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Everything posted by ShayF2

  1. ShayF2

    MTA Offline Wiki

    I'm currently looking at a completely offline version of the MTA Wiki. One installer, one executable, ability to switch modes (online and offline), text editor included! You can also set bookmarks to certain functions. I will upload a download link as soon as it is finished. Main Window - Using Index as quick search - Text Editor -
  2. ShayF2

    Car Rotators

    Full Script, but not syncing. rotators = {} rotatorSet = createObject(13646,0,0,-10,0,0,0) function rotate() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(rotatorSet) local prx,pry,prz = getElementRotation(rotatorSet) moveObject(rotatorSet,20000,px,py,pz,0,0,prz+180) for i,v in pairs(rotators) do local sx,sy,sz = getElementPosition(v.object) local prx,pry,prz = getElementRotation(rotatorSet) moveObject(v.object,20000,sx,sy,sz,0,0,prz+180) attachElements(v.vehicle,v.object,0,0,1.5,0,0,0) setObjectScale(v.object,1.1) end end setTimer(rotate,20000,0) function createRotator(player,cmd,id) if not isPedInVehicle(player) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) table.insert(rotators,{object = createObject(13646,x,y,z-1.4,0,0,0),vehicle = createVehicle(id,x,y,z+2)}) for i,v in pairs(rotators) do attachElements(v.vehicle,v.object,0,0,1.5,0,0,0) setObjectScale(v.object,1.1) end setElementPosition(player,x,y,z+1.2) end end addCommandHandler("crotate",createRotator)
  3. ShayF2

    Car Rotators

    Here's what I got, event though it needs some editing. It works, Thank you Cody. rotators = {} rotatorSet = createObject(3053,0,0,-10,180,0,0) function rotate() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(rotatorSet) local prx,pry,prz = getElementRotation(rotatorSet) moveObject(rotatorSet,11000,px,py,pz,0,0,prz+180) for i,v in pairs(rotators) do local sx,sy,sz = getElementPosition(v.object) local prx,pry,prz = getElementRotation(rotatorSet) moveObject(v.object,11000,sx,sy,sz,0,0,prz+180) attachElements(v.vehicle,v.object,0,0,-1,180,0,0) end end setTimer(rotate,11000,0) function createRotator(player,cmd,id) if not isPedInVehicle(player) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) table.insert(rotators,{object = createObject(3053,x,y,z+0.1,180,0,0),vehicle = createVehicle(id,x,y,z+1)}) end end addCommandHandler("crotate",createRotator)
  4. ShayF2

    Car Rotators

    How do I get it to sync with other rotators?
  5. ShayF2

    Car Rotators

    Yknow how in car shops, they have some cars sitting on the circle platforms and the platform spins a 360 constantly in one direction? That's what I'm trying to make here. And I cannot get it to work. rotators = {} addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),function() for i,r in ipairs(rotators) do if not object[i] then object[i] = createObject(i.object,i.lx,i.ly,i.lz,i.lrx,i.lry,i.lrz) setTimer(function() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(object[i]) local prx,pry,prz = getElementRotation(object[i]) moveObject(object[i],11000,px,py,pz,0,0,prz+180) end,11000,0) end end end) function createRotator(player,cmd) if not isPedInVehicle(player) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) table.insert(rotators,#rotators+1,{object = 3053,lx = x,ly = y,lz = z+0.1,lrx = 180,ly = 0,lz = 0}) end end addCommandHandler("crotate",createRotator)
  6. ShayF2

    not work

    Omg it works now thanks. You fixed it hungry!
  7. ShayF2

    not work

    Can someone fix this please? I'm running it client and server side. I have VIP group made, and VIP panel functional, I made a currency system, 100k cash gives u 1 coin, so i made it players drift on my server to earn money, and they spend their money on coins, i can get everything to work but this. function mycz(thePlayer, command) local mycoins = exports.coinsystem:getPlayerCoin(thePlayer) local vip = aclGetGroup("VIP") local user = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if ( mycoins >= 10 ) then aclGroupAddObject (vip, "user."...user) setPlayerMoney(thePlayer, mycoins - 10) outputChatBox("You have bought VIP", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, false) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough coins!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, false) end end addCommandHandler("buyvip", mycz)
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