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Everything posted by pro-mos

  1. Are v.Rank and v.Player valid strings? if not, use tostring()
  2. pro-mos

    Chat command

    well explained, thanks
  3. pro-mos


    getVehicleModel(theVehicle) you need to be inside the vehicle before using the command, it wont work if you're entering the vehicle.
  4. pro-mos

    Chat command

    can someone explain to me line #7, as i see it very often and i don't know how it works local message = table.concat ({ ... },"")
  5. pro-mos


    Your question is unclear and you've posted hell lots of code! maybe that's why you haven't got answers yet. anyway, i managed to write something: Client-side: function attachRedNeon () local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if theVehicle == false then return end local pedHaveItem137 local stuff = getAttachedElements(theVehicle) for i, v in ipairs(stuff) do local id = getElementModel(v) if id and id == 137 then pedHaveItem137 = true break end end if pedHaveItem137 then setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[1] ) outputChatBox("#00ff00Now your neon color is #ff0000Red", 255,255,255, true) triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle) triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle) pedHaveItem137 = nil end end bindKey("N", "down", attachRedNeon)
  6. pro-mos

    SWAT turret

    i built upon CodyL's code: function shootProjectile() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- Only create projectile if we are inside a SWAT if(vehicle) and getVehicleModel(vehicle) == 601 then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) createProjectile(vehicle, 19, x, y, z+1.7) end end function toggleDemControls(bool) toggleControl ( "vehicle_fire", bool ) toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", bool) end function swatEnter (player) if player ~= localPlayer then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if getElementModel (vehicle) == 601 then toggleDemControls(false) bindKey("vehicle_fire", "down", shootProjectile) bindKey("vehicle_secondary_fire", "down", shootProjectile) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, swatEnter ) -- enable vehicle fire when player exits the SWAT, or when he dies -- so he can use hunter or anything else. function enableVehicleFireIfDead () if source ~= localPlayer then return end toggleDemControls(true) end function swatExit (player) if player ~= localPlayer then return end toggleDemControls(true) end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleExit", root, swatExit ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", root, enableVehicleFireIfDead ) if you could make the rocket rotation change with the camera that would be a bonus.
  7. pro-mos

    Dx Library?

    thanks very much uncle vlad, #Rip_DDC
  8. pro-mos

    Dx Library?

    its missing few things like on mouse hover over button, and a function to change dxText, like "guiSetText"
  9. If there's no clients connected then you dont need to setElementStreamable() So there is no point of making that server side only
  10. pro-mos

    Dx Library?

    Where do i get a dx library ready to use? I've searched everywhere but cant seem to find anything. The dx library page on the wiki doesnt say much and its marked for deletition .. I need something with documents explaining how to use it.
  11. Server local freight = createVehicle(537,2285,-1285,25.7) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",root, function(driver) triggerClientEvent(driver,"toclient",root,freight) end) addEvent("xyz",true) addEventHandler("xyz",root, function(x,y,z) outputChatBox(" " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z ) end) setTimer(function() setTrainSpeed(freight,0.5) end,200,0) Client addEvent("toclient",true) addEventHandler("toclient",root, function(freight) setElementStreamable(freight,false) setTimer(function() triggerServerEvent("xyz",root,getElementPosition(freight)) end,300,0) end) this would spam the chat with the train position, no matter what car you enter and even when you exit the train
  12. download another toptimes script ..
  13. i guess that race toptimes doesn't work with modern DM maps that has no checkpoints (markers).
  14. add this line to acl.xml underneath inside admin group: <object name="user.yourNickname"></object>
  15. triggerServerEvent ( event, theElement, positionX, positionY, posZ) and then use this server side addEvent("event") then make use of the position with an event handler..
  16. again.. use "/debugscript 3" before clicking spawn, and post the errors if any
  17. what errors you get in /debugscript 3 ?
  18. it would look like this, and server sided, because you want other players to see your vehicle not only you. local pVehicles = {} function createVehicleForPlayer(source) if not pVehicles[source] then -- If the player doesnt have a vehicle, and source means whoever triggered the "onPlayerJoin" event local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) -- get the player position vehicleCreated = createVehicle(model, x + 5, y, z + 0.5) -- Create a vehicle near the player if vehicleCreated then pVehicles[source] = true end else -- if the player has a vehicle already -- warp the player to the vehicle or do something else end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, createVehicleForPlayer) note that when the script restarts the array would be lost, you better use a data base.
  19. pro-mos

    I need help

    well, your code is unclear, so add it before the code line that checks for text content, and dont forget to use end after the if statment
  20. I know about the function getPlayerFromName but it requires to enter the full name of player. How can i get player name when i give the function only a part from name or a middle part in his name?
  21. pro-mos

    I need help

    you can add this line if not text == "leave" then
  22. thanks, didn't know i have to convert limit to a number..
  23. its not that different from my code.. it only prints the first if statment, and never prints whats inside else "GO GO GO"
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