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Everything posted by pro-mos

  1. function countDown(player, _, limit) for i = 1, limit, 1 do if i ~= limit then msg("[Count Down] " ..i, root) else msg("[Count Down] GO GO GO", root, 255,255,0) end end end addCommandHandler("c", countDown) i cant get the else statement to work, its supposed to print "GO" instead of the last limit number UPDATE: no errors
  2. to go a bit more into detail, playing a song is the same for files as in links. Make sure you can listen to the mp3 on the link and then replace the songname in playSound with the link. Something like this: local sound = playSound ( "http://example.com/song.mp3" ); thanks man, got yea
  3. i got the first part, but how to stream the music without making the client downloading it? concider that there is so many maps, i cant take out every music file and upload it to a streaming service
  4. On some servers map music download takes so long, while other servers like FFS and such, the same map music loads in no time... how is that possible? is the host is faster? or they're just using another method for music, like streaming the music for players instead of making them downloading it? i want some answers please, how can improve the music download? -------------------------- UPDATE: i found that in MTA/mods/resources i found no maps i played on FFS was there! that means that FFS using the method to stream the map music and other map scripts.. how to achieve that?
  5. Bonus and Tosfera's codes both amazed me, first time to see these methods, even i don't 100% understand it but still looks very nice
  6. my code has nothing to do with that event..
  7. So i started learning scripting a week ago, and now i made my first script, the script lets the player to set a nick of his choice without being limited to MTA nick length, it show only in chat.. the problem is that the script is server side, and changes nick for all people.. and i don't know how to make it client side script because "onPlayerChat" event is only server side. I tried using triggerServerEvent, but got so confused and banged my head to the wall... Help, here is my code: please tell me whats the solution and how can improve my code? and is it possible to change the nick in TAB also the nametag on top of the player?
  8. Hello, I just registered to ask about: Where are race toptimes saved? I found a question like this, but its from 2010 and has an outdated answer.
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