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Everything posted by Trilon

  1. Hello! I'm trying to do a custom sniper scope, for my mod but setCameraMatrix() is bugging for me. I tried many ways but i don't really knows how to do it. My Code : function aim_test () if getControlState("aim_weapon") == true and getPedWeapon(localPlayer) == 34 then local x,y,z = getPedTargetStart(localPlayer) local x2,y2,z2 = getPedTargetEnd(localPlayer) if not x2 then return end local x3,y3,z3 = getPedTargetCollision(localPlayer) if x3 then setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,x3,y3,z3) else setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,x2,y2,z2) end else if not getCameraTarget(localPlayer) then setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,aim_test) I don't know why it's always moving foward.
  2. Trilon


    Somebody can help me? I don't know why it isn't work. local account1 = {} local account2 = {} local account3 = {} local account3 = {} local account4 = {Trilon,Skitz} function staff (source) if (getPlayerAccount(source) == account1) then setElementData(source,"adminlevel",1) elseif (getPlayerAccount(source) == account2) then setElementData(source,"adminlevel",2) elseif (getPlayerAccount(source) == account3) then setElementData(source,"adminlevel",3) elseif (getPlayerAccount(source) == account4) then setElementData(source,"adminlevel",4) end local alvl = getElementData(source,"adminlevel") outputChatBox("Az adminszinted : "..alvl,source,255,255,255,true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), staff) local vipaccount = {} function vip (source) if (getElementData(source, "accountname") == vipaccount) then setElementData(source,"vip",1) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), vip) function onQuit(source) local account = getPlayerAccount() if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local adminlevel = getElementData(source, "adminlevel") local viplevel = getElementData(source, "vip") setAccountData(account,"adminlevel",adminlevel) setAccountData(account,"vip",viplevel) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) function onLogin(before,currentAcc) if currentAcc and not isGuestAccount(currentAcc) then local loadadminlevel = getAccountData(currentAcc,"adminlevel") or 0 local loadviplevel = getAccountData(currentAcc,"vip") or 0 setElementData(source,"adminlevel",loadadminlevel) setPlayerExp(source,"vip",loadviplevel) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function adminver (source) if (getElementData(source,"adminlevel")==4) then setElementData(source,"blood",500000) outputChatBox("Kaptál 500000 vért",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("Nincs elég nagy rangod hozzá!",source,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("adminver",adminver) function adminlevel (source) local alvl = getElementData(source,"adminlevel") outputChatBox("Az adminszinted : "..alvl,source,255,255,255,true) end addCommandHandler("adminlevel",adminlevel)
  3. Trilon

    Level System

    I have a big problem with level system. I wrote a level system script but it isn't working. The problem is, i get xp but i didn't get the levels. Somebody can help me? Server: function killZombie(killer,headshot) if killer then local xp = getElementData(killer,"xp") --outputChatBox("Megöltél egy Zombie-t ! Kaptál 1 XP pontot érte.", killer) if (xp == false or xp == "false") then setElementData(killer,"xp","0") setElementData(killer,"xp",xp+1) else setElementData(killer,"xp",xp+1) if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 10 ) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "0" ) then setElementData(killer,"lvl","1") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az első szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 25) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "1") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","2") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a második szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 40) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "2") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","3") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a harmadik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 60) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "3") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","4") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a negyedik szintet! ") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 75) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "4") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","5") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az ötödik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 200) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "5") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","6") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a hatodik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 230) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "6") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","7") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a hetedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 250) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "7") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","8") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a nyolcadik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 270) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "8") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","9") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a kilencedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 290) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "9") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","10") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a tizedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 350) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "10") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","0") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az utolsó szintet! Az XP pontjaid és a szinted nullázódik.") end end end endendaddEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",true)addEventHandler("onZombieGetsKilled",root,killZombie) Clien: ablak = guiCreateWindow(0.8, 0.90, 0.09, 0.1, "XP", true) guiWindowSetMovable(ablak, false) guiWindowSetSizable(ablak, false) szoveg = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.52, 0.90, 0.35, "XP:0/10", true, ablak) szoveg2 = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.30, 0.90, 0.35, "Szint:0/10", true, ablak) guiSetVisible(ablak, true) function ujratolt() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local xp = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "xp") local lvl = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"xp") == false or getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"xp") == "false") then xp = "0/10" end if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lvl") == false or getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lvl") == "false") then lvl = "0/10" end if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "0") or (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == false) then xp = xp.. "/" .. "10" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "1") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "25" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "2") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "40" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "3") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "60" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "4") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "75" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "5") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "200" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "6") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "230" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "7") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "250" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "8") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "270" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "9") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "290" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "10") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "350" end guiSetText(szoveg2,"Szint: "..lvl) guiSetText(szoveg,"XP: "..xp) end endsetTimer(ujratolt,1000,0)
  4. Trilon

    Level System

    I have a big problem with level system. I wrote a level system script but it isn't working. The problem is, i get xp but i didn't get the levels. Somebody can help me? Server: function killZombie(killer,headshot) if killer then local xp = getElementData(killer,"xp") --outputChatBox("Megöltél egy Zombie-t ! Kaptál 1 XP pontot érte.", killer) if (xp == false or xp == "false") then setElementData(killer,"xp","0") setElementData(killer,"xp",xp+1) else setElementData(killer,"xp",xp+1) if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 10 ) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "0" ) then setElementData(killer,"lvl","1") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az első szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 25) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "1") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","2") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a második szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 40) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "2") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","3") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a harmadik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 60) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "3") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","4") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a negyedik szintet! ") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 75) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "4") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","5") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az ötödik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 200) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "5") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","6") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a hatodik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 230) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "6") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","7") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a hetedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 250) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "7") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","8") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a nyolcadik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 270) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "8") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","9") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a kilencedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 290) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "9") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","10") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted a tizedik szintet!") end end if (getElementData(killer,"xp") == 350) then if (getElementData(killer,"lvl") == "10") then setElementData(killer,"lvl","0") setElementData(killer,"xp","0") outputChatBox("Elérted az utolsó szintet! Az XP pontjaid és a szinted nullázódik.") end end end end end addEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",true) addEventHandler("onZombieGetsKilled",root,killZombie) Clien: ablak = guiCreateWindow(0.8, 0.90, 0.09, 0.1, "XP", true) guiWindowSetMovable(ablak, false) guiWindowSetSizable(ablak, false) szoveg = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.52, 0.90, 0.35, "XP:0/10", true, ablak) szoveg2 = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.30, 0.90, 0.35, "Szint:0/10", true, ablak) guiSetVisible(ablak, true) function ujratolt() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local xp = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "xp") local lvl = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"xp") == false or getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"xp") == "false") then xp = "0/10" end if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lvl") == false or getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"lvl") == "false") then lvl = "0/10" end if (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "0") or (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == false) then xp = xp.. "/" .. "10" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "1") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "25" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "2") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "40" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "3") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "60" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "4") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "75" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "5") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "200" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "6") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "230" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "7") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "250" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "8") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "270" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "9") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "290" elseif (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "lvl") == "10") then xp = xp.. "/" .. "350" end guiSetText(szoveg2,"Szint: "..lvl) guiSetText(szoveg,"XP: "..xp) end end setTimer(ujratolt,1000,0)
  5. Trilon

    DayZ Mod

    Hello! Somebody have a good normal (not standalone) DayZ mod where the duplicating isn't working?
  6. Somebody have a script witch destroy all vehicle with a command?
  7. 1LoL1 Yes and jingzhi i didn't use mySQL becouse i have a DayZ server!
  8. Somebody have any script witch save all chat and save the cordinate where he disconnected?
  9. Trilon

    DayZ Login

    Yeah but isn't working
  10. Trilon

    DayZ Login

    I have Commander Z DayZ mod but i have a big bug! I can't register or login. After i found a good login panel and i can registry good but when i try to log in it didn't spawn me just black background! Somebody can help me? Or somebody have a good login panel or DayZ mod? (not standalone)
  11. Trilon


    Somebody have any DayZ objects? I need all of them And i'm looking for modeller
  12. Trilon


    Somebody have any DayZ objects?
  13. So how can i do that?
  14. I find this : gameplayVariables["playerzombies"] = 6 -- Amount of spawning zombies per player - DEFAULT: 6 - THE HIGHER THIS VALUE, THE MORE LAG CAN OCCUR! So i must write? setelementdata( thePlayer, "playerzombies", 0 )
  15. How can i do in DayZ server the zombies didn't spawn in the safezone and the peoples didn't lose blood if he/she entered to this zone but if she left he/she can lose hp, i paste the safezone script: local r,g,b = 50, 150, 50 local alpha = 155 local GreenZone = createColRectangle ( 2857.49,-1320.74,315,433) local Radar = createRadarArea ( 2857.49,-1320.74,315,433,r, g, b, alpha) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", GreenZone, function (thePlayer,matchingDimension ) if matchingDimension and isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "next_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "previous_weapon", false ) outputChatBox( "Biztonsági zóna: Beléptél a biztonsági zónába itt nem lőhetsz.",thePlayer, r,g,b) end end) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", GreenZone, function ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if matchingDimension and isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "next_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "previous_weapon", true ) outputChatBox ( "Biztonsági zóna Kiléptél a biztonsági zónából.Vigyázz magadra!",thePlayer,255,0,0) end end)
  16. Trilon

    GTA 3 img block

    How can i block GTA 3 img files?
  17. How can i block the GTA 3 img program in the server?
  18. Trilon

    Killed by

    I have a DayZ server and it didn't writo to the peoples
  19. Trilon

    Killed by

    I tried it but it didn't work it always write just : XY died
  20. Trilon

    Killed by

    Hello i tried but i failed. I want to write a script witch wrote to global chat who killed him. like : You killed by XY.
  21. Trilon

    Veh sound

    Somebody know how can i change any vehicle sound? I have some sound but i don't know how can i replace.
  22. Somebody know how can i block the duplicators in DayZ mod?
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