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Leo Messi

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Posts posted by Leo Messi

  1. Hello, today after long time of working and development I decided to sell my own resources that I created .. all of them are lua I just created a copy ideas of CIT not original












  2. So okay, I've got an email script from the MTA SA community which lets you able to send an email by using a specified GUI ingame and u put the email that you want to send to, like [email protected]

    Well, so seems like the PHP link has expired, has anyone another link?

    local randomMails = {"[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"}
    function fromRandom()
        return randomMails[math.random(#randomMails)]
    function sendCustomMail(subject, header, sendto, mail)
        local header = "From: "..subject.." <"..(header or fromRandom())..">"
        callRemote("http://mta.skcit.tk/emailer.php", returns, subject, header, sendto, mail) -- This website is not available any more so add the PHP files in your own website and put URL here.
    addEvent("sendEMail", true)
    addEventHandler("sendEMail", root, sendCustomMail)
    function returns(msg, num)
        if msg == "ERROR" or (not msg) then
            outputDebugString("E-Mail not sent due to webpage errors, check the script and/or page provided.", 2)
            outputDebugString(msg, num or 3)


  3. On 8/10/2018 at 21:41, knightscript said:

    You could create a PNG image thats bigger than the original one with transparency, have an onclick for it


    Good idea, but wastes time and I already made it before

    I need something new

  4. So simple and easy, I want to make something like;

    for example; I created an icon (static image) and if I clicked near this image it will add event on it like onClientGUIClick and get a message with 'You clicked on x image' for example.

    Just like CIT rapid transportation map to be clear.

  5. Hello, since I don't have paypal or something to pay on, is there any host which accepts mobile payment, like entering my phone number and receive an SMS to confirm the host

    just like; delux-host  but Delux host is no longer available, please?

  6. How's it possible? can't you give me an example?

    Thats my map img

    window = 'hidden'
    -- Window stuff is hidden
    map = guiCreateStaticImage(12.5, 25, 700, 700, "map.png", false, window)  


  7. On 8/5/2018 at 04:57, MrTasty said:

    You want an example of how to calculate position on a 2D map image? Well, you'll want something like this:

    local pos
    pos = ((cursorPos-mapPos)/mapSize) -- calculate cursor pos relative to map image
    pos = pos - Vector2(0.5,0.5) -- change range from 01 to -0.50.5 so (0,0) is in the center rather than top left corner
    pos = pos * 6000 -- scale it by map size in meters
    -- this is equivalent to
    local pos = ((((cursorPos-mapPos)/mapSize)-Vector2(0.5,0.5))*6000

    cursorPos, mapPos and mapSize should be of type Vector2, absolute values used for testing but should work with relatives too. Resulting pos is also a Vector2.

    This will probably require changes if you want to use it for a zoomed-in section of the map.

    Thank you, I already done it.

    Thanks bro.

  8. On 8/4/2018 at 13:37, MrTasty said:

    What is this supposed to do?

    if worldx == x2 and worldy == y2 then

    Seems like your code requires that world position clicked on using the cursor is exactly the same as the X and Y screen positions of the GUI element clicked.

    Here's a tip: if something doesn't work - try adding other debug outputs to see the flow control in action - so that you can easily tell if and which flow branch failed, as I can see you only gave yourself a debug output only at the point of success but not at points of potential failure.

    At this point I think it's also worth pointing out that getCursorPosition world absolutes are related to what the cursor actually points at in the viewport, not on a map image - for the latter, you need to do manual calculations to convert screen position to a range between 0 and 1 of the map image, and then scale it up to world scale (6000x6000 meters) to get the world position indicated by the cursor click on a map image.

    Can't you give me an example?

  9. Hello, I want help in something

    for example I created the a map just like F11, once I click on any place on the map it will create a blip on the x, y of the position I choosed, I tried but didn't work..

    -- WINDOW is created but it's useless so I removed it from this code.

    map = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 25, 700, 685, "map.png", false, window)    
    -- I CREATED Command handler of opening the gui, etc.
    function createDest()
     if source ~= map then return end
     if isElement(blipImg) then
      outputChatBox(getPlayerName(localPlayer).." has removed the group destination.", 0, 255, 0)
     local x, y, worldx, worldy, worldz = getCursorPosition()
     local x2, y2 = guiGetPosition(source, false)
     if worldx == x2 and worldy == y2 then
     blipImg = createBlip(x, y, 10, 3,  2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", guiRoot, createDest)


  10. On 7/24/2018 at 10:07, Snakegold said:

    Thanks :) but

    local ping = getPlayerPing(getLocalPlayer())

    must be under 

           function drawPing()

    thanks anyway :D

    I know, I didn't notice

    You're welcome.

    1. function checkPing()
    2. addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawPing)
    3. setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawPing) end, 3000, 1)
    4. end
    5. addCommandHandler("ping", checkPing)

           function drawPing()

          local ping = getPlayerPing(getLocalPlayer())

           dxDrawText("#ff0000Your ping is: #00ff00"..ping.."", 805, 303, 1175, 338, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false)


    • Thanks 1
  11. function disableNormalHUD()

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("ammo", false)

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("health", false)

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("clock", false)

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("money", false)

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("wanted", false)

     setPlayerHudComponentVisible("weapon", false)

     -- Like that


    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, disableNormalHUD)


  12. local imgTable = {
     {"LV - Hospital", 652, 131, 10, 9},
     {"LV - DM Area", 608, 93, 10, 9},

     for index, imgTable in ipairs(imgTable) do
      blipImg = guiCreateStaticImage(imgTable[2], imgTable[3], imgTable[4], imgTable[5], "images/1.png", false, mapImg)
      addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", blipImg, onClickBlip, false)


    function onClickBlip()
     local x,  y = guiGetPosition(blipImg, false)
     for index, blips in ipairs(imgTable) do
      if x == blips[2] and y == blips[3] then
       if (blipImage2) then
       blipImage2 = guiCreateStaticImage(blips[2], blips[3], blips[4], blips[5], "images/2.png", false, mapImg)


    So okay, everything is working but I want it, once I click any icon it will be replaced with another icon on its place, look at my code

  13. It's so easy and simple, for example I created

    function givePlayersMoney(value)




     function in accounts system, I don't want to make an export for it. I want it to be shared into all resources like


    givePlayersMoney(5000) without needing an export (exports.AccountsSystem:givePlayersMoney(5000))

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