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iMr ~ MnHmAr

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Everything posted by iMr ~ MnHmAr

  1. انا ضفت ل لوحة التسجيل قبله يجي دآيره تدور بعدين تجي صور و تنزل على تحت بعدين تجي الوحه حقت التسجيل ض2 بس فيه مشكله الدي بوق http://cdn.top4top.co/p_9iwll1.png كلنت والي تحت سيرفر GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 635) / 2, (screenH - 481) / 2, 635, 481, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(84, 45, 448, 49, "xX=[لـوحـة تسجيل آلسـيـرفـر]=Xx", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font0_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 21) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font0_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 57, 247, 151) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) showCursor(true) fadeCamera(false,5) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(136, 328, 142, 44, "=[ Register ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font1_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 10) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(21, 142, 144, 42, "آسـم آلمـسـتـخـدم", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font2_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 15) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], font2_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 240, 171, 63) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "center", false) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(21, 220, 144, 42, "كـلـمـة آلمــرور", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], font2_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 240, 171, 63) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[3], "center", false) GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(185, 142, 205, 39, "", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(185, 220, 205, 39, "", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(302, 328, 142, 44, "=[ Login ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") GUIEditor.checkbox[1] = guiCreateCheckBox(185, 284, 117, 25, "حفظ آلبيآنآت", false, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(222, 391, 142, 44, "=[ Guest ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[3], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showChat(false) fadeCamera(false); end) function dxDrawlogo() dxDrawImage( 318, 360, 129, 134, "logo.png", 0,0,0) dxDrawText("please wait ...", 260, 303, 529, 339, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.20, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end local rot = 9 function dxDrawLoading() rot = rot + 2 if rot > 360 then rot = 0 end dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 162 - 1, 147 - 1, 669 - 1, 199 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 162 + 1, 147 - 1, 669 + 1, 199 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 162 - 1, 147 + 1, 669 - 1, 199 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 162 + 1, 147 + 1, 669 + 1, 199 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 162, 147, 669, 199, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawImage( 318, 360, 129, 134, "load.png", rot) dxDrawText("Loading ....", 271, 303, 529, 339, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.20, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawLoading); removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawLoading); addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawLoading); setTimer( function () addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawlogo); removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawLoading); end,6000,1) setTimer(function () removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawlogo); if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then destroyElement(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) end dx = true fadeCamera(true); addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[2] then local Name = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local Pass = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if Name and string.len(tostring(Name)) >= 1 then if Pass and string.len(tostring(Pass)) >= 3 then triggerServerEvent("OnLogin", getLocalPlayer(), Name, Pass) else outputChatBox("* Error : Password Need To Be 3 number or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("* Error : User Name Need To Be 1 or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[1] then local Name = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local Pass = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if Name and string.len(tostring(Name)) >= 1 then if Pass and string.len(tostring(Pass)) >= 3 then triggerServerEvent("OnRegister", getLocalPlayer(), Name, Pass) else outputChatBox("* Error : Password Need To Be 3 number or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("* Error : User Name Need To Be 1 or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end elseif source == GUIEditor.checkbox[1] then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1]) == true then triggerServerEvent("OnSave", localPlayer, guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]), guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2])) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[3] then triggerEvent("Play",localPlayer) end end) addEvent("Hidewindow",true) addEventHandler("Hidewindow",root, function () guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],false) showCursor(false) fadeCamera(true,5) end ) addEvent("Play",true) addEventHandler("Play",root,function() guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) end) addEvent("UpRememberUser", true) addEventHandler("UpRememberUser", root, function(User, Pass) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[1], User) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[2], Pass) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1], true) end) addEvent("onClose", true) addEventHandler("onClose", root, function () showItemsLog_ = false guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.label[3], false ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) end) local againStartMove = 100 local endMove = 400 addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() local x,y = guiGetPosition(GUIEditor.label[1],false) guiSetPosition(GUIEditor.label[1],x + 2,y,false) if ( x >= endMove ) then guiSetPosition(GUIEditor.label[1],againStartMove,y,false) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function () spawnPlayer(source,326.87582397461,2542.5478515625,16.806928634644,0,46,0,1) setCameraTarget(source,source) fadeCamera(source,true) setElementData(source,"new",true) end ) function getPlayerSkin(player) return getElementData(player,"skin") end function getPlayerXYZ(player) local x,y,z = getElementData(player,"x"),getElementData(player,"y"),getElementData(player,"z") return x,y,z end -- Login Register System executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players_save( serial TEXT, user TEXT, pass TEXT)") function AddPlayer(serial,user,pass) executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO players_save(serial,user,pass) VALUES(?,?,?)",serial,user,pass) end function isPlayerSave(serial) local sel = executeSQLQuery("SELECT serial FROM players_save WHERE serial=?",serial) if sel == 0 then return false else return true end end function getUserAndPass(serial) local user,pass = "","" if isPlayerSave(serial) then local sel = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM players_save WHERE serial=?",serial) for i,player in ipairs(sel) do if i == 1 then user = player.user pass = player.pass end end return user,pass end return false end addEvent("onGetSave",true) addEventHandler("onGetSave",root, function () local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if isPlayerSave(serial) then local user,pass = getUserAndPass(serial) triggerClientEvent(source,"onPutSave",source,user,pass) end end ) addEvent("onLoginWith",true) addEventHandler("onLoginWith",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if acc then logIn(source,acc,pass) outputChatBox("* You Have Been Successfuly Login",source,0,255,0) AddPlayer(serial,user,pass) triggerClientEvent(source,"onCl",source) else outputChatBox("* Worng Username Or Password",source,255,0,0) end end ) addEvent("onLogin",true) addEventHandler("onLogin",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) if acc then logIn(source,acc,pass) outputChatBox("* You Have Been Successfuly Login",source,0,255,0) triggerClientEvent(source,"onCl",source) else outputChatBox("* Worng Username Or Password",source,255,0,0) end end ) addEvent("onReg",true) addEventHandler("onReg",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) if acc then outputChatBox("* This Account is Already Exist",source,255,0,0) else addAccount(user,pass) outputChatBox("* Username = " .. user .. "",source,0,255,0) outputChatBox("* Password = " .. pass .. "",source,0,255,0) end end ) -- End addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root, function () if getElementData(source,"new") == true then setTimer(function(player) spawnPlayer(player,326.87582397461,2542.5478515625,16.806928634644,0,46,0,1) setCameraTarget(player,player) fadeCamera(player,true) end,3500,1,source) else setTimer(function(player) local x,y,z = getPlayerXYZ(player) spawnPlayer(player,x,y,z,0,getPlayerSkin(player),0,0) setCameraTarget(player,player) fadeCamera(player,true) end,3500,1,source) end end ) addEvent("SpawnPlayer",true) addEventHandler("SpawnPlayer",root, function () local x,y,z = getPlayerXYZ(source) spawnPlayer(source,x,y,z,0,getPlayerSkin(source),0,0) setCameraTarget(source,source) fadeCamera(source,true) showChat(source,true) end )
  2. انا سويت كذا صح ؟ function ps() playSound('music.mp3') fadeCamera(false) addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, end ) لا غلط addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot, function() Sound = playSound('sound.mp3') end ) addEvent('stopSound',true) addEventHandler('stopSound',root, function() stopSound(Sound) Sound = nil end ) كذا الكود جاهز بس ضيف ترايقر اذا سجل دخوله شكرا ي الغالي تم
  3. انا سويت كذا صح ؟ addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ps() playSound('music.mp3') fadeCamera(false) end )
  4. انا سويت كذا صح ؟ function ps() playSound('music.mp3') fadeCamera(false) addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, end )
  5. خلاص حليته و مشكورين والله + ابي كود لم اشغل لوحة التسجيل يجي مقطع صوتي لم اسجل و اخلص لم اضرب لوججن و تنشال الوحه يروح الصوت
  6. كـلـنـت GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 635) / 2, (screenH - 481) / 2, 635, 481, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(84, 45, 448, 49, "xX=[لـوحـة تسجيل آلسـيـرفـر]=Xx", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font0_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 21) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font0_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 57, 247, 151) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(136, 328, 142, 44, "=[ Register ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font1_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 10) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(21, 142, 144, 42, "آسـم آلمـسـتـخـدم", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font2_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 15) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], font2_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 240, 171, 63) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "center", false) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(21, 220, 144, 42, "كـلـمـة آلمــرور", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], font2_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 240, 171, 63) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[3], "center", false) GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(185, 142, 205, 39, "آسمء آلمستخدمء", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(185, 220, 205, 39, "كـلـمـة آلـمـرور", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(302, 328, 142, 44, "=[ Login ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") GUIEditor.checkbox[1] = guiCreateCheckBox(185, 284, 117, 25, "حفظ آلبيآنآت", false, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(222, 391, 142, 44, "=[ Guest ] =", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[3], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FFB5E945") end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[2] then local Name = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local Pass = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if Name and string.len(tostring(Name)) >= 1 then if Pass and string.len(tostring(Pass)) >= 3 then triggerServerEvent("OnLogin", getLocalPlayer(), Name, Pass) else outputChatBox("* Error : Password Need To Be 3 number or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("* Error : User Name Need To Be 1 or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[1] then local Name = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local Pass = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if Name and string.len(tostring(Name)) >= 1 then if Pass and string.len(tostring(Pass)) >= 3 then triggerServerEvent("OnRegister", getLocalPlayer(), Name, Pass) else outputChatBox("* Error : Password Need To Be 3 number or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("* Error : User Name Need To Be 1 or up .", 255, 0, 0, true) end elseif source == GUIEditor.checkbox[1] then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1]) == true then triggerServerEvent("OnSave", localPlayer, guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]), guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2])) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[3] then triggerEvent("Play",localPlayer) end end) function move () Wnd.a = getTickCount() Wnd.endTime = Wnd.a + 1000 point1, point2, point3, point4 = 0, 0, x, y addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), MoveNow) end function MoveNow () local Count = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = Count - Wnd.a local duration = Wnd.endTime - Wnd.a local w, h, _ = interpolateBetween(point1, point2, 0, point3, point4, 0, elapsedTime / duration, "OutQuad") guiSetSize( GUIEditor.window[1], w, h, false) if Wnd.endTime <= Count then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), MoveNow) showCursor(true) end end addEvent("Play",true) addEventHandler("Play",root,function() guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) end) addEvent("UpRememberUser", true) addEventHandler("UpRememberUser", root, function(User, Pass) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[1], User) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[2], Pass) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1], true) end) addEvent("onClose", true) addEventHandler("onClose", root, function () addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, stopLoginSystem ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientCursorMove", root, onEnter ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientClick", root, onClick ) showItemsLog_ = false guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.label[3], false ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) end) سيرفر function isPlayerSave ( serial ) local Row = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Register_GameMode WHERE serial = ? ", serial) if ( #Row == 0 ) or not ( Row ) then return false else return true end end function addData (serial, user, pass) executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Register_GameMode ( serial, username, password ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", serial, user, pass) end function getData ( serial ) local user, pass = "", "" local Row = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Register_GameMode WHERE serial = ? ", serial) for k,v in ipairs ( Row ) do if ( k == 1 ) then user = v.username pass = v.password end end return user, pass end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function () local x, y, z = unpack ( Positions_ [ math.random ( #Positions_ ) ] ) fadeCamera ( source, false ) setTimer ( spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, x, y, z, 90, 46 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 1200, 1, source ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, source, true ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function () if ( getElementData ( source, 'isPlaying' ) == true ) then return end if ( getElementData ( source, 'startIntro' ) == true ) then return end local x, y, z = unpack ( Positions_ [ math.random ( #Positions_ ) ] ) fadeCamera ( source, false ) setTimer ( spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, x, y, z, 90, 46 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 1200, 1, source ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, source, true ) end ) addEvent("OnRegister", true) addEventHandler("OnRegister", root, function ( user, pass, remeber ) if not ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "onClose", source ) end local account = getAccount ( user ) if ( account ) then exports.msg2:OutPut( "* This Account is Already Exist", source, 255, 0, 0 ) else addAccount ( user, pass ) logIn ( source, getAccount ( user, pass ), pass ) outputServerLog ( "PlayerName: [ ".. getPlayerName(source) .." ] [ Username: [ " .. user .. " ] | Password: [ " .. pass .. " ] ]" ) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Accounts ( NameAccount, Password ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", user, pass ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "onClose", source ) if ( remeber == true ) then exports.msg2:OutPut( "* You Have Been Register And Login With Save Your Data Successfully", source, 255, 255, 0 ) addData ( getPlayerSerial ( source ), user, pass ) else exports.msg2:OutPut( "* You Have Been Register And Login Successfully", source, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end ) addEvent("OnLogin", true) addEventHandler("OnLogin", root, function ( user, pass, remeber ) if not ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "onClose", source ) end local account = getAccount ( user, pass ) if ( account ) then logIn ( source, account, pass ) outputServerLog ( "PlayerName: [ ".. getPlayerName(source) .." ] [ Username: [ " .. user .. " ] | Password: [ " .. pass .. " ] ]" ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "onClose", source ) if ( remeber == true ) then if not ( isPlayerSave ( getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) ) then addData ( getPlayerSerial ( source ), user, pass ) end exports.msg2:OutPut( "* You Have Been Successfuly Login And Save Your Data", source, 255, 255, 0 ) else exports.msg2:OutPut( "* You Have Been Successfuly Login", source, 255, 255, 0 ) end else exports.msg2:OutPut( "* Worng Username or Password", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) addEvent("OnSave", true) addEventHandler("OnSave", root, function () local serial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) if ( isPlayerSave ( serial ) ) then local username, password = getData ( serial ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "onPutData", source, username, password ) end end ) addEvent("onSpawn", true) addEventHandler("onSpawn", root, function ( x, y, z, rz ) if not ( rz ) then rz = 0 end spawnPlayer ( source, x, y, z, rz, getElementData ( source, "Skin" ) ) setCameraTarget ( source ) showChat ( source, true ) fadeCamera ( source, true ) end ) المشكله : لم اضرب لوجن او رسجتر م يظهر شيء ب الشات و المآوس آلموؤشر م يظهر
  7. الغلط من الميتا ؟ كفو عدلت الميتا زي م قلت و زبط مشكور ي الغالي والله سويت 3 مودات كله نفس الخطا اخر شيء طلع من ميتا
  8. الغلط من الميتا ؟
  9. وش الغلط والله موب شغال قسم بالله
  10. م صزبط نفس الدي بوق جاني
  11. عدلته و خليته كذا GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {}, staticimage = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(287, 66, 617, 637, "لــــــــــــوحـــــــــة آلــــــتــــــحـــــــــكــــــــــم", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FE12D1B8") GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(12, 26, 213, 73, "اليزر", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FEEF0000") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(375, 26, 213, 73, "القوانين", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FE19CBB0") GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(12, 139, 213, 73, "لوحة التحكم ب السياره", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FE17FD0B") GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(12, 245, 213, 73, "لوحة حفظ الشخصيه", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[4], "NormalTextColour", "FE0023F9") GUIEditor.button[5] = guiCreateButton(375, 139, 213, 73, "توب درفت", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[5], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[5], "NormalTextColour", "FEDE04C2") GUIEditor.button[6] = guiCreateButton(375, 245, 213, 73, "لوحة حفظ المكان", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[6], "NormalTextColour", "FEEF072D") GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(12, 350, 213, 73, "الشكآويء", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.button[8] = guiCreateButton(375, 350, 213, 73, "آلتــــرقــــيـات", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(56, 576, 345, 44, "", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font0_PetitFormalScript = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 27) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font0_PetitFormalScript) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "right", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center") end ) function OpenWin()-- وظيفة فتح النافذة بزر if guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) then -- اسم النافذة guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false )-- اسم النافذة showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) else guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], true )-- اسم النافذة showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end bindKey("F9", "down", OpenWin)-- اسم الزر الي تبيه انا حاط اف 2 بامكانك التعديل addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[11] then -- هنا يتحققق بأن الشيء اللي نبيه يشتغل عليه الحدث هو الزر حق الاغلاق guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],false) showCursor(false) -- هنا يغلق اللوحة ويشيل المؤشر بعد مايتحقق من الشرط end -- نهاية end -- .. ) -- اقفال الحدث addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "LASER" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[8] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "رتب" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[4] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "cj" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[3] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "car" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[6] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "place" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[5] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "drift" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[2] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "القوانين" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[9] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "شيلات" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) [09:45:24] WARNING: S\C.lua:58: Bad argument @ 'bindKey' [Expected player at argument 1, got string 'F9']
  12. GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {}, staticimage = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(287, 66, 617, 637, "لــــــــــــوحـــــــــة آلــــــتــــــحـــــــــكــــــــــم", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FE12D1B8") GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(12, 26, 213, 73, "اليزر", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FEEF0000") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(375, 26, 213, 73, "القوانين", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FE19CBB0") GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(12, 139, 213, 73, "لوحة التحكم ب السياره", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FE17FD0B") GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(12, 245, 213, 73, "لوحة حفظ الشخصيه", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[4], "NormalTextColour", "FE0023F9") GUIEditor.button[5] = guiCreateButton(375, 139, 213, 73, "توب درفت", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[5], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[5], "NormalTextColour", "FEDE04C2") GUIEditor.button[6] = guiCreateButton(375, 245, 213, 73, "لوحة حفظ المكان", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[6], "NormalTextColour", "FEEF072D") GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(12, 350, 213, 73, "الشكآويء", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.button[8] = guiCreateButton(375, 350, 213, 73, "آلتــــرقــــيـات", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(56, 576, 345, 44, "^_^", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) local font0_PetitFormalScript = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 27) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font0_PetitFormalScript) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "right", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center") end ) bindKey("F12","down", function () guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], not guiGetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1])) showCursor(guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1])) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[11] then -- هنا يتحققق بأن الشيء اللي نبيه يشتغل عليه الحدث هو الزر حق الاغلاق guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],false) showCursor(false) -- هنا يغلق اللوحة ويشيل المؤشر بعد مايتحقق من الشرط end -- نهاية end -- .. ) -- اقفال الحدث addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "LASER" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[8] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "رتب" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[4] then showCursor ( false ) executeCommandHandler ( "cj" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[3] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "car" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[6] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "place" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[5] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "drift" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[2] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "القوانين" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[9] then showCursor (false) executeCommandHandler ( "شيلات" ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) end end ) عندي مشكله م تجي الوحه و الدي بوق يقول المشله ب السطر 39
  13. طيب بضيفه هذا هو ؟ addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",الزر هنا,xMainFunctions_,false);
  14. كفو ظهرت الوحه لكن المعلومات الي تجي ب القريد لست م تجي فاضي القريد لست شوف الدي بوق http://cdn.top4top.co/p_560ixht1.jpg
  15. م زبط و شوف صورت الدي بوق سكربت http://www.arabsharing.com/uploads/1452091155041.jpg
  16. بدل الكلنت حقك بلكلنت حقي addCommandHandler('رتب',function() guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], true) showCursor(true) end ) local Admin = { {"ملك الدرفت","KingDrift","20"}, {"كبار الشخصيات","V.I.P","30"}, {"بوليس","Police","45"}, {"مشرف","Moderator","60"}, {"مراقب","SuperModerator","90"}, {"ادمن","Admin","130"}, {"هيد ادمن","Head.Admin","160"}, {"بيج ادمن","Big.Admin","200"}, {"كنق ادمن","King.Admin","260"}, {"بروفيشينال ادمن","Professional.Admin","300"}, {"قائد الادمن","Leader.Admin","350"}, {"فيب ادمن","V.I.P.Admin","400"}, {"برو ادمن","Pro.Admin","450"}, {"ادمن خاص","Special.Admin","500"}, {"برنس السيرفر","Prince.of.Server","550"}, {"ادمن السيرفر","Admin.Server","600"}, {"جينيرال ادمن","Admin.General","700"}, {"ادمن اوفيشال","Admin-Official","1000"}, {"ادمن محترفين","Admin-Mo7TrFean","1200"}, {"مساعد السيرفر","AsSiStAnT.SeRvEr","1350"} } function centerWindow(center_window,xx,yy) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/xx,(screenH-windowH)/yy guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, staticimage = {}, button = {}, window = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 414) / 2, (screenH - 361) / 2, 414, 361, "لــــــوحـــة شـــرآء آلرتــــــــب", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(9, 20, 395, 331, "logo.png", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], 0.92) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], "ImageColours", "tl:FF32CBC6 tr:FF32CBC6 bl:FF32CBC6 br:FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(3, 24, 387, 257, false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "الرتـب", 0.6) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "آلسآعآت", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "", 0.0) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "", 0.0) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(130, 291, 116, 33, "شــرآء آلرتـــبــه", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) local font0_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 10) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], font0_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(365, 300, 30, 31, "X", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], font0_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FF32CBC6") end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[2], function() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) showCursor(false) end ,false) for k,v in ipairs ( Admin ) do row = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1,v[2],false,false); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2,v[3],false,false); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,6,v[1],false,false); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,3,0,0,0); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1,255,0,0); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2,255,0,0); guiSetFont(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],"default-bold-small"); end xMainFunctions_ = function ( ) local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) local Group = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1 )); local Price = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2 )); local Name = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,6 )); if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then triggerServerEvent("Accept:the:request",localPlayer,Group,Price,Name); else outputChatBox("* الرجاء أختيار رتبة",255,0,0,true); end end م زبط ي الغالي
  17. ي الغالي حليت المشكله مشكورينء والله م قصرتو
  18. مشكله في مود الترقيات م تظهر ب الجرد لست اسمي الرتب اريد حل كلنت addCommandHandler('رتب',function() guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], true) showCursor(true) end ) local Admin = { {"ملك الدرفت","KingDrift","20"}, {"كبار الشخصيات","V.I.P","30"}, {"بوليس","Police","45"}, {"مشرف","Moderator","60"}, {"مراقب","SuperModerator","90"}, {"ادمن","Admin","130"}, {"هيد ادمن","Head.Admin","160"}, {"بيج ادمن","Big.Admin","200"}, {"كنق ادمن","King.Admin","260"}, {"بروفيشينال ادمن","Professional.Admin","300"}, {"قائد الادمن","Leader.Admin","350"}, {"فيب ادمن","V.I.P.Admin","400"}, {"برو ادمن","Pro.Admin","450"}, {"ادمن خاص","Special.Admin","500"}, {"برنس السيرفر","Prince.of.Server","550"}, {"ادمن السيرفر","Admin.Server","600"}, {"جينيرال ادمن","Admin.General","700"}, {"ادمن اوفيشال","Admin-Official","1000"}, {"ادمن محترفين","Admin-Mo7TrFean","1200"}, {"مساعد السيرفر","AsSiStAnT.SeRvEr","1350"}, } function centerWindow(center_window,xx,yy) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/xx,(screenH-windowH)/yy guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, staticimage = {}, button = {}, window = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 414) / 2, (screenH - 361) / 2, 414, 361, "لــــــوحـــة شـــرآء آلرتــــــــب", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(9, 20, 395, 331, "logo.png", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], 0.92) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], "ImageColours", "tl:FF32CBC6 tr:FF32CBC6 bl:FF32CBC6 br:FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(3, 24, 387, 257, false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "الرتـب", 0.6) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "آلسآعآت", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "", 0.0) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "", 0.0) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(130, 291, 116, 33, "شــرآء آلرتـــبــه", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) local font0_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 10) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], font0_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FF32CBC6") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(365, 300, 30, 31, "X", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], font0_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FF32CBC6") end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[2], function() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1] ,false) showCursor(false) end ,false) for k,v in ipairs ( Admin ) do row = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1,v[2],false,false); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2,v[3],false,false); guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,6,v[1],false,false); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,3,0,0,0); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1,255,0,0); guiGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2,255,0,0); guiSetFont(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],"default-bold-small"); end xMainFunctions_ = function ( ) local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) local Group = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,1 )); local Price = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,2 )); local Name = tostring ( guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1],row,6 )); if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then triggerServerEvent("Accept:the:request",localPlayer,Group,Price,Name); else outputChatBox("* الرجاء أختيار رتبة",255,0,0,true); end end سيرفر xAddToGroupFunction_ = function ( Group,Price,Name ) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)); if isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then return outputChatBox(" * يجب عليك التسجيل اولاَ",source,255,0,0,true); end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup(tostring(Group))) then return outputChatBox("** لديك هذهـ الرتبة فعـلا ! ",source,255,0,0,true); end local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) if not sValue then sValue = '0:0:0' end local data = split(sValue,':') local hour = tonumber( data[1] ) if hour == nil or not tonumber(hour) then hour = 0 end if ( hour >= tonumber(Price)) then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup( tostring(Group)),"user."..account); outputChatBox("** تم اضافة الرتبة بنجاح | "..Name,source,0,255,0,true); else outputChatBox("**ليس لديك ساعات كافية",source,255,0,0,true); end end addEvent("Accept:the:request",true) addEventHandler("Accept:the:request",root,xAddToGroupFunction_)
  19. م يشتغل م يجيء هذي هي المشكله ي الغاليء
  20. آلسسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اول موضوع لي هنا ! ااريد مساعده الان انا سويت مود شيلات و سويت كل شيء بطرح لكم ملف كلنت تحت GUIEditor = { staticimage = {}, label = {}, button = {}, window = {}, scrollbar = {}, gridlist = {} } local Shilat = { {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_6633b77e561.mp3","حبيبي شارب شاهي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_11668d4a9b1.mp3","شيلة المعنى"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_c7fc5e3aeb1.mp3","شيلة رآعي الجيب "}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_c36a05a5251.mp3","شيلة حالتي حالة"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_93f673b3ce1.mp3","شيلة وداعة الله"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_46e047a2951.mp3","شيلة صبلي يانور"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_dd9ad629251.mp3","شيلة أبرق الريش"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a1.mp3","ي صعي والله"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a2.mp3","البيت جنب"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a3.mp3","الفجر الجديد"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3ebeb787751.mp3"," صدتك عني غريبة"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a9.mp3"," شيلة مسموح ترحل"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a10.mp3","شيلة ي حظ"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_cb12531a141.mp3","شيلة شرهات النشاما"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a6.mp3","شيلة علوم الرجاجيل "}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a5.mp3","شيلة اللكزس"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_8f86e81d9a4.mp3","شيلة البارحه"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd1.mp3","شيلة هزني في الحشا"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd2.mp3","شيلة ابشر"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd4.mp3","شيلة الرفق"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd5.mp3","شيلة العيد"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd6.mp3","شيلة امحق وجيه"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce1.mp3","شيلة لا زهمني"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce2.mp3","شيلة لي صاحب"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce3.mp3","شيلة ما عاد فيها ي نشاما"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce4.mp3","شيلة ي مرحبا"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce5.mp3","شيلة ي زين سلم"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce6.mp3","شيلة ي صاحبي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce7.mp3","شيلة ي طير غنيت"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_73f1e0acdd9.mp3","شيلة ي ما شكيت الهم"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce9.mp3","شيلة الرنج"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_3c2ff0dfce10.mp3","شيلة لاتحسب اني"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_e2ce8f39521.mp3","شيلة لبيه لبيه"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_e2ce8f39522.mp3","شيلة لجل الغلا"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_9ce35d63e01.mp3","شيلة ي خيالي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_e2ce8f39525.mp3","شيلة ي بري حالي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_e2ce8f39526.mp3","شيلة ي وليفي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_e2ce8f39527.mp3","شيلة يقولون الهوى ظالم"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_ada35faaca1.mp3","شيلة ي فرج"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_7ea4f660c71.mp3","شيلة ي طير السعد"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_1bfeb68ce91.mp3","شيلةاجرح حبيبك حلالك"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_ad77806d7c1.mp3","شيلة شيخ المكارم"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_1bdeddfd2f2.mp3","شيلة ي فرج"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_1bdeddfd2f3.mp3","شيلة ي عبدالغني"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_1bdeddfd2f4.mp3","شيلة لاضاق صدري"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_df66c98fef1.mp3","شيلة ي سعد ربعي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_022ff6fb194.mp3","شيلة صديت اصحابي"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_57f03999705.mp3","شيلة اجمل غلا"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_abf5200a461.mp3","شيلة الحب"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_57f03999703.mp3","شيلة عسير الهول"}, {"http://cdn.top4top.net/d_abf5200a462.mp3","شيلة الزعامة"}, } function centerWindow(center_window,xx,yy) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/xx,(screenH-windowH)/yy guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end GUIEditor = { staticimage = {}, label = {}, button = {}, window = {}, scrollbar = {}, gridlist = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(398, 99, 609, 595, "=! (لـــوحـــة آلشـيـلآت ~ | ~ Panel-Shilat) !=", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FEE90000") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(9, 23, 590, 562, "logo.png", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], "ImageColours", "tl:3EB70000 tr:3EB70000 bl:3EB70000 br:3EB70000") GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(78, 20, 435, 54, "=! (لـــوحـــة آلشـيـلآت ~ | ~ Panel-Shilat) !=", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) local font0_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 17) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font0_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 255, 0, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(74, 84, 458, 367, false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Shilat", 0.9) for i = 1, 20 do guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(379, 387, 18, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(405, 470, 164, 48, "تـشـغيل#", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) local font1_seguisym = guiCreateFont("seguisym.ttf", 23) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FEE90000") GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(405, 524, 164, 38, "#آيـقآف", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[3], font1_seguisym) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FEE90000") GUIEditor.scrollbar[1] = guiCreateScrollBar(58, 532, 282, 20, true, false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(84, 467, 220, 70, "آلــصـــوت", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], font1_seguisym) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 183, 0, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "center") GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(10, 527, 34, 33, "X", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[4], "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[4], "NormalTextColour", "FEE90000") for i,V in ipairs(Shilat) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) local num = i guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1, num..'- '..V[2], false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1, tostring(V[1])) local math = math.random local r,b,g = math(0,255),math(0,255),math(0,255) guiGridListSetItemColor ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1, r,b,g ) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if source == GUIEditor.button[4] then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[2] then local selSong = guiGridListGetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1])) if selSong then if isElement(music) then destroyElement(music) end music = playSound(tostring(selSong),true) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[3] then if isElement(music) then destroyElement(music) end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIScroll", resourceRoot, function( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.scrollbar[1] or source == GUIEditor.scrollbar[2] ) then if ( isElement ( music ) ) then local ScrollPosition if source == GUIEditor.scrollbar[2] then ScrollPosition_ = ( guiScrollBarGetScrollPosition ( GUIEditor.scrollbar[2] ) / 2 ) / 30 setSoundSpeed ( music, ScrollPosition_ ) else ScrollPosition_ = ( guiScrollBarGetScrollPosition ( GUIEditor.scrollbar[1] ) / 2 ) / 30 setSoundVolume ( music, ScrollPosition_ ) end end end end ) addCommandHandler('شيلات',function() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], not guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1])) showCursor(guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1])) end ) سعدوني ارجوكم
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