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Leo Messi

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Everything posted by Leo Messi

  1. I wanna do it like; function isPlayerTypingSomething(edit) if blah then isTyping = true else isTyping = false end return isTyping end end To check if the localPlayer is typing something in the edit-box or not, if he stops typing it will set isTyping value into false, and if he's typing it will set isTyping value into true, I hope you get it.
  2. It's so easy and simple, For example I created an EDIT edit = guiCreateEdit(x, y, sX, sY, "title", false, window) I want to know if the player is typing something in this edit or not, is it possible?
  3. Hello, I'm asking a simple question; How to let x resource start before y resource starts once player joins the server. For example, "Admin-system" resource and "Accounts-system" I want to let 'Admin-system' resource start before 'accounts-system' script does, is it possible?
  4. Well, I decided to open a server soon which will be UEX GAMING 1.0, so before I do I came to get your ideas of this resources, what needs to be added, removed and improved. So I'm going to show you my latest 'UEXoptions' resource which works with database, I meant by 'UEXoptions' resource is a GUI with grid list can easily execute client / server side commands, I've made the ability for Admins / Server supporters to add / remove options into / from the grid list. #1 - Click on your self to get the GUI of options. #2 - Opened the GUI. #3 - Adding an option. #4 - Added the option. #5 - Selected on the option. Features: -- Doubling click on the option will execute its command and close options GUI. -- Search works 100% -- Normal players don't have this Tab of adding / removing options.
  5. Hello today I've created a script just for test. I need help with something which is; Once I click near the static image it will load another static image, just like CITtransport if any one knows it. GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {}, staticimage = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 489) / 2, (screenH - 328) / 2, 489, 328, "a script.", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(230, 72, 16, 15, "4.png", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(469, 305, 10, 13, "X", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) end )
  6. Leo Messi

    FPS drops

    Hello, My friend made binds script but once I switch weapons there will be FPS drops, I don't know why. Here is the code; https://pastebin.com/raw/AwpcMM3d
  7. Well, today I created crosshairs resources and it worked fine but I wanna make SNIPER cross hairs without using engineImportTXD and I wanna use shaders instead like that; engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "siteM16")
  8. @UDC so if someone made a script like CIT you tell him 'selling a leaked resource from CIT' CIT RESOURCES CAN NOT BE LEAKED / STOLEN
  9. After checking GUIEDITOR script I found this: guiWindowTitlebarButtonAdd(windowName, "Text", "left", functionHere)
  10. if it's a label it cannot be added here.. Just take a look in the picture once again LOOK AT ITS POSITION, NORMAL LABEL CANNOT BE ADDED IN THIS POSITION. @Walid you know?
  11. :FP: ITS NOT A :OING LABEL!!!!!!!!
  12. It's not label bro... I tried to make it like that. I need to use this events to make it changes color onClientMouseEnter onClientMouseLeave guiLabelSetColor(lbl ,r , g, b) also I can't set it in that place that I'm telling u guys.. just I need someone who understands me
  13. I know @Khadeer143 I just want to know how to make it, which function I should use.
  14. Hello, when I was using GUIEDITOR script I noticed that there's another buttons into the gui Take a look How can I make like that? Please answer as fast as you can guys.
  15. Hey guys, since I am now back from inactive, I was making a script which I am using database in it, but my database file is not working not for one resource only, all resources databases gets :Oed once I restart them I mean once I restart gang script the database doesn't save. I need your database file please, I need fixed one or any solution?
  16. Hello, I am suggesting to add setSerialData/getSerialData. How it will work? Example function registerPlayer(player, cmd, account, password) local plrSerial = getPlayerSerial(player) setSerialData(plrSerial, "accountsRegistered", 1) triggerEvent("accounts.register", localPlayer, account) end addCommandHandler("register", registerPlayer) -- A function for test.. function accountRegister(player, account, password) if getSerialData(getPlayerSerial(player), "accountsRegistered") == 1 then outputChatBox("You already registered an account before!", player, 255, 0, 0) return end addAccount(getAccount(account), password) outputChatBox("You successfully registered an account in our server!", player, 0, 255, 0) end addEvent("accounts.register", true) addEventHandler("accounts.register", root, accountRegister) I hopefully this one gets added as it will be very useful/easier to all developers, Thank you for your time!
  17. Hello, I want to use this function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/InterpolateBetween in a static image, and I don't know how to, any help?
  18. Guys, get out from this case, I won't answer both of you, I don't need your help guys, lol, I never expected to get help from both of you guys, get lost.
  19. You seem have a mind of kids, so I won't reply you because I already read wiki examples By the way, I didn't register here to make fights with anyone, at the end it will stay a game @raynner thanks for your help, I am going to test it and I will reply you if it worked.
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