( gangmarker , 23) ده اكواد الماركر و البلب شوفو عملت ادد افينت كيف addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", gangmarker , showwindow) اسم لوحة الجروب : Groups_Window شكرا لكم ممكن بس تعطوني الاكواد الصح و شكرا
  5. امال ايه Gta-SF خش و شوف احبي اف7 زايها ولا لا
  6. حبي هو شغال و كل شييء بس لا يضيف الاسلحه و الاشياء انت صلا حطو في سيرفرك و معدلو
  7. السلام عليكم انا اليوم لقيت مود تبع f7 حق بيع الاسلحه و الانشر بس في مشكله لما اجي اضيف سلاح للبيع ما ينضاف الاكواد اهي Clinet GUIEditor = { edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[3] = guiCreateWindow(165, 45, 861, 603, "F7 - CSF Trading/Market Interface", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[3], false) remove_item_list = guiCreateGridList(22, 457, 308, 133, false, GUIEditor.window[3]) remove_item_col1 = guiGridListAddColumn(remove_item_list, "Item", 0.5) remove_item_col2 = guiGridListAddColumn(remove_item_list, "Amount", 0.5) GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(205, 410, 125, 37, "Remove selected item from sale", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[7], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[7], "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[7], outputEditBox2, false ) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(30, 433, 290, 28, "My item for sale", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], "default-bold-small") add_item_list = guiCreateGridList(12, 65, 328, 153, false, GUIEditor.window[3]) add_item_col1 = guiGridListAddColumn(add_item_list, "Item", 0.5) add_item_col2 = guiGridListAddColumn(add_item_list, "Amount", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[6] = guiCreateLabel(15, 33, 315, 22, "Put an item up for sale...", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[6], "default-bold-small") add_item_price = guiCreateEdit(97, 281, 62, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiEditSetMaxLength(add_item_price, -- s8) --> guiSetProperty(add_item_price, "ValidationString", "^[0-9]*$") GUIEditor.button[8] = guiCreateButton(169, 234, 126, 37, "Put the selected item up for sale", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[8], "default-bold-small") addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[8], outputEditBox, false ) items_list = guiCreateGridList(376, 36, 462, 495, false, GUIEditor.window[3]) items_col1 = guiGridListAddColumn(items_list, "Item", 0.2) items_col2 = guiGridListAddColumn(items_list, "Amount", 0.2) items_col3 = guiGridListAddColumn(items_list, "Price", 0.2) items_col4 = guiGridListAddColumn(items_list, "Seller", 0.3) GUIEditor.button[9] = guiCreateButton(728, 539, 100, 30, "Buy Selected amount of item", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[9], "default-bold-small") addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[9], outputEditBox3, false ) buy_select_edit = guiCreateEdit(650, 545, 68, 24, "", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetProperty(buy_select_edit, "ValidationString", "^[0-9]*$") GUIEditor.label[7] = guiCreateLabel(8, 287, 89, 16, "Price For Each:", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) GUIEditor.label[8] = guiCreateLabel(18, 250, 53, 15, "Amount:", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(171, 286, 124, 22, "Total: $0", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) add_item_amount = guiCreateEdit(76, 244, 81, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", add_item_price, totalthing) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", add_item_amount, totalthing) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", buy_select_edit, totalthing2) guiEditSetMaxLength(add_item_amount, -- s8) --> guiSetProperty(add_item_amount, "ValidationString", "^[0-9]*$") GUIEditor.label[9] = guiCreateLabel(354, 21, 22, 582, "|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[9], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.label[10] = guiCreateLabel(592, 548, 48, 20, "Amount:", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) GUIEditor.label[11] = guiCreateLabel(0, 373, 354, 15, "____________________________________________________________________________________________________", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[11], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.label[12] = guiCreateLabel(645, 571, 124, 22, "Total: $0", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) refreshbut = guiCreateButton(385, 546, 113, 17, "Refresh..", false, GUIEditor.window[3]) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", refreshbut, refresh, false ) end ) function guishow (key,keyst) --if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 0 then exports.CSFtexts:output("You can't open store menu in other interior",255,0,0) return end local bool = not guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[3]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[3],bool) setElementData(localPlayer,"shopOpen",bool) showCursor(bool) refresh() end bindKey ( "F7", "down", guishow ) addCommandHandler("csfshop",guishow) function getamo(weapon,amo) if weapon == "Rocket Launcher" then return end local weapon = tostring(weapon) local amo = tostring(amo) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( add_item_list ) guiGridListSetItemText ( add_item_list, row, add_item_col1, weapon, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( add_item_list, row, add_item_col2, amo, false, true ) end addEvent("CSFselling.Clientammo", true) addEventHandler("CSFselling.Clientammo", root, getamo) function totalthing() if tonumber(guiGetText(add_item_price)) > 0 and tonumber(guiGetText(add_item_amount)) > 0 then guiSetText(GUIEditor.label[5], "Total: $"..tostring(tonumber(guiGetText(add_item_price))* tonumber(guiGetText(add_item_amount))) ) end end function totalthing2() if tonumber(guiGetText(buy_select_edit)) > 0 and tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 3 )) > 0 then guiSetText(GUIEditor.label[12], "Total: $"..tostring(tonumber(guiGetText(buy_select_edit))* tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 3 ))) ) end end function getitems(weapon,amo,owner,price) if weapon == "Rocket Launcher" then return end if not owner then return end local weapon = tostring(weapon) local amo = tostring(amo) local owner = tostring(owner) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( items_list ) guiGridListSetItemText ( items_list, row, items_col1, weapon, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( items_list, row, items_col2, amo, false, true ) guiGridListSetItemText ( items_list, row, items_col3, price, false, true ) guiGridListSetItemText ( items_list, row, items_col4, owner, false, false ) end addEvent("CSFselling.Getitems", true) addEventHandler("CSFselling.Getitems", root, getitems) function remoitems(weapon,amo) local weapon = tostring(weapon) local amo = tostring(amo) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove_item_list ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove_item_list, row, remove_item_col1, weapon, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove_item_list, row, remove_item_col2, amo, false, true ) end addEvent("CSFselling.removeable", true) addEventHandler("CSFselling.removeable", root, remoitems) function guiGridListGetSelectedItemText ( gridList, column ) local item = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( gridList ) if item then return guiGridListGetItemText ( gridList, item, column or 1 ) end return false end function outputEditBox ( button ) if button == "left" then local amount = tonumber(guiGetText ( add_item_amount )) local price = tonumber(guiGetText ( add_item_price )) local item = tostring(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( add_item_list )) local ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( add_item_list, 2 )) if amount and amount ~= "" and tonumber(amount) then if price and price ~= "" and tonumber(price) then if item and item ~= "" then if amount <= ammo then if price > 1 then if amount > 0 then triggerServerEvent ( "CSFselling.SellThing", localPlayer, item, amount, price ) refresh() end end end end end end end end function outputEditBox2 ( button ) if button == "left" then local item = tostring(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( remove_item_list )) local ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( remove_item_list, 2 )) if ammo and ammo ~= "" and tonumber(ammo) then if item and item ~= "" then triggerServerEvent ( "CSFselling.RemoveThing", localPlayer, item, ammo ) refresh() end end end end function outputEditBox3 ( button ) if button == "left" then local amount = tonumber(guiGetText ( buy_select_edit )) local item = tostring(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 1 )) local ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 2 )) local price = tonumber(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 3 )) * amount local seller = tostring(guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( items_list, 4 )) local bool if amount and amount ~= "" and tonumber(amount) then if price and price ~= "" and tonumber(price) then if item and item ~= "" then if amount <= ammo then if price > 1 then if amount > 0 then if amount == ammo then bool = false end if amount < ammo then bool = ammo-amount end triggerServerEvent ( "CSFselling.BuyThing", localPlayer, item, amount, seller, bool, price, ammo ) --refresh() end end end end end end end end function refresh() if guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[3]) then guiGridListClear(remove_item_list) guiGridListClear(add_item_list) guiGridListClear(items_list) triggerServerEvent ( "CSFselling.ServerShow", localPlayer ) end end addEvent("CSFselling.refreshShow",true) addEventHandler("CSFselling.refreshShow", root, refresh) --setTimer(refresh,10000,0) function disableFlares ( creator ) if (getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 0) or (getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 0) then if (creator == localPlayer) then exports.CSFtexts:output("You can't make this in other interior/dimension!", 255, 0, 0) setElementPosition(source, 9000, 9000, 0) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientProjectileCreation", getRootElement(), disableFlares ) -- when a projectile gets created call disableFlares. Server function showsgui () p = client t = {} local weaponSlots = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} for i, slot in ipairs(weaponSlots) do local ammo = getPlayerTotalAmmo ( p, slot ) if ( getPlayerWeapon ( p, slot ) ~= 0 ) then local weapon = getPlayerWeapon ( p, slot ) local ammo = getPlayerTotalAmmo ( p, slot ) table.insert(t, {weapon, ammo}) end end for k,v in pairs(t) do if v[1] > 0 and v[2] > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), v[2] ) end end local god = getPlayerData(p,"god") local heroin = getPlayerData(p,"heroin") local speed = getPlayerData(p,"speed") local weed = getPlayerData(p,"weed") local steroids = getPlayerData(p,"steroids") local lsd = getPlayerData(p,"lsd") local iron = getPlayerData(p,"iron") local oil = getPlayerData(p,"oil") local plastic = getPlayerData(p,"plastic") local silver = getPlayerData(p,"silver") local gold = getPlayerData(p,"gold") local explosives = getPlayerData(p,"explosives") local electronics = getPlayerData(p,"electronics") local hemp = getPlayerData(p,"hemp") local temp = getPlayerData(p,"temp") local pln = tonumber(getAccountNoumberOfPlant ( p )) or 0 local seeds = tonumber(getAccountSeeds ( p )) or 0 --local cars = exports.CSFvehsys:getPlayerVehicles(p) if god > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "God", god ) end if heroin > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Heroin", heroin ) end if speed > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Speed", speed ) end if weed > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Weed", weed ) end if steroids > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Steroids", steroids ) end if lsd > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "LSD", lsd ) end if iron > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "iron", iron ) end if pln > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Plant", pln ) end if seeds > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Seed", seeds ) end if oil > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "oil", oil ) end if plastic > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "plastic", plastic ) end if silver > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "silver", silver ) end if gold > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "gold", gold ) end if explosives > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "explosives", explosives ) end if electronics > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "electronics", electronics ) end if hemp > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "hemp", hemp ) end if temp > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "temp", temp ) end --if cars and #cars > 0 then for ind,data in ipairs(cars) do triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, getVehicleNameFromModel(data["Model"]), 1 ) end end local medkits = getElementData(p, "mK") if medkits and medkits > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Med-Kit", medkits ) end local medkits = getElementData(p, "vipTime") if medkits and medkits > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "VIP Hours", medkits ) end local armor = math.floor(getPedArmor(client)) if armor and armor > 0 then triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Clientammo", p, "Armor", armor ) end local tblasd = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM selling" ) if tblasd and #tblasd > 0 then for i,val in ipairs(tblasd) do local itemname = val.item if itemname == "god" then itemname = "God" end if itemname == "weed" then itemname = "Weed" end if itemname == "heroin" then itemname = "Heroin" end if itemname == "steroids" then itemname = "Steroids" end if itemname == "speed" then itemname = "Speed" end if itemname == "lsd" then itemname = "LSD" end if itemname == "iron" then itemname = "iron" end if itemname == "oil" then itemname = "oil" end if itemname == "plastic" then itemname = "plastic" end if itemname == "silver" then itemname = "silver" end if itemname == "explosives" then itemname = "explosives" end if itemname == "electronics" then itemname = "electronics" end if itemname == "hemp" then itemname = "hemp" end if itemname == "gold" then itemname = "gold" end if itemname == "temp" then itemname = "temp" end if getAccount(val.userid) and getAccountPlayer(getAccount(val.userid)) then useiname = getPlayerName(getAccountPlayer(getAccount(val.userid))) else useiname = false end triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.Getitems", p, itemname, val.amount, useiname, val.price ) end end local userid = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) local tblasd2 = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM selling WHERE userid=?", tostring(userid) ) if tblasd2 and #tblasd2 > 0 then for i,val2 in ipairs(tblasd2) do local itemname = val2.item if itemname == "god" then itemname = "God" end if itemname == "weed" then itemname = "Weed" end if itemname == "heroin" then itemname = "Heroin" end if itemname == "steroids" then itemname = "Steroids" end if itemname == "speed" then itemname = "Speed" end if itemname == "lsd" then itemname = "LSD" end if itemname == "iron" then itemname = "iron" end if itemname == "oil" then itemname = "oil" end if itemname == "plastic" then itemname = "plastic" end if itemname == "silver" then itemname = "silver" end if itemname == "explosives" then itemname = "explosives" end if itemname == "electronics" then itemname = "electronics" end if itemname == "hemp" then itemname = "hemp" end if itemname == "gold" then itemname = "gold" end if itemname == "temp" then itemname = "temp" end triggerClientEvent ( p, "CSFselling.removeable", p, itemname, val2.amount ) end end end addEvent("CSFselling.ServerShow",true) addEventHandler("CSFselling.ServerShow", root, showsgui) function getAccountNoumberOfPlant ( player ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) local accountName = getAccountName(acc) local result = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM Playerplant WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 or not result ) then return "None" else return tonumber(result[ 1 ][ "noumberOfPlant" ]) end end function getAccountSeeds ( player ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) local accountName = getAccountName(acc) local result = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM Playerplant WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 or not result ) then return "None" else return tonumber(result[ 1 ][ "seeds" ]) end end function setAccountNoumberOfPlant ( accountName,noumberOfPlant ) executeSQLQuery( "UPDATE `Playerplant` SET `noumberOfPlant` = '".. noumberOfPlant .."' WHERE accountName = '".. accountName .."'" ) end function setAccountSeeds ( accountName,seeds ) executeSQLQuery( "UPDATE `Playerplant` SET `seeds` = '".. seeds .."' WHERE accountName = '".. accountName .."'" ) end function getPlayerData(p,name) local ru = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(p),name)) or 0 return ru end function decPlayerData(p,name,num) local ru = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(p),name)) or 0 setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(p),name,ru-num) end function incPlayerData(p,name,num) local ru = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(p),name)) or 0 setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(p),name,ru+num) end function sellgui(item,amo,price) local userid = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) local tbl123123 = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM selling WHERE userid=?", tostring(userid) ) if tbl123123 and #tbl123123 > 0 then for i,val3 in ipairs(tbl123123) do local itemnames = val3.item if itemnames == item then exports.CSFtexts:output("You can't add an item you are already selling!",client,255,0,0) return end end end if item == "God" then local item = "god" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "Weed" then local item = "weed" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "Speed" then local item = "speed" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "Steroids" then local item = "steroids" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "Heroin" then local item = "heroin" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "LSD" then local item = "lsd" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "iron" then local item = "iron" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "oil" then local item = "oil" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "plastic" then local item = "plastic" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "silver" then local item = "silver" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",client,0,255,0) return end if item == "gold" then local item = "gold" decPlayerData(client,item,amo) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO selling (userid,item,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",tostring(userid), tostring(item), tonumber(amo), tonumber(price)) exports.CSFtexts:output("Item Added to Store successfully!",
  8. حبي انا مو عاوزها بس بعض الناس ططلبها
  9. ممكن مود الكولد الي هو المجواهرات الي انت حطو ده ؟
  10. السلام عليكم تم صنع لوحة تسجيل من قبلي |تعديل الاكواد و الاخطاء من قبل اسنايبر انشاء الله اللوحه راح تعجبكم فيها اسبون و حفظ كل شييء النقود و كل شيييء و يوجد بها مستشفي حق بسول الرابط https://www.dropbox.com/s/xvnk7zuttjrxw ... n.zip?dl=0 _____________________________ ارجو الكل يرد علي جوبي هو ابي مود الجواهر و بلاك ماركت و شكرا زا اول مود اصنعو انا و سنايبر .
  11. السلام عليكم اسف طلباتي كثيره بس زا اخر طلب بدي كود لما يفتح ال MAP يجيلو كلمه علي الخريطه مثلا انا حاطط مود منجم اكيد الكل يعرف مكانها بدي مثلا احط عند مكنها بلخريطه كلمة "ألمنجم" اتمنا تكونو فهمتوني ارجو الرد
  12. شباب ابي اتاكد ان زا الكود صح ممكن تصحيح function player_Wasted ( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( attacker ) then if (attacker ~= source) then setElementHealth(attacker,getElementHealth(attacker)+5) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), player_Wasted )
  13. السلام عليكم اسف طلباتي كثيره !! بدي كود لما احد يقتل احد يزيد دمو3
  14. يا اخوي ابي المود كامل لو سمحت
  15. السلام عليكم انا صنعت مود انتقلات و اشتغل و تمام الحمدلله بس المشكله انو يخذ فلوس وهميه مو فلوس التوزيع بدي اخليه فلوس مو وهميه الكود لي Clinet local tansports = {} local resX, resY = guiGetScreenSize() function makeGUI() win = guiCreateWindow(383, 229, 516, 440, "لوحة الانتقال للمستشفي|Panel-Transport-Hospital", false) guiWindowSetSizable(win, false) guiSetAlpha(win, 0.91) guiSetVisible(win, false) lab1 = guiCreateLabel(18, 28, 249, 20, "Chose Transport you want :", false, win) guiSetFont(lab1, "clear-normal") lab2 = guiCreateLabel(23, 392, 279, 31, "The-Panel-By-Fahdalaa-Edit-Quily-Gta-LV.", false, win) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lab2, "left", true) butTravel = guiCreateButton(305, 392, 88, 36, "Travel", false, win) guiSetProperty(butTravel, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAFFAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", butTravel, travelToDest, false) butClose = guiCreateButton(408, 392, 88, 36, "Close", false, win) guiSetProperty(butClose, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", butClose, closeGUI, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, makeGUI) function openGUI(locs) showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(win, true) grid = guiCreateGridList(18, 58, 478, 324, false, win) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Location", 0.65) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Cost of Travel", 0.25) local money = getPlayerMoney() for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 1, loc[1], false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 2, "$"..loc[2], false, false) if (loc[2] > money) then guiGridListSetItemColor(grid, row, 2, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEvent("CITtransport.gui", true) addEventHandler("CITtransport.gui", root, openGUI) function closeGUI() showCursor(false) destroyElement(grid) guiSetVisible(win, false) end function travelToDest() local destName = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid), 1) if (not destName) then return end triggerServerEvent("CITtransport.travel", root, destName) closeGUI() end و ال Server local locations = { {"LS - Train Station", 1746.989, -1943.890, 12.568}, {"LS - Airport", 1685.616, -2334.474, 12.546}, {"LS - Docks", 2440.779, -2437.625, 12.621}, {"LS - Ganton", 2273.818, -1669.269, 14.342}, {"LS - Pig Pen", 2435.896, -1247.588, 22.893}, {"LS - Jefferson", 2335.129, -1144.176, 25.993}, {"LS - East Prison Release", 2749.955, -1423.4, 30.649}, {"LS - West Prison Release", 408.801, -1566.401, 26.576}, {"LS - Skate Park", 1948.622, -1451.891, 12.547}, {"LS - Bank and Vehicle Recovery", 1515.874, -1024.371, 22.82}, {"LS - All Saints Hospital", 1183.712, -1348.314, 13.185}, {"LS - Graveyard", 953.74, -1119.075, 22.829}, {"LS - Santa Maria Beach", 524.966, -1738.658, 11.025}, {"LS - Court House", 1508.187, -1746.456, 12.547}, {"RC - Dillimore", 691.693, -649.351, 15.332}, {"RC - Blueberry", 171.198, -132.268, 0.578}, {"RC - Montgomery", 1297.23, 312.536, 18.555}, {"RC - Palamino Creek", 2235.049, 32.134, 25.484}, {"FC - Farm", -1071.262, -1340.191, 128.695}, {"WS - Angel Pine", -2173.921, -2285.746, 29.625}, {"SF - Train Station", -1973.238, 117.546, 26.687}, {"SF - Airport", -1421.593, -287.498, 13.148}, {"SF - Hospital", -2690.539, 574.532, 13.758}, {"SF - Battery Point", -2600.743, 1348.53, 6.188}, {"SF - Garcia", -2269.558, -140.308, 34.32}, {"SF - Train to Seaside City", -3068.241, -177.19, 0.369}, {"SC - Shopping District", -3603.275, -348.027, 0.45}, {"SC - Train Station", -4507.031, -188.211, 0.469}, {"SC - Farm", -4854.04, -123.041, 6.956}, {"SC - Airport", -5522.749, -218.524, 1.53}, {"SC - Hospital", -5346.968, 7.303, 6.686}, {"TR - El Quebrados", -1504.573, 2582.22, 54.836}, {"TR - Sherman Dam", -893.534, 1992.152, 59.695}, {"TR - Bayside Marina", -2280.573, 2345.299, 3.976}, {"BC - Verdant Meadows Air Strip", 422.820, 2539.364, 15.524}, {"BC - Hunter Quarry", 810.255, 856.354, 10.062}, {"BC - Fort Carson", -255.575, 1108.153, 18.742}, {"LV - Hospital", 1631.35, 1850.89, 9.82}, {"LV - Airport", 1311.952, 1262.574, 9.82}, } local markers = {} local costDivider = 3.5 function makeMarkers() for i, loc in ipairs(locations) do local marker = createMarker(loc[2], loc[3], loc[4], "cylinder", 2, 255, 137, 0) markers[marker] = loc addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, destMarker) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, makeMarkers) function destMarker(plr, dimMatch) --[[if (not dimMatch or not isElement(plr) or getElementType(plr) ~= "player" or isPedInVehicle(plr)) then return false end]]-- --[[if (not exports.CITchecking:canPlayerDoAction(plr, "DestMarker")) then return false end]]-- --[[if (exports.CITchecking:getPlayerTimeSinceLastOccurence(plr, "CITtransportTravel") < 500) then return false end]]-- local locs = {} local x, y, z = getElementPosition(plr) for i, loc in ipairs(locations) do local cost = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, loc[2], loc[3], loc[4]) local cost = math.floor(cost / costDivider) table.insert(locs, {loc[1], cost}) end triggerClientEvent(plr, "CITtransport.gui", plr, locs) end function travelToDest(dest) --[[if (not exports.CITchecking:canPlayerDoAction(client, "DestMarker")) then return false end]]-- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(client) for i, loc in ipairs(locations) do if (loc[1] == dest) then local cost = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, loc[2], loc[3], loc[4]) local cost = math.floor(cost / costDivider) if (cost > getPlayerMoney(client)) then exports.CORtexts:output("You don't have enough money to go to "..tostring(dest), client, 255, 0, 0) return false end if (cost < 2) then exports.CORtexts:output("You're already at "..tostring(dest), client, 255, 0, 0) return false end --[[if (dest == "LS - Docks") then if (exports.CITcrimEventMap:getEnabledCriminalEvent() == 5) then exports.CORtexts:output("You can't transport to LS - Docks during Drug Shipment", client, 255, 0, 0) return false end end]]-- exports.UIPaccounts:TPM(client, cost, "CITtransport travel") --exports.CITchecking:setPlayerOccurenceTime(client, "CITtransportTravel") setElementPosition(client, loc[2], loc[3], loc[4] + 1) return true end end end addEvent("CITtransport.travel", true) addEventHandler("CITtransport.travel", root, travelToDest)
  16. افهموني شوفو بعد اختيار الشخصيه و خلاص قبل لما يبدا يجيلو لوحة كذا فيها Select Meni English Arabic espnialo English(UK) Select لوحة متسميه بسم Select Meni و يختار الللغه و يدوس Select و مو لغة الشات قصدي لغة الاشياء زاي الايفون بيكون فيه اختيار اللغه اتمنا ان تفهموني
  17. شوفو انا عندي جيم مود ابي اول لما حد يسجل و يختار الشخصيه يجيلو لوحة صغيره كذا فيها English Arabic Espnalo English(UK) Select فقط لوحة تختار اللغه ارجو حد يساعدني علي هذا المود
  18. ما اقدر لني مبتداء بلبرمجه
  19. اسف طلباتي كثيره !! ابي بس تفعلولي كود يظهر علي الشاشه من تحت التاريخ مثل [2015/01/27] و كل يوم ينظبط التاريخ تالقائي
  20. شباب انا عندي جيم مود تمام عاوز اول لما يسجل و يختار الشخصيه يجيلو لوحة صغيره يختار اللغه الي هو عاوزها اسف طلباتي كثيره
  21. يا اخوي وربي ما راح اقول كذا بس ابيه في سيرفري ابي راعي الغنم مثل سيرفر بسول مثلا الي هيا راعي الخروف و يبيع بماركر
  22. السلام عليكم ::. شباب بدي حد يقدر يبرمج وظيفة راعي الغنم في حد يقدر يبرمجها و لو سمحتو تكتبولي الاكواد بتاعتها
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