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Everything posted by xRGamingx

  1. friend can you fix it in the same code please because I tried one way and it did not work
  2. Hello friends I need a little help I created a small square dxDraw But the problem is that when he called the square dxdraw disappears very fast And what I need is for it to stay at least 30 seconds ---Client function helpe(emergenci) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.4281) - 1, (screenH * 0.1380) - 1, (screenW * 0.4281) - 1, screenH * 0.4232, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.5594, (screenH * 0.1380) - 1, (screenW * 0.4281) - 1, (screenH * 0.1380) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.4281) - 1, screenH * 0.4232, screenW * 0.5594, screenH * 0.4232, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.5594, screenH * 0.4232, screenW * 0.5594, (screenH * 0.1380) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.4281, screenH * 0.1380, screenW * 0.1313, screenH * 0.2852, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 98), false) end addEvent("helpe", true) addEventHandler("helpe", root, helpe) function delhelpe () addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),helpe) setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),helpe) end,10000,1) end addEvent ("onSpecialEvent", true) addEventHandler ("onSpecialEvent", root, delhelpe) ---Server triggerClientEvent (player,"helpe", player,emergenci)
  3. Hello friend, your code works as well, but you did it wrong the image must replace the pointer of the weapon, for 15 seconds And you made the image come up to the player who dies :3 look this must be replaced by the image for 15 seconds
  4. Hello Friends, I need you to help me as much as you can! I need that when one player kills another this pointer image of the weapon comes out for 15 seconds example before killing him without the pointer Now when it kills it pointer leaves for 15 seconds --
  5. How did you solve it? I have a HUD dx and it appears before the player start session ¿? Send PM plz
  6. some start more or less friend? plz
  7. As I can do when throwing a grenade, I must wait 30 seconds to return the next one?
  8. Claro pero como saco justo la posición de la espalda ?
  9. I want every player that goes through the money bag to stick to your back example
  10. How can I do so that when a player enters a market, the money bag on his back is ashen? ID Bag: 1550 function creteMoney () Money[1] = createObject(1550, 472.5595703125, 152.0556640625, 1002.2183227539) ----------- 1 setElementInterior (Money[1], 3) setElementDimension (Money[1], 1) setObjectScale(Money[1], 1.5) setElementCollisionsEnabled(Money[1], false) local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(Money[1]) MoneyCol = createColSphere(x1, y1, z1, 1) if isElement(Money[1]) then moveMoney = setTimer(moveObject, 2000, 0, Money[1], 2000, x1, y1, z1, 0, 0, 360) else if isTimer(moveMoney) then killTimer(moveMoney) end end end
  11. If you look at the image, I'm using the local weaponType = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) And I get down on the hud id the gun The weapon that I am using is AK-47 -ID 30 instead of the id I want the name of the weapon to come out
  12. Brother I was to use And I get the ID of the weapon local weaponType = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer )
  13. I just created a HUD, and below I put a dx text to get the name of the weapon I'm using I need to know what I can use to call the names of the weapons I already use > local weapID = getWeaponIDFromName(localPlayer )
  14. 1- I did everything right as you asked and it worked 2- The login sends the account to the phpmyadmin page 3- But I get a single error when creating the account Is --> [2018-02-08 22:24:36] WARNING: Login\server.lua:21: Access denied @ 'addAccount' -------------------------------------------- Line 21 --> if(addAccount(user,clave))then But I do not understand why I get that error if the login sends the data to phpmyadmin rather
  15. local server ="" local base ="proyectotg" local user ="root" local contra="" --server =host --base =dbname --user =user --contra= pass function registrar(user,clave,correo) cnn = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..base..";host="..server,user,contra,"share=2") res = dbQuery( cnn,"select count(codCuentas)as nombre from cuentas where usuario='"..user.."';") result = dbPoll( res, -1 ) if(result[1]["nombre"]==0)then serial = getPlayerSerial(source) res = dbQuery( cnn,"select count(codCuentas)as nombre from cuentas where serialPlayer='"..serial.."';") result = dbPoll( res, -1 ) if(result[1]["nombre"]<100)then a,b,c = tostring(math.random(100,800)),tostring(math.random(100,800)),tostring(math.random(100,800)) codigo = a..b..c fail= dbExec( cnn, "INSERT INTO cuentas(usuario,clave,correo,serialPlayer,codigo,cambio,can,activa) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",user,clave,correo,serial,codigo,0,0,0 ) if(addAccount(user,clave))then outputChatBox("The account was created successfully Usero="..user.." Pass="..clave,source) setElementData(source,"usuario",user) setElementData(source,"clave",clave) enviar(codigo,correo,"Codigo+De+activacion",source) triggerClientEvent(source,"fActivar",source) else outputChatBox("Something has gone wrong contact an admin",source) end else outputChatBox("You can only have 2 accounts",source) end else outputChatBox("The account is already in use",source) end end addEvent("registrar",true) addEventHandler("registrar",getRootElement(),registrar) [2018-02-08 20:58:21] WARNING: Login\server.lua:8: Bad usage @ 'dbConnect' [Accès refusé pour l'utilisateur: ''@'@localhost'. Base 'proyectotg'] [2018-02-08 20:58:27] WARNING: Login\server.lua:9: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean] [2018-02-08 20:58:27] WARNING: Login\server.lua:10: Bad argument @ 'dbPoll' [Expected db-query at argument 1, got boolean] [2018-02-08 20:58:27] ERROR: Login\server.lua:11: attempt to index global 'result' (a boolean value)
  16. Hello friends, how can I know that the Login connection is correct with SQL? I want some message to appear in the debug script 3 that tells me that the connection is successful to the dbsql Or tell me failed connection.. local server ="test" local base ="test" local user ="test" local contra="test" function registrar(user,clave,correo) cnn = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..base..";host="..server,user,contra,"share=2") res = dbQuery( cnn,"select count(codCuentas)as nombre from cuentas where usuario='"..user.."';") result = dbPoll( res, -1 ) if(result[1]["nombre"]==0)then serial = getPlayerSerial(source) res = dbQuery( cnn,"select count(codCuentas)as nombre from cuentas where serialPlayer='"..serial.."';") result = dbPoll( res, -1 ) if(result[1]["nombre"]<100)then a,b,c = tostring(math.random(100,800)),tostring(math.random(100,800)),tostring(math.random(100,800)) codigo = a..b..c fail= dbExec( cnn, "INSERT INTO cuentas(usuario,clave,correo,serialPlayer,codigo,cambio,can,activa) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",user,clave,correo,serial,codigo,0,0,0 ) if(addAccount(user,clave))then outputChatBox("The account was created successfully Usero="..user.." Pass="..clave,source) setElementData(source,"usuario",user) setElementData(source,"clave",clave) enviar(codigo,correo,"Codigo+De+activacion",source) triggerClientEvent(source,"fActivar",source) else outputChatBox("Something has gone wrong contact an admin",source) end else outputChatBox("You can only have 2 accounts",source) end else outputChatBox("The account is already in use",source) end end addEvent("registrar",true) addEventHandler("registrar",getRootElement(),registrar)
  17. ---enviar = submit or Send ---codigo = code ---correo = email ---asunto = affair ---user = user function enviar(codigo,correo,asunto,user) url = "http://proyectonc.eshost.com.ar/MtaSendMail/enviar.php?para="..correo.."&asunto="..asunto.."&mensaje="..codigo triggerClientEvent(user,"Send",user,url) end
  18. Hello friends I need help, My friend had created a login panel. And the login panel is all via html and MySQL connection But my friend had hosted in PHP a library that was responsible for sending a code to the mail of users who register on the server And I do not have that library to upload it to PHP to be able to walk the login perfectly I would like you to help me with this liberia please, I will leave the php link that my friend used : http://proyectonc.eshost.com.ar/MtaSendMail/enviar.php?para= ...
  19. Now it works But why do the other numbers come out? example 13.9585 I want him to come out only on the 13th
  20. How can I get the number 0 out when I'm on the ground? function height() local jet = doesPedHaveJetPack ( localPlayer ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (getLocalPlayer()) local height = math.floor((z*0)) if ( jet ) then dxDrawText("Altitude: " .. (z).."", 17, 461, 110, 498, tocolor(254, 17, 17, 254), 0.50, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), height )
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