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  1. Apo


    hey i have a roleplay server and when i update resources the player downloads them even after logging in. i want them to download it before they log in
  2. Apo


    i have a new update i need help when join the server first get update after can join the game my problem but now player can join the game and can login server and player in server playing and Simultaneous get new update
  3. Apo


    hi guys I need help when the player enters the server was the first time UPDATE RESOURCE for him to show up after other information and login etc.
  4. Apo


    not work all dimension and interior worked
  5. Apo


    hi guys my problem hillarea worked all interior and all dimension i need worked only in interior 30 and dimension 30 please helpe me. local hillArea = createColRectangle ( -2171.0678710938, 678.17950439453, 15, 15 ) function hill_Enter ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then local nameOfThePlayer = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( nameOfThePlayer.." entered the zone!", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 109 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", hillArea, hill_Enter )
  6. Apo


    i have a m4 ak47 colt 45 deagle i can use m4 and colt45 or deagle afk 47
  7. Apo


    hi guys Please help me I have 4 weaponsand I can only use two weapons
  8. Apo


    hi guys my problem all radar and all closhap when I am writing the command /show i need only delete the hillarea and hillRadar for when turfcol = true hillArea = { {1436.6826171875, -2940.1494140625, 13.546875, 500,500,500}, {1436.6826171875, -2640.1494140625, 13.546875, 500,500,500}, {1436.6826171875, -2340.1494140625, 13.546875, 500,500,500}, {1436.6826171875, -640.1494140625, 13.546875, 500,500,500} } hillRadar = { {1262.2802734375, -2769.48828125, 300, 300, 171, 175, 174, 80}, {1262.2802734375, -2469.48828125, 300, 300, 92, 46, 2, 80}, {2762.2802734375, -2169.48828125, 200, 300, 255, 0, 143, 80} } turfCol = nil hillRadars = nil function maketurf (thePlayer) if turfcol == nil and hillRadars == nil then for i,v2 in ipairs(hillArea) do turfCol = createColCuboid(unpack(v2)) end for i,v1 in ipairs(hillRadar) do hill = createRadarArea(unpack(v1)) end turfCol = true hillRadars = true else local allturfs = getElementsByType("radararea") local allcols = getElementsByType("colshape") for i, v2 in ipairs(allturfs) do destroyElement(v2) end for i, v1 in ipairs(allcols) do destroyElement(v1) end turfCol = nil hillRadars = nil end end addCommandHandler("show", maketurf)
  9. Apo


  10. Apo


    attacker can not see outputChatBox("test wasted",attacker,155,100,100)
  11. Apo


    hi guys my code az not work please help me function PlayerHeadShot ( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( attacker ) then if ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then if ( bodypart == 9 ) then outputChatBox("test wasted",attacker,155,100,100) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement (), PlayerHeadShot)
  12. Apo


    hi guys how to find warining long execution <resourcename>
  13. Apo


    how to disable chat box and image and etc... for example when press key f11 and all chatbox and etc .. disabled
  14. Apo


    i have warining only new version 1.5.3 and other version no warning
  15. Apo


    no sry line 92 WARNING:weapon.lua:92: Expected number, got non-convertible string. This warning may be an error in future versions. WARNING: weapon.lua:92: Expected number, got non-convertible string. This warning may be an error in future versions. [DUP x6] setWeaponProperty( id , "std", "maximum_clip_ammo", ammo)
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