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  1. ParadoxTR

    Server lag

    My server is constantly lagging. when I communicate with my host provider, it says that there are no attacks and that the problem originated from you. This may be the cause of the problem?
  2. Try it. if tonumber(para) < 10001 and tonumber(para) > 99 then
  3. I want this to be right in the middle of all screen sizes. local x, y = guiGetScreenSize(); local h = 32; local rot = 0; local exists = {}; function drawLoader () if not mods then return; end if next (mods) then rot = rot + 1; local count = 0; for _ in pairs (exists) do count = count + 1; end local progress = count.."/"..#mods.." (%"..math.ceil((count/#mods)*100)..")"; if count == #mods then if getTickCount() > tick then removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, drawLoader); return; end end local rx, ry, rw, rh = 0, y-h, x/10, h; dxDrawImage (rx + 3, ry-4, 42, 42, "icon.png", rot, 0, 0); addOutlines (rx, ry, rw, rh, tocolor (150, 150, 150, 75), 2); dxDrawRectangle(rx, ry, rw, rh, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 125), false); dxDrawText (progress, rx + 42, ry, rw, (y-h) + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "center", "center"); end end function addOutlines(x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineSize, postGUI) dxDrawLine(x - 1, (y - lineSize), x - 1, y + height + (lineSize - 1), lineColor, lineSize, postGUI); --left dxDrawLine(x + width, (y) - 1, (x) - 1, (y) - 1, lineColor, lineSize, postGUI); -- top dxDrawLine((x) - 1, y + height, x + width, y + height, lineColor, lineSize, postGUI); -- bottom dxDrawLine(x + width, y - lineSize, x + width, y + height + (lineSize - 1), lineColor, lineSize, postGUI); -- right end
  4. I make top level system, but server lagging. How can ı do? help me. sry my bad english Server function getPlayersSortByaData() local TopData = { } for i, v in ipairs( getAccounts() ) do if getAccountData ( v, 'level' ) then table.insert (TopData, { Name = i , Account = getAccountData ( v, 'nickname' ) or getAccountName(v) , aScore = getAccountData ( v, 'level' ) or 0 , aTecrube = tonumber(getAccountData ( v, 'level' ))+(tonumber(getAccountData ( v, 'experience' ))/100000) , } ) end end table.sort( TopData, function( a, b ) return( tonumber( a.aTecrube ) or 0 ) > ( tonumber( b.aTecrube ) or 0 ) end ) return TopData end addEvent("getTop2", true) addEventHandler("getTop2", root,function() triggerClientEvent(source, "SetData", source, getPlayersSortByaData()) end) addEvent("getTop3", true) addEventHandler("getTop3", root,function() createMoneySystem( source ) end) function createMoneySystem( player ) if not isElement( player ) then return end local Top = {} local CreatTop = executeSQLQuery( "SELECT * FROM FurkanBank" ) for i = 1, #CreatTop do table.insert(Top,{name = getAccountData(getAccount(CreatTop[i].hesap_adi),"nickname") or CreatTop[i].hesap_adi,score = CreatTop[i].para+getAccountData(getAccount(CreatTop[i].hesap_adi),"funmodev2-money")}) end if #CreatTop >0 then table.sort(Top, function(a,b) return (tonumber(a.score)or 0) > (tonumber(b.score)or 0) end) for k, data in ipairs(Top) do if k == 1 then triggerClientEvent (player,"deltTop2",player) end triggerClientEvent (player,"updateTopMoney",player,tostring(data.name),tostring(data.score),tonumber(k)) if k == 200 then table.remove(Top) break end end end end Client addEvent("SetData",true) addEventHandler("SetData",root,function ( Table ) guiGridListClear( WindowSiralamaList2 ) for i = 1,200 do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( WindowSiralamaList2 ) guiGridListSetColumnTitle(WindowSiralamaList2 ,column2, "Level") if ( Table [ i ].aScore ) then guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column, i , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column1, Table [i ].Account , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column2, Table [ i ].aScore , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column1, 255, 255, 0) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column2, 0, 180, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column, 255, 0, 0) end end end) addEvent("updateTopMoney",true) addEventHandler("updateTopMoney",root,function ( a,b,c ) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( WindowSiralamaList2 ) guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column, c , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column1, tostring(a) , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( WindowSiralamaList2, row, column2, "$"..formatNumber(tostring(b)).."" , false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column1, 255, 255, 0) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column2, 0, 180, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(WindowSiralamaList2, row, column, 255, 0, 0) end) function deltTop2() guiGridListClear(WindowSiralamaList2) end addEvent("deltTop2", true) addEventHandler("deltTop2", root, deltTop2)
  5. Hello guys, ı have a questions. exampleTable[player].kill How get a max value in this table? Could you show me an example.
  6. ParadoxTR

    Help mute

    When I mute a player, he mute the teamsay. How can I prevent this? I want only say.
  7. local downloadFiles = { {"dosyalar/400.dff"}, {"dosyalar/400.txd"}, {"dosyalar/401.dff"}, {"dosyalar/401.txd"}, ...(so much) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,function() Arkaplan = guiCreateStaticImage((0/1600)*w, (846/900)*h, (357/1600)*w, (54/900)*h, "resim.png", false) guiSetVisible(Arkaplan,true) Label1 = guiCreateLabel((1/1600)*w, (1/900)*h, (356/1600)*w, (27/900)*h, "Araçlar İndiriliyor (499.1 MB)", false, Arkaplan) guiSetFont(Label1, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(Label1, 254, 113, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label1, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Label1, "center") Label2 = guiCreateLabel((1/1600)*w, (27/900)*h, (356/1600)*w, (27/900)*h, "%0", false, Arkaplan) guiSetFont(Label2, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(Label2, 254, 113, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label2, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Label2, "center") for _, downFile in pairs(downloadFiles) do downloadFile(downFile[1]) end end) addEventHandler ( "onClientFileDownloadComplete", resourceRoot, function ( file, success) if ( success) then -----------------------------ARAÇLAR------------------------------ if ( file == "dosyalar/400.dff") then guiSetText(Label2,"%0") guiSetText(Label1,"Araçlar İndiriliyor (512 MB)") end if ( file == "dosyalar/400.txd") then guiSetText(Label2,"%1") txd = engineLoadTXD("dosyalar/400.txd",400) engineImportTXD(txd,400) dff = engineLoadDFF("dosyalar/400.dff",400) engineReplaceModel(dff,400) setElementData(localPlayer,"MB1",true) end ------------------------------------------------------------- if ( file == "dosyalar/401.dff") then guiSetText(Label2,"%2") end if ( file == "dosyalar/401.txd") then guiSetText(Label2,"%3") txd = engineLoadTXD("dosyalar/401.txd",401) engineImportTXD(txd,401) dff = engineLoadDFF("dosyalar/401.dff",401) engineReplaceModel(dff,401) setElementData(localPlayer,"MB2",true) end ...(so much) It's affecting performance. What is the problem?
  8. I useing downloadfile because total 620mb.(cars,obje etc.)
  9. Yes I using downloadFile. I make httpdownloadurl how can I do?
  10. All players are having this problem. Host nitrado 22slot 2gb ram. Where can I learn my server bandwidth?
  11. Why is my server loading too slow and sometimes not filling up?
  12. ParadoxTR

    Server list spam

    My server name: SH Gaming Freeroam My server IP: Fake server IP: - - Screenshot: Other screenshot:
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