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Everything posted by TorNix~|nR

  1. hello everyone, can any body tell me how I make fast download in my server please? I mean for example my server MBs are: 100, when I join I download 20, and the others I download when I play can any one help please?
  2. Thanks Shaman123, works fine
  3. hello everyone, who know how to do this in scoreboard? (AFK) I have 1 year searched this, I try to make it and I can not, any one know how?
  4. Thanks walid, works fine
  5. get problem Bad argument @ 'getElementModel' [Expected element at argument 1, got string '94']
  6. Thanks walid, but I'm beginner and I need to learn, and with time I will be for exp: like you
  7. TorNix~|nR

    Give skin

    hi everyone, this is the last thing in my admin panel, thanks for helping, I have admin panel of give skin, I need to disable some skins, my code get problem, anyone help ? --Set Skin local inValidSkins = {["94"] = true} -- replace teamName with the team you want addEvent("AdminPanel.setSkin", true) function setSkin(plr, getText) if plr and isElement(plr) then if getText then local skin = getElementModel(getText) if not skin then skin = getText end if inValidSkins[getElementModel(skin)] then -- you can use getElementModel or simply replace it with getText outputChatBox("#00FF00Este team es solo para #FF0000[ADM]#00FF00 o#FF0000 [LIDER]", client, r, g, b, true) return end setElementModel(plr, skin) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(client).."#00FF00 Ha combiar su skin a #0B00FF("..getElementModel(skin)..") ", plr, 0, 255, 0, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00Combiar #FF0000"..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 skin a #0B00FF("..getTeamName(skin)..") ", client, 0, 255, 0, true) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.setSkin", root, setSkin)
  8. works fine, thanks Walid
  9. nothing in debug, but is not work:/
  10. Hi everyone, I have my admin panel of give Teams, I disable some teams like: Militar, I made my code but not work, anyone help? --Set Team local inValidTeams = {Militar = true} addEvent("AdminPanel.setTeam", true) function setTeam(plr, getText) if plr and isElement(plr) then if getText then local team = getTeamFromName(getText) if not team then team = getText end if inValidTeams[tonumber(team)] then outputChatBox("#00FF00Este arma es solo para #FF0000[ADM]", source, r, g, b, true) return end setPlayerTeam(plr, team, true) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Ha combiar su team a #0B00FF("..getText(team)..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00Combiar #FF0000"..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 team a #0B00FF("..getText(team)..") ", source, r, g, b, true) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.setTeam", root, setTeam)
  11. Thanks Walid, worked fine!
  12. TorNix~|nR


    hello everyone, I have admin panel of give vehicle, I want to cancel event for some vehicles, I make this and it won't work, any help please local inValidVehicles = {[429] = true} --giveVehicle addEvent("AdminPanel.giveVehicle", true) function giveVehicle(plr, getText) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Te ha dado un Vehiculo #0B00FF("..getText..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00Has dado a #FF0000" ..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 Un Vehiculo #0B00FF(" ..getText..") ", source, r, g, b, true) if (not isElement(plr)) then return end if (isPedInVehicle(plr)) then outputChatBox("#00FF00Ya en un vehiculo", source, 225, 0, 0) else local veh local x, y, z = getElementPosition(plr) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(plr) if inValidVehicles[tonumber(veh)] then outputChatBox("#00FF00Este vehiculo es solo para #FF0000[ADM]", source, r, g, b, true) return end if (getVehicleModelFromName(getText)) then veh = createVehicle(getVehicleModelFromName(getText), x, y, z + 3) setElementData(veh,"spawner",plr) else veh = createVehicle(getText, x, y, z + 3) setElementData(veh,"spawner",plr) end if (veh) then warpPedIntoVehicle(plr, veh) setElementRotation(veh, 0, 0, rz) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.giveVehicle", root, giveVehicle)
  13. Fixed, thanks to Walid and CodyL
  14. Thanks, worked, another final thing in my admin panel I need to cancelEvent in some weapons like ID: 38 and ID: 34 and Name: Minigun and Name: Sniper how can I fix it?
  15. I try use this for the ammo in outputChatbox and it won't work addEvent("AdminPanel.giveWeap", true) function giveWeap(plr, getText, Ammo, id) -- MAKE IT SEND OVER, THE SENDER outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Te ha dado un Arma #0B00FF("..getText..") ("..Ammo..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00 Has dado a #FF0000" ..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 un Arma #0B00FF(" ..getText..") ("..Ammo..") ", source, r, g, b, true) if (not isElement(plr)) then return end local Ammo = getWeaponAmmo(Ammo) local wepID = getWeaponIDFromName(getText) local wepName = getWeaponNameFromID(getText) if (wepID) then if plr == client then giveWeapon(plr, wepID, 500, true) else giveWeapon(plr, wepID, 90, true) end end if (wepName) then if plr == client then giveWeapon(plr, wepName, 500, true) else giveWeapon(plr, wepName, 90, true) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.giveWeap", root, giveWeap)
  16. like always 90 ammo addEvent("AdminPanel.giveWeap", true) function giveWeap(plr, getText, id, you) -- MAKE IT SEND OVER, THE SENDER outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Te ha dado un Arma #0B00FF("..getText..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00 Has dado a #FF0000" ..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 un Arma #0B00FF(" ..getText..") ", source, r, g, b, true) if (not isElement(plr)) then return end local wepID = getWeaponIDFromName(getText) local wepName = getWeaponNameFromID(getText) if (wepID) then if plr == you then giveWeapon(plr, wepID, 500, true) else giveWeapon(plr, wepID, 90, true) end end if (wepName) then if plr == you then giveWeapon(plr, wepName, 500, true) else giveWeapon(plr, wepName, 90, true) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.giveWeap", root, giveWeap)
  17. now everyone ( and me ) get 90 ammo I do not get 500 ammo
  18. , no problem, thanks so much CodyL
  19. hello everyone, thanks for all the helps I have an admin panel, I can give weapon, I can give to all players weapon with ammo: 500 and to myself I need when I give weapon, the players get ammo 90, and just I can get ammo with: 500 (myself) --Give weapon addEvent("AdminPanel.giveWeap", true) function giveWeap(plr, getText, id) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Te ha dado un Arma #0B00FF("..getText..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00 Has dado a #FF0000" ..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 un Arma #0B00FF(" ..getText..") ", source, r, g, b, true) if (not isElement(plr)) then return end local wepID = getWeaponIDFromName(getText) local wepName = getWeaponNameFromID(getText) if (wepID) then giveWeapon(plr, wepID, 500, true) end if (wepName) then giveWeapon(plr, wepName, 500, true) end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.giveWeap", root, giveWeap)
  20. you have a problem for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle",resourceRoot) do changed to for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle",resourceRoot)) do done, I fix it, worked fine, thanks
  21. --giveVehicle addEvent("AdminPanel.giveVehicle", true) function giveVehicle(plr, getText) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(source).."#00FF00 Te ha dado un Vehiculo #0B00FF("..getText..") ", plr, r, g, b, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00Has dado a #FF0000" ..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 Un Vehiculo #0B00FF(" ..getText..") ", source, r, g, b, true) if (not isElement(plr)) then return end if (isPedInVehicle(plr)) then outputChatBox("#00FF00Ya en un vehiculo", source, 225, 0, 0) else local veh local x, y, z = getElementPosition(plr) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(plr) if (getVehicleModelFromName(getText)) then veh = createVehicle(getVehicleModelFromName(getText), x, y, z + 3) else veh = createVehicle(getText, x, y, z + 3) end if (veh) then warpPedIntoVehicle(plr, veh) setElementRotation(veh, 0, 0, rz) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.giveVehicle", root, giveVehicle)
  22. hello everyone, I have an admin panel, I can spawn vehicles, but there is a problem spawn of vehicles I need when onPlayerWasted or onPlayerQuit the vehicle get destroyed, any help please?
  23. kikos500 There is no screen to be resumed matching screenName.
  24. I need to open the console when theb server is opened ! help?
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