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Everything posted by TorNix~|nR

  1. the zombies have their script, of @Slothman https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=347
  2. I'm using slothbot only for boss script, but the zombies are without slothbot Before this post, I sent you a wrong script, here it is the working one, if you want try it, you will see a green map on F11, sorry for taking your time. local aSavePlaces = { Circle = { -- x, y, radius }, Cuboid = { -- x, y, z, Width, Depth, Height }, Rectangle = { -- X, Y, Width, Height { 1155.28, -1350.23, 65, 58, 0, 255, 0, 0 }, }, Sphere = { -- X, Y, Z, Radius }, Tube = { -- X, Y, Z, Radius, Height }, Polygon = { -- X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, ... -- You can add like X4, Y4 .. } } local aRadarAreaPlaces = { { 1155.28, -1350.23, 65, 58, 0, 255, 0, 70 }, } local sResourceName = getResourceName ( resource ) local bUseGunsInSavePlace = get( sResourceName .. '.UseGunsInSaveZone' ) local bUseRadarArea = get( sResourceName .. '.UseRadarArea' ) local pColshape, pRadarArea local bUseRunInSaveZone = get( sResourceName .. '.UseRunInSaveZone' ) local bUseJumpInSaveZone = get( sResourceName .. '.UseJumpInSaveZone' ) local bUseWeaponHudInSaveZone = get( sResourceName .. '.UseWeaponHudInSaveZone' ) local bUseAmmoHudInSaveZone = get( sResourceName .. '.UseAmmoHudInSaveZone' ) local bUseDamageInSaveZone = get( sResourceName .. '.UseDamageInSaveZone' ) addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function ( ) local display = textCreateDisplay () local text = textCreateTextItem("", 0.15, 0.53, "high", 150, 0, 0, 255, 2, "right", "bottom") textDisplayAddText(display, text) for s, _ in pairs( aSavePlaces ) do for _, a in pairs( aSavePlaces[ s ] ) do pColshape = _G[ 'createCol' .. s ]( unpack( a ) ) setElementData( pColshape, 'zombieProof', false ) addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', pColshape, function ( pHitElement, ped ) triggerClientEvent (pHitElement, "welcome88", pHitElement) triggerClientEvent (pHitElement, "yes1", pHitElement) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then if getElementData(pHitElement,"boss") ~= true then textDisplayAddObserver(display, pHitElement) if not bUseGunsInSavePlace then end if not bUseDamageInSaveZone then setElementData( pHitElement, 'damage', 'no' ) end end elseif getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then -- check if the entered ped kill it local aa = getElementData(pHitElement, "zombie") if getElementData(pHitElement, "zombie") then if getElementData(pHitElement,"boss") ~= true then destroyElement(pHitElement, aa) end end-- end-- end-- ) addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeLeave', pColshape, function ( pLeaveElement ) triggerClientEvent (pLeaveElement, "fail88", pLeaveElement) triggerClientEvent (pLeaveElement, "no1", pLeaveElement) if getElementType( pLeaveElement ) == 'player' then textDisplayRemoveObserver(display, pLeaveElement) if not bUseGunsInSavePlace then end if not bUseDamageInSaveZone then setElementData( pLeaveElement, 'damage', 'yes' ) end elseif getElementType( pLeaveElement ) == 'ped' then -- check if the entered ped kill it end end ) end end if bUseRadarArea then for _, a in ipairs( aRadarAreaPlaces ) do pRadarArea = createRadarArea ( unpack( a ) ) setElementData( pRadarArea, 'zombieProof', true ) end end end )
  3. Still the same, when I am inside the safe zone, the zombies spawn
  4. yes, when a player enter to the safe zone, kill all the zombies (like the zombies who are coming to him) when I am in safe zone, the zombies come, they annoy, but they get killed if they join the safe zone so the point is, I will if a player enter the safe zone, kill the zombies
  5. Hello guys, I have this little problem, it makes me crazy I already set when a zombie enter to the safe zone, he will disappear (destroyElement) I want to make when the player enter to the safe zone, any zombies disappear, any help please? addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', pColshape, function ( pHitElement, ped ) if getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'player' then if getElementData(pHitElement,"boss") ~= true then textDisplayAddObserver(display, pHitElement) if not bUseGunsInSavePlace then end if not bUseDamageInSaveZone then setElementData( pHitElement, 'damage', 'no' ) end end elseif getElementType( pHitElement ) == 'ped' then -- check if the entered ped kill it local aa = getElementData(pHitElement, "zombie") if getElementData(pHitElement, "zombie") then if getElementData(pHitElement,"boss") ~= true then destroyElement(pHitElement, aa) -- THIS ONE DISAPPEAR THE ZOMBIE WHEN JOIN THE SAFE ZONE end end-- end-- end-- )
  6. Thank you guys, it's working fine
  7. Hello guys, I'm wondering how to make a dxDrawText flashing, appear and disappear for example like the radar have setRadarAreaFlashing how to make it on dxDrawText
  8. TorNix~|nR

    GTA 4

    Yeah you're right, also I'm playing GTA V
  9. You mean when a zombie kill a player or a player kill a zombie? because your photo shows that when a Zombie kill a player
  10. I fixed it, by installing the 64 bits files (mta), thank you so much Problem solved!
  11. Guys can you help me please? my server is stopped because of this problem
  12. TorNix~|nR


    I got a problem on installing the mta server ( Debian OS ) when I start the server it said libncursesw.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: Could not load ./core.so * Check installed data files. Press enter to continue... help please?
  13. @kieran, finally it worked, in the place of command, I made the event handler of marker, and I added the marker, and I added the team access, and it working, ty
  14. the same here is the full code mark = createMarker( x,y,z, "cylinder", 2, 169, 199, 29, 150 ) vehicles99ui = {} function fun(hitPlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if hitPlayer and getElementType(hitPlayer) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle (hitPlayer) then if ( getPlayerTeam ( hitPlayer ) == getTeamFromName ( "team" ) ) then if isElement(vehicles99ui) then destroyElement(vehicles99ui) end vehicles99ui = createVehicle(522, 1680.89, 957.67, 10.70) setVehicleColor (vehicles99ui, 169, 199, 29, 169, 199, 29) warpPedIntoVehicle(hitPlayer, vehicles99ui) else outputChatBox ("fail",hitPlayer, 169, 199, 29, true) end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",mark,fun) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() if isElement(vehicles99ui) then destroyElement(vehicles99ui) vehicles99ui = nil end end)
  15. I want only for the player it destroy the vehicle the problem is when I get the vehicle and when any player died, it destroy, I want it to be destroyed only if the player (source) died if you want, I can post the full code
  16. Thank you so much @Awang, I appreciate your help, but I want to use it only for server side, I will wait for someone, thank alot Any help please?
  17. Yes, I will, I'm sorry I told that because I'm using this script so many times for other teams, if your script works, I should take a long time to add them all I will try it, ty
  18. Thank you guys, @Dimos7, it's the same, when any player dead, it destroy Awang, I think there is a way on the server-side, help please?
  19. Hello guys, I have a marker of spawning a car, I made when a player wasted, it destroy, but I want to make it only for source not for all players, please help, I already used the destroyElement(source, vehicles99ui) but it didn't work, help please Code: addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() if isElement(vehicles99ui) then destroyElement(source, vehicles99ui) vehicles99ui = nil end end)
  20. Thank you so much, it's working fine
  21. Hello guys, I have a draw text when a player wasted, it's like GTA V but I have a little problem, it shows only when a player dead or someone (player) killed him, but the ped no (like zombies) it doesn't show the text, I tried so many attempts, please help --- Script local TIME_TO_WAIT = 9000 --The milliseconds to wait before spectating the person --who killed us, the :O local KILLER_TEXT_COLOR = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200) local KILL_TEXT_X = 0.5 --Where the text starts to the left of the screen local KILL_TEXT_Y = 0.535 --How far down the screen comes before we have text local KILL_TEXT_COLOR = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200) --The color of the text local KILL_TEXT_SIZE = 1.5 --The size of our text local KILL_TEXT_FONT = "font/ARLRDBD.ttf" --The font face of our text local KILL_TEXT_ALIGN_X = "center" --The font alignment on the x axis local KILL_TEXT_ALIGN_Y = "center" --The font alignment on the y axis local KILL_TEXT_CLIP = false --Clip text outside of box local KILL_TEXT_WRAP = false --Wrap text if it reaches end of box local KILL_TEXT_ONTOP = true --Render on top of the gui local WASTED_TEXT_X = 0.5 --Where the text starts to the left of the screen local WASTED_TEXT_Y = 0.5 --How far down the screen comes before we have text local WASTED_TEXT_COLOR = tocolor(255, 0, 0, 200) --The color of the text local WASTED_TEXT_SIZE = 2.5 --The size of our text local WASTED_TEXT_FONT = "pricedown" --The font face of our text local WASTED_TEXT_ALIGN_X = "center" --The font alignment on the x axis local WASTED_TEXT_ALIGN_Y = "center" --The font alignment on the y axis local WASTED_TEXT_CLIP = false --Clip text outside of box local WASTED_TEXT_WRAP = false --Wrap text if it reaches end of box local WASTED_TEXT_ONTOP = true --Render on top of the gui function playerDied(killer, weapon, bodypart) wastedSound() local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(source) displayKillText(getKillString(source, killer, weapon, bodypart)) local spectate if killer then local killerX, killerY, killerZ = getElementPosition(killer) spectate = killer else end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), playerDied) function getKillString(player, killer, ped, weapon, bodypart) local killText = "" if player then killText = killText .. "" end --if if killer then killText = getPlayerName(killer) .. " killed you" else killText = killText .. " commit suicide " end if weapon then local weapName = getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) if weapname ~= false then end end return killText end local killText = "" function displayKillText(text) killText = text addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawKillText) setTimer(stopDisplayDrawKillText, TIME_TO_WAIT, 1) end function stopDisplayDrawKillText() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawKillText) end function drawKillText() local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local left, top left = KILL_TEXT_X * sX top = KILL_TEXT_Y * sY dxDrawText(killText, left, top, left, top, KILL_TEXT_COLOR, KILL_TEXT_SIZE, KILL_TEXT_FONT, KILL_TEXT_ALIGN_X, KILL_TEXT_ALIGN_Y, KILL_TEXT_CLIP, KILL_TEXT_WRAP, KILL_TEXT_ONTOP) left = WASTED_TEXT_X * sX top = WASTED_TEXT_Y * sY dxDrawBorderedText("You are dead", left, top, left, top, WASTED_TEXT_COLOR, WASTED_TEXT_SIZE, WASTED_TEXT_FONT, WASTED_TEXT_ALIGN_X, WASTED_TEXT_ALIGN_Y, WASTED_TEXT_CLIP, WASTED_TEXT_WRAP, WASTED_TEXT_ONTOP) end function dxDrawBorderedText( text, x, y, w, h, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI ) dxDrawText ( text, x - 1, y - 1, w - 1, h - 1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) -- black dxDrawText ( text, x + 1, y - 1, w + 1, h - 1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x - 1, y + 1, w - 1, h + 1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x + 1, y + 1, w + 1, h + 1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x - 2, y, w - 2, h, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x + 2, y, w + 2, h, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x, y - 2, w, h - 2, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x, y + 2, w, h + 2, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false ) dxDrawText ( text, x, y, w, h, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI ) end function wastedSound() if true then local wasted = playSound("wasted.mp3"); setSoundVolume(sound, 0.1); end end -- OLD Film local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local myScreenSource = dxCreateScreenSource(screenWidth, screenHeight) local flickerStrength = 0 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), function() if getVersion ().sortable < "1.1.0" then return else createShader() end end) function createShader() oldFilmShader, oldFilmTec = dxCreateShader("shaders/old_film.fx") setTimer(function() destroyElement(oldFilmShader) end, 9000, 1) if (not oldFilmShader) then else end end function updateShader() upDateScreenSource() if (oldFilmShader) then local flickering = math.random(100 - flickerStrength, 100)/100 dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "ScreenSource", myScreenSource); dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "Flickering", flickering); dxDrawImage(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, oldFilmShader) end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateShader) function upDateScreenSource() dxUpdateScreenSource(myScreenSource) end -- Tarja function showClientImage() local img = guiCreateStaticImage( 0, 0, 1921, 221, "starja.png", true ) setTimer(function() destroyElement(img) end, 9000, 1) local img = guiCreateStaticImage( 0, 0, 1920, 1080, "images/vignette1.dds", true ) setTimer(function() destroyElement(img) end, 9000, 1) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), showClientImage)
  22. Thank you, but it's the same
  23. Hello guys, I have this code, I don't know why it's not working correctly when I have 2999 zombie kills, I can't join the clan, and when I have 3001 zombie kils, I can't join the clan too help please? local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if getAccountData(account, "Zombie kills") < 3000 then ------------- outputChatBox("fail", source) return end
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