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Everything posted by The_Walrus

  1. Vultr has dedicated instances from $60/month and if you use a referral code you'll get $5 in credit to try the service. I don't think you can find anything cheaper than that that isn't just worthless piece of shit. So what do you get for $60? 120GB SSD, 2 CPU cores, 8GB RAM and 10TB transfer at 1Gbit/s bandwidth. Although if I where you I would have chosen a VPS instead, at Vultr you can get 90GB SSD, 4vCPU, 4GB RAM and 4TB transfer at 1Gbit/s for $40/month, their VPS'es are very similar in performance compared to their dedicated instances. Here's another alternative, they don't have any dedicated instances but their VPSs has performance similar to a dedicated instance. Prices are similar to Vultr but slightly different configurations. If you don't want to spend more than $35/month I suggest you to take a look at those two.
  2. 3MB sounds a little too optimistic, it's rather 30-40MB and up to 50MB after you installed all the libraries (32bit compatibility) and stuff needed to run your MTA server. But it's definitely better than Ubuntu in cases where a few hundred MB of RAM matters.
  3. All MTA servers listed on this page are in fact currently hosted on old laptop hardware, (modified however for practical reasons mentioned by previous posters in this topic). Considering how stupid the idea may sound before being tested in reality, I got mostly positive experience. Although it's outsourced I can ensure that the up-time and performance are in class with any host offering dedicated servers. In some cases it's actually better than using a home or small business server as laptops has a battery which works as UPS in case of shorter power failures. At the end it's pretty much only a question about how much money you are ready to pay for a reliable host with nearly 100% up-time. BTW, your own server "SAN" is on the list I linked to earlier. As you asked about this project I assume you didn't notice any major difference either.
  4. My guess is that the bug is in your other resource named "GRGPlayerFunctions", either that or you're not using the police chief system correctly. There is no bugs in the police chief system, if it was it wouldn't work on other servers either, try to download the latest version if you're unsure then add yourself as policechief, ban someone and finally run this: local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) if is_law_banned then outputChatBox("True") else outputChatBox("False") end And post the result. Don't forget to replace "client" with a player element who's account is currently law banned.
  5. Thanks to a lot of people who asked us about the installation in our support channels a heavily improved document with installation instructions is now available here, try that first as it explains how to install everything without getting any errors, if that doesn't help you may find more help here. Good luck.
  6. In MTA all elements are organized in a tree layout where "root" is the top, by using root you can reach all available elements below it. On the second level you'll find categories such as "resources" and "players", "onPlayerLogin" is an event attached to a player which means that you can assign it to a player element or the root element to make it trigger for all players. "resourceRoot" is the root element of a resource, as there are no player elements within a specific resource your event will not trigger at all when using "resourceRoot". For more details check this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element_tree
  7. What exactly do you mean by "working backup server"?
  8. Follow Mr.Moose's advice and download the latest version here, all that spam with the "onClientSend" event is a result of a known bug which is now resolved. GTWstaff require you to add the ACL groups: Admin, Developer, Moderator and Supporter or edit the resource by opening it's *.lua files and change the list of staff ACL groups to your groups, (by default: Admin, SuperModerator and Moderator). If you don't even try to follow the installation guide we can't help you.
  9. Here's a good start, add this to the file ACL.xml located in "mods/deathmatch/", then restart your server. <!-- GTW-RPG resources required ACL rights --> <group name="GTW_RPG"> <acl name="GTW" /> <object name="resource.GTWgui" /> <object name="resource.GTWupdates" /> </group> <acl name="GTW"> <right name="function.callRemote" access="true" /> <right name="function.restartResource" access="true" /> </acl>
  10. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Acl Guess we could write a specific ACL group just for our own resources but ACL's isn't really that hard to deal with, there are many ways to modify them. Webadmin, default adminpanel or simply write in the file ACL.xml in "mods/deathmatch/", a resource without access to a certain function won't be able to use that function, it's all about security.
  11. I already got something similar on my "todo" list which you can follow here: http://forum.gtw-games.org/mta-servers-development/parked-vehicles/, the result will be available on Github when it's finished. SCRUM (development method) is used so I have no idea how much time it takes to finish, it's still a simple job to put all these pieces together so I recommend you to try for yourself.
  12. In that case you may post an advertisement for your server in this board: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=115. Take a look at your competitors for some inspiration as a good advertisement is the key to getting noticed.
  13. Use this to obtain a table containing all vehicles created by a certain resource, (preferable the resource containing your map file with all the vehicles): local all_vehicles_in_resource = getElementsByType("vehicle", resourceRoot)
  14. Please use spoilers if you going to post so much text, it takes forever to scroll through everything, on the positive side your "mtaserver.conf" file looks correct. Follow Olles advice and read about the ACL system. Here's the details about why certain resources need certain ACL rights. GTWgui will refresh all resources calling it once restarted so that all GUI elements can be recreated, it's a primitive solution but a better system is currently under development. GTWcivilians adds a few columns to your scoreboard like occupation. GTWupdates get's the latest updates from gs.gtw-games.org and needs to do a callRemote, 10 seconds is a pretty short delay however, it should be 10 or maybe 60 minutes unless you host that file locally. GTWstaff provides a safe and easy way to check if a player is in a certain ACL group client side by using tables, default ACL's are not used so you have to define the groups: "Admin", "Developer", "Moderator" and "Supporter", admin and moderator already exists by default, developer could be inherit from supermoderator and supporter is just a basic group for people providing support. The rights in these groups doesn't matter, they just need to exist, otherwie you'll just edit the files in GTWstaff resource with your own staff ranks. Also note that GTW-RPG isn't a system for beginners to just start and play, most resources do work out of the box but the whole game mode itself requires some basic knowledge to setup and is mainly invented to save time by providing core features to RPG servers, for the moment.
  15. Why would you need busy slots? just set a lower max limit of players that can join your server. The only way to make it look like you have players you don't have is to use virtual clients. Trust me on this one, it's much easier to make the server enjoyable and thereby get real players to join.
  16. I hope people are smart enough to understand how to multiply the right amount of seconds for their needs, despite a few mistakes in my post. Thanks for noticing it @Anubhav. I better find a proper keyboard without slow keys.
  17. local veh = { { 400, 1552.552734375, -1624.3525390625, 13.3828125 }, { 400, 1577.2568359375, -1612.421875, 13.3828125 }, } for k,v in pairs(veh) do local new_veh = createVehicle(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4]) toggleVehicleRespawn(new_veh, true) setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(new_veh, 60*1000) end Like that for instance, all vehicles in the table "veh" will spawn upon load and get instructions to re-spawn after 60 seconds when idle after used. It should be able to handle a large amount of vehicles without using any noticeable amount of system resources.
  18. Use this function: setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(vehicle theVehicle, int timeDelay) Check the syntax on wiki for more details, this will respawn any vehicle that has been idle for the amount of time you set, apply it after the vehicle is created or in a loop upon start if all vehicles on your server is constant.
  19. It's invalid because the "external IP" is the IPv4 address used to access your router from the outside world. Why would you forward a port in your router to your router? Your operating system has nothing to do with your IP addresses. Did you install your router at the same time as you reinstalled your operating system? game-state has nothing to do with this either, like all devices outside your LAN they can only see your routers IP (the one you call "external"). That's the IP used to communicate with your network from the outside world. If you changed your server there is a chance that you deleted the key files which caused your server to generate new keys, that means it will look like a different server. game-state sees a different server as well. See above answer and don't worry about game state, offline servers are removed after a month and if a new server appears on the same IP and port you should be able to claim it, otherwise it's a problem related to game state.
  20. You have to configure your router to forward required ports to the local IP of your server. Your routers external IP will then be used for all traffic outside your LAN. Some routers has limited port forwarding functionality however, find out how to configure this here: http://portforward.com/. Additionally you can setup a domain name to point at your external IP for a little bit better protection but mainly because a domain looks more professional. Virtual server is another useful feature in case you wish to forward traffic into a different port, in case you run multiple servers on the same network for instance.
  21. That depends on the code you use for that, you can restart the resource to force a reload of all vehicles or use a loop, the problem here seems to be your loop. Show the code if you really think you need to refresh all vehicles on delay. I can't even think of any case where such feature would be needed. As MIKI785 suggested you can use re-spawn delay to make a vehicle re-spawn after it's broken, and idle re-spawn delay to re-spawn it a certain time after someone left it. Those are built in functions and should be the most efficient solution as well as comfortable for your players. The code for that would be something like this: local veh = createVehicle(400, 1, 1, 1) -- Just find the part in your code where the vehicle is spawned if not veh then return end -- Enable re-spawn and set delay toggleVehicleRespawn(veh, true) setVehicleRespawnDelay(veh, 30*1000) -- Re-spawn 30 seconds after explosion (do not set a value lower than ~5 seconds here as the vehicle may get stuck in a permanent explosion state). setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(veh, 300*1000) -- Re-spawn after being idle for 5 minutes (300 seconds) There's only one basic rule in this case to remember, you don't need to re-spawn a vehicle that hasn't been used.
  22. Use the syntax suggested by Walid, "getElementModel" returns the current skin ID which is directly passed to the spawn function.
  23. The_Walrus

    Whats wrong

    Looks like some kind of punishment system to me (server side only), what is it supposed to do, and what happens when you run it? If you want help you should at least provide those details. If you have no idea what you're doing, you should try something more simple.
  24. Many servers, especially CnR and roleplay servers has cops or other law units. And sometimes these players doesn't follow the rules or the law, that's where this system comes in handy. I re-wrote this for the GTW-RPG police system originally posted by Mr.Moose (a.k.a MrBrutus) available here. You'll find this system on Github: Download. So what we got here is basically a police chief system, which allow you as server administrator to setup a group of users, that will work as police chiefs. Their duty is to make sure all law units on your CnR, RPG or role-play server follow the law. If not, police chiefs has the ability to kick them from their job, and block them from taking the job again. Features: SQLite database to store police chiefs as well as "law banned" players Exported functions to check if a player is in any of these lists Simple and logic commands Reset team, skin and other parameters upon kick and notify the abusive police officer. Support or bugs: Try the official channels: https://github.com/GTWCode/GTW-RPG/issues http://forum.gtw-games.org/bug-reports/
  25. It's easy when you know the coordinates of your ped's bone and the ID of the handcuffs object, (not sure if such object exist, never seen any). The closest thing to that I've done before would be this piece of code, which will attach a ciggaret in your right hand. The result may vary depending on skin model, but the place on your bone where you wish to add the handcuffs is relatively close, you only need to attach them on one arm, then force the position of the other arm to fit in the other end of the hand cuffs according to it's size. This might be possible to accomplish using an animation. -- Create and attach ciggaret local ciggaret= createObject ( 1485, 0, 0, 0 ) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(ciggaret,plr,11,0.15,0.1,0.15,0,180,30) Assuming bone_attach is properly installed and running and "plr" is a player element.
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