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Everything posted by Mr.Solo

  1. Guys this isn't working for me ;'(! wtf did i do wrong!
  2. It would be better if we added timer to Client commands! like /settimer 10000 reconnect
  3. Like you all said GTA SA is 11 years old game and Rockstar has way many things to deal with then just some kids want to add modification to very old game and that somehow they will make hundreds of sales for that old game that already has sales! its just way off logic of how big corporations work! the chances of this happening is same as any mod of any game for very old game or new! that's 1% btw sorry for my bad english! EDIT : and if Rockstar did so it will send message that they support Mods and if you know Rockstar spend so much money making it hard for modders to mod in GTA and for them to support one is just not right at all
  4. Hello Ladies Today i wanna suggest to add favorites list into Map Editor Object choose! as its hard to remember all needed objects Ids and be able to add object to that list when its needed or at least use Most used objects list to save time as many times when you find object you like for first time you dont keep its ID when you start other map! so i believe its needed for the mapping community or at least to help make mapping much easyer! Vote +1 if you like this suggestion! and cya
  5. i rebooted my PC and stopped Anti Virus and Deleted some DLL files including the one you said! and it works perfect! thanks mate
  6. i deleted MTA with all resources and installed again in other direction i got same error including this : --------------------------- MTA: San Andreas: Windows - Entry Point Not Found --------------------------- Exception Processing Message 0xc0000139 Parameters 0x7ffebc715ae8 0x7ffebc715ae8 0xc0000139 0x7ffebc715ae8 --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Edit : i stopped Windows Defender and still same :~
  7. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/275233224 this thing has all my info really creepy!
  8. Hello i have Problem with my MTA! i try enter Dev server and my client crash! i removed MTA and download it again and same happens after i install it! i gotta tell u that it dosnt happen with normal other servers! and the server i try is passworded and same error happend to me even in open server! SAUR --------------------------- MTA: San Andreas (CTRL+C to copy) --------------------------- Error loading 'CefWeb' module! The specified procedure could not be found. Do you want to see some on-line help about this problem ? --------------------------- Yes No ---------------------------
  9. سلام خاوتي اليوم جايب ليكم مود ان شاء الله راح يعجبكم مقام الشهيد بالجزائر و هاذا المود صممته بنفسي وان شاء الله يعجبكم بعض الصور التحميل https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13785
  10. iKSApro يالزبدة انت صاحب سيرفر MTA-AR ? اللي فيه نضام الدولة .. انا الصراحة سرقة منه بس مو السكريبتات بس شوي أفكار و بعد ماغلقتوا انتضرت اشهر اشوفكم ماضهرتوا بدأت مشروع و قلت يلا نخليه للكل انا الصراحة معجب بسيرفرك بس الصراحة فيه كثير لاق و غير للعرب بس سيرفرنا ان شاء الله لكل الاشخاص بس والله مستعد اتعاون معاك نخليه للعاللم سكايبي jonboukraa54 + انا لما دخلت سيرفركم بدأت اجرب البيغات المحتملة و جمعت 2 مليار في دقيقتين
  11. السلام عليكم اخواني اليوم ابي اعلن عن بداية الرسمية لــ مشروع BusinessLifeRP وهو مشروع كبير جدا و فيه ميزات عدة مثل الشركات و المصانع و سوق الاسهم .... و اكثر بأذن الله و راح نصدر السيرفر Beta بعد اشهر من الان عشان نشوف ردة فعل الاعبين و راح نغلق و نفتح السيرفر الرسمي اللي راح يكون اكبر و أحسن منه ان شاء الله و مشروعنا راح يكون من الاول للأخر مبرمج من طرف مبرمجينا و ماراح نستعمل بأذن الله اي سكريبت موجود في اللعبة نتمنى منكم دعم الفكرة ولوا بـ كلمة الموقع الرسمي BusinessLifeRP.com لدينا مبرمجين لاكن نحتاج لاكثر اذا كنتم مهتمين ارسلوا رسالة او ضعوها في الموقع و شكرا
  12. السلام عليكم واش راكم خاوتي انا هشام من الجزائر من العاصمة اليوم حيت ليكم نحوس على الدعم لسيرفر حياة واقعية BusinessLifeRP هاذا سيرفر يحكي على الحياة الواقعية و يعتمد على حياة الاعمال و البزنس راح يكون فيه شركات و مصانع و مزارع و سوق الأسهم. سوق العمل تجيب خدامية للشركة تاعك و أكثر عندنا 2 مطورين واذا اردتم المساعدة ولوا بكلمة لدعم هاذا المشروع الكبير. و نسبة العمل الأن هي 22% و شكرا
  13. الفكرة ذي هي في طور الانجاز BusinessLifeRP.com لو تبي تنضم النجاز واصل الى 22%
  14. Hello i wanna unban in MTA! i work as QA in many servers including ( AUR / NGC ) .. and other under Dev servers! and i suspected in some DLL injection Hack Tools been used to have Aimbot and Unlimited Health! so when i tried GTA SA Injection Script i got Auto Banned for 24Hours! that i know won't Unban as i seen in many Cases! so i won't take Risk and Appeal this Auto Ban to be Unbanned!! thank you
  15. after i used "facebook malware scanner" it fixed problem , so it was virus i think that thought mta is anti-virus or smth, idk anyways gl.
  16. when i enter MTA, i can see all servers online, even players names and ping changes , but when i press connect it say "entering server..." then i get NT message ( in photo ) , i restarted my pc , restarted modem , shut down fire wall. started firewall , stopped anti virus..but all nothing.. so help
  17. ur legend thanks man , btw i do setelementPos x , y - 2 ,z or what??
  18. well there are some tablets which made by Invidia , which are strong and can run gta v on low without shadows on.. but rockstar have other things to do now ,maybe after 5 years hopefully
  19. both command and bindkey dosn't work , it's hopeless nvm bro, i will try make other things
  20. well tried using your code didn't work , tried edit it , same thing , i'm not even sure if i can do this script .. i guess i will try another idea , anyways thanks for trying..
  21. so are you saying i need to put it in it's own function? well idk how , btw i tried make it in Client script with triggerServerEvent but failed..
  22. Mr.Solo


    he means save as xml in Private folder.. well good luck anyways idk how lol.. but i would love to know
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