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  1. just bought MTA package and it's rockin'. they helped me a lot, i was having hard times to configure my own server. up time is a real problem nowadays but these guys are serious about that. it's not like some other cheeky vps provider who sells you :~ covered with gold. about the performance, i can't really say anything about that since there are no players on my server currently but i think the server will overcome that too. 10/10 would recommend
  2. you'll use; bindKey https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedWeaponSlot
  3. Tox


    your code won't work
  4. Tox

    Give skin

    --Set Skin local inValidSkins = {[94] = true} -- replace teamName with the team you want addEvent("AdminPanel.setSkin", true) function setSkin(plr, getText) if plr and isElement(plr) then if getText then local skin = getElementModel(getText) if not skin then skin = getText end if inValidSkins[skin] then -- you can use getElementModel or simply replace it with getText outputChatBox("#00FF00Este team es solo para #FF0000[ADM]#00FF00 o#FF0000 [LIDER]", client, r, g, b, true) return end setElementModel(plr, skin) outputChatBox("#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(client).."#00FF00 Ha combiar su skin a #0B00FF("..skin..") ", plr, 0, 255, 0, true) outputChatBox("#00FF00Combiar #FF0000"..getPlayerName(plr).."#00FF00 skin a #0B00FF("..skin..") ", client, 0, 255, 0, true) end end end addEventHandler("AdminPanel.setSkin", root, setSkin)
  5. Tox


    function onLogin (_, playeraccount) if ( playeraccount ) then local Timer = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "timercd" ) if ( Timer ) then timer[source] = setTimer(function() timer[source] = nil outputChatBox("You can now use the advert again", source) end, Timer, 1) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onLogin)
  6. Tox


    may i see the chunk?
  7. Tox


    do you trigger set timer with "onPlayerLogin"?
  8. Tox


    'source' is a userdata which is unique for every each element. so every time a player quits/joins they'll have a different userdata. you can save the timer's details with getTimerDetails function on player's account data when they quit and then work it after they join
  9. check out the https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerServerEvent function again and fully understand how it works.
  10. Tox


    well yeah, of course i checked it out. i kind of understand what metatables do but the thing i am having a trouble with is what is metatables' advantage. i mean, can i still do the same things as metatables do without having to use metatables?
  11. Tox


    what is the advantage of metatables? i've been coding for 8 months now, i've seen several examples of setmetatable here and there, still couldn't figure out what it does/how does it work. any comment is appreciated
  12. Tox


    i think i won't do it because of the performance issues, thank you for help
  13. Tox


    it looks cheesy when i try something like that, thank you for the suggestion though
  14. hello, i am trying to do something like camera on a certain point of player's screen, at first i thought dxCreateScreenSource was the right function but here's the thing: i am trying to get the screen of another player. not the source player so, i need to use getElementPosition somehow but the function only captures the local player's screen. oh and i need it like a camera which means it will update when it is active. not just like a screenshot from another player's screen, i would be grateful if you can help me here's a video, that explains more:
  15. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp ^ easier to find things
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