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  1. yes I did thx. my problem is I have to ask again and again getAccounts() but now just a ask to getAccounts() and make clan tables to trigger list. now im fine
  2. i use this code. this yandex link on web working but in mta dont working why? error number 1 and i found this https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (1) fetchRemote("https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1.5/tr/translate?key=MyTranslateApiKey〈=tr-en&text=Selam", function(data,errno,source) if errno == 0 then outputServerLog(data) else outputServerLog(errno) end end,"",false,source)
  3. i translate words and yandex api with fetchRemote but i have this error why ? i how fix it
  4. i dont have 4000+ users accounts and this users number just example but my friend in server have users and i make for him this script and we have lag. everybody thank you very much for help. i did not know resourceRoot and Loop stops executing but now teach its.
  5. thx but still have lag and i have 4000+ account. i use this function but i again have a problem. clan have more member but just view a member. I want to get members loop clan data only once and members use this clan data tables on client side --Serverside function gridlist(clan) theTable = {} for index, ac in pairs(getAccounts()) do local keyclan = getAccountData(ac,"ortakveri") if keyclan and keyclan == clan then local nick = getAccountData(ac,"nick") local accname= getAccountName(ac) table.insert(theTable, {nick,accname}) triggerClientEvent(source,"gridlist",resourceRoot,theTable,clan) end end end --Clientside local clanTable = {} addEvent("gridlist",true) addEventHandler("gridlist",root, function(theTable,clan) clanTable[clan] = theTable -- i use this table on gridlist end)
  6. Is there a reason I'm storage of lag?
  7. i use this function function gridlist(clan) theTable = {} for index, ac in pairs(getAccounts()) do local keyclan = getAccountData(ac,"ortakveri") if keyclan and keyclan == clan then local nick = getAccountData(ac,"nick") table.insert(theTable, {nick}) triggerClientEvent(source,"gridlist",source,theTable) end end end
  8. burda sıkıntı yok. ayrıca debugscript ta hiç bi hata almıyorum
  9. because im not have warnings or errors. i know (debugscript 3) but nothing have errors or warnings yea im sure only remove "ortakveri" not remove other data. I want to remove other data.
  10. aşağıda oluşturduğum fonksiyonda oyuncunun verisi clan verisinde görünmeyince bütün oyuncu verilerini false yapması gerek fakat sadece "ortakveri" isimli veriyi false yapıyor addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() local ac = getPlayerAccount(source) if ac and not isGuestAccount(ac) then local ortakveri = getAccountData(ac,"ortakveri") if ortakveri then if getClanData(ortakveri,"isim") == "false" then setAccountData(ac,"ortakveri",false) -- only this setting data. why ? setAccountData(ac,"uye",false) -- not set setAccountData(ac,"yetkili",false) -- not set setAccountData(ac,"kurucu",false) -- not set end end end end)
  11. why need a ss ? problem is set account data only "ortakveri"
  12. i create a function for clan manager bugs but i have this problem. function only setting "ortakveri". why ? addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() local ac = getPlayerAccount(source) if ac and not isGuestAccount(ac) then local ortakveri = getAccountData(ac,"ortakveri") if ortakveri then if getClanData(ortakveri,"isim") == "false" then setAccountData(ac,"ortakveri",false) -- removed setAccountData(ac,"uye",false) -- not removed setAccountData(ac,"yetkili",false) -- not removed setAccountData(ac,"kurucu",false) -- not removed end end end end)
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