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Everything posted by BigDaddy

  1. because i want to make clan system like group system addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if ( source == Create ) then if ( guiGetText(EditClanNameToCreate) ~= "" or guiGetText(EditClanNameToCreate) ~= " ") then triggerServerEvent("Create",localPlayer,guiGetText(EditClanNameToCreate)) end end end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() local AllClansTable = executeSQLQuery ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `AllClansTable` ( ClanName,Members) ') if ( AllClansTable ) then outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table AllClansTable") local CheckWhenLogin = executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'CheckHaveClan?' (Account,ClanName)") if ( CheckWhenLogin ) then outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table CheckHaveClan? !") end end end ) addEvent("Create",true) addEventHandler("Create",root, function ( ClanName ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `AllClansTable` WHERE ClanName=?",ClanName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then local TonumberMembers = 1 executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '".. ClanName .."' (PlayerAccount,PlayerName,Rank)") outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table Name : ".. ClanName .."") executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `AllClansTable` ( ClanName , Members ) VALUES(?,?)",ClanName,tonumber(TonumberMembers)) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `'".. ClanName .."'` ( PlayerAccount,PlayerName,Rank ) VALUES(?,?,?)",getPlayerAccount(source),getPlayerName(source),"Clan Leader") executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `CheckHaveClan?` ( Account , ClanName ) VALUES(?,?)",getPlayerAccount(source),ClanName) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),"HaveClan",true) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),"Leader",true) outputChatBox("#FFF000Sucsesfully Created Clan [ #00FF00".. ClanName .."#FFF000 ]",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("*ERROR : THIS CLAN NAME IS ALREADY EXISTS !",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function(_,acc) if ( getAccountData(acc,"HaveClan",true) ) then local CheckResults = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `CheckHaveClan?` WHERE Account=?",getAccountName(acc)) if ( type ( CheckResults ) == "table" and #CheckResults ~= 0 or CheckResults ) then setElementData(source,"ClanName","".. CheckResults[1]['ClanName'] .."") setElementData(source,"SendToClientHaveClan!",true) end end end )
  2. thank you TAPL can i create table sql with name that i write it in edit ? i mean like this addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if ( source == Create ) then triggerServerEvent("CreateTable",localPlayer,guiGetText(Edit)) end end ) addEvent("CreateTable",true) addEventHandler("CreateTable",root, function(Name) executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '".. Name .."' (PlayerAccount,PlayerName,Rank)") end )
  3. Debugscript : ERROR: MyTestMode\server.lua:12: Database query failed: table AllReports has no column named Memo My Code : addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local AllReports = executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AllReports (PlrName, Subject, Memo)") if AllReports then outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table 'AllReports'") end end) addEvent("INSERT",true) addEventHandler("INSERT", root, function(PlrName, tSubject, tMemo) executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO AllReports (PlrName , Subject , Memo) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", PlrName, tSubject, tMemo) outputChatBox("#FFF000Sucsesfully Send Report [ #00FF00"..tSubject.."#FFF000 ] To Servre Owner", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end)
  4. i make it but there is error in insert when i write in subject edit Test and then click button send debugscript say to me : ERROR: Test\server.lua:15: Database query failed: no such table: 'Test' addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if ( source == Send ) then local tSubject = guiGetText(SendSubject) local tMeMo = guiGetText(SendMemo) local tPlrName = getPlayerName(localPlayer) if (tSubject and tSubject ~= "" or tSubject ~= " " and tMeMo ~= "" or tMeMo ~=" ") then triggerServerEvent("INSERT",localPlayer,tPlrName,tSubject,tMeMo) end end end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() local AllReports = executeSQLQuery ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `AllReports` ( PlrName , Subject ) ') if ( AllReports ) then outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table 'AllReports'") end end ) addEvent("INSERT",true) addEventHandler("INSERT",root, function ( PlrName , tSubject , tMemo ) executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '".. tSubject .."' (PlayerName,Subject,Memo)") outputDebugString("Sucsesfully Create SQL Table Name : ".. tSubject .."") executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `AllReports` ( PlrName , Subject ) VALUES(?,?)",PlrName,tSubject) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `'".. tSubject .."'` ( PlayerName,Subject,Memo ) VALUES(?,?,?)",PlrName,tSubject,tMemo) outputChatBox("#FFF000Sucsesfully Send Report [ #00FF00".. tSubject .."#FFF000 ] To Servre Owner",source,255,255,255,true) end )
  5. WTF i want function that i should use it to make this i made THE GUI AND EVERYTHINK !!
  6. hi guys , i want to make report like this if anyone write subject in edit and text in the memo and click send like then the subject put in gridlist and when anyone click open and select subject name in the gridlist he open to him window and put in the edit the subject and text in the memo that who write it when he send like this :
  7. جرب ذا local Zombe3 = createColRectangle ( x,y,z ) addEventHandler("onZombieWasted",root, function ( attacker ,_ ,_ ) if ( isElementWithinColShape(attacker, Zombe3) ) then setElementData (attacker, "zom", (getElementData (attacker, "zom") or 0) + 1) local data = getElementData(attacker,"zom") end end ) function LeaveA(plr) outputChatBox("You Kill : ".. tonumber(data) .." Zombies ",plr,255,255,255,true) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",Zombe3,LeaveA) واذا ماضبط جرب ذا , outputChatBox("You Kill : ".. getElementData(plr,"zom") .." Zombies ",plr,255,255,255,true) واذا ماضبط جرب ذا ض1 , local Zombe3 = createColRectangle ( x,y,z ) addEventHandler("onZombieWasted",root, function ( attacker ,_ ,_ ) if ( isElementWithinColShape(attacker, Zombe3) ) then setElementData (attacker, "zom", (getElementData (attacker, "zom") or 0) + 1) end end ) function LeaveA(plr) local data = getElementData(plr,"zom") outputChatBox("You Kill : ".. tonumber(data) .." Zombies ",plr,255,255,255,true) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",Zombe3,LeaveA)
  8. اكتب الجملة كلها : )
  9. وش يقول ؟ + _,_ ذولا ارقمنتات مانحتاجها فما خليتهم وتقدر بعد ماتخلي شيء
  10. جرب ذا local Zombe3 = createColRectangle ( x,y,z ) addEventHandler("onZombieWasted",root, function ( attacker ,_ ,_ ) if ( isElementWithinColShape(attacker, Zombe3) ) then setElementData (attacker, "zom", (getElementData (attacker, "zom") or 0) + 1) end end ) function LeaveA(plr) outputChatBox("You Kill : ".. getElementData(plr,"zom") or 0) .." Zombies ",plr,255,255,255,true) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",Zombe3,LeaveA)
  11. انا جلبت كل شيء وخليته في عالم وهمي 2 اذا اشتغل بالداتا ماعتقد احتاج xml بضيفك سكايب بوريك الي سويته . القيم مود المنشور sigmar او bonasi ?
  12. انا سويت لودر ، DM اذا الماب اشتغل وهو يجيب كل شيء يخليه عالم وهمي 2 الي ابي اعرفه الحين كيف اخلي المابات شغالين في عالم وهمي 2 بحيث من الاعب يخش عالم وهمي 2 يلعب
  13. لول شكلك مافهمت قصدي ، انا بسوي نفس multigamemode, بخليه اذا خش ماركر الاول يلعب مابات dm في عالم وهمي 2 ، واذا خش الماركر الثاني يلعب مابات DD في عالم وهمي3. وذا الي ابي اعرفه كيف اسويه .
  14. عارف بس ابي اعرف كيف اخلي مابات ريس dm تشتغل حق الاعبين الي في عالم الوهمي 2
  15. السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته انا عامل ماركرين ، الماركر الاول ابيه اذا خش فيه يوديه عالم وهمي 2 ويلعب مابات ريس DM والثاني اذا خش فيه يوديه عالم وهمي 3 ويلعب مابات ريس DD كيف اسوي الي ابيه ؟
  16. BigDaddy


    Anyone can help me please ?
  17. BigDaddy


    i made object and spawn in dimension 1 but now i want to know how to make all maps dm start in dimension 1 this my code : -- Deleted' Because Forum Don't Help You When You Want To Make MULTIGAMEMODE !
  18. BigDaddy


    like this DM map loader ? --- Deleted Because No One Will HELP ME
  19. BigDaddy


    what i need to make map loader ? or i can edit gamemode race ?
  20. BigDaddy


    should i edit all maps dd and dm ?
  21. What's Problem here ? debugscript : ERROR: Mute\Ms.lua:24: Database query failed: unrecognized token: ''')'' addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) local CreateNewTable = executeSQLQuery ('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Mute` ( PlayerSerial,Date,Name,By,Reason ) ') if ( CreateNewTable ) then outputDebugString('Create [ Mute ] DataBase done .') end end ) addEvent("executeSQLQuery:INSERT",true) addEventHandler('executeSQLQuery:INSERT',root, function ( Name,Reason,By ) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(Name) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute local days = time.monthday local months = time.month local years = time.year local second = time.second local isdsts = time.timestamp local Date_Time = " [ "..days.." / "..months.." / "..years.." "..hours..":"..minutes.." : ".. second .." ] " local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `Mute` WHERE PlayerSerial=?",Serial ) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `Mute` ( PlayerSerial,Date,Name,By,Reason ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",tostring(Serial),tostring(Date_Time),tostring(By),tostring(Reason)) else outputChatBox("*ERROR : This Serial Is Already Added Inside DataBase Mute Serial .",source,255,0,0,true) end end )
  22. BigDaddy


    Okay, first of all - yes, this forum is for scripting help. You will eventually get a response - you just have to be patient. Keep in mind we do this for free on our spare time, the least you could do would be to show some respect. Secondly, you can't expect to get everything served on a silver platter. You'll have to put some effort into it yourself, or else you'll never learn. Thirdly, you were linked to a thread with a post that contains at least the majority of functions you'll be needing to achieve this. Or at least what we assume it is you want to do. Your description of what you want to do is rather vague. This makes little to no sense. But I assume you want markers, and whenever you run into them - you'll be put in a separate gamemode, for example DM or DD? yes .
  23. BigDaddy


    maybe you have problem in your eye so go to eye doctor , i mean explain to me ( what i use first ) and who told u i said can you make it for me ! ?
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