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  1. Hi, How to adjust green zone here and there. I downloaded an green zone But I can't adjust it. Here is it: addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), function() setTimer (moneyZoneTimerFunction, 2500, 0) local allGreenzones = getElementsByType ("radararea") for i,v in ipairs (allGreenzones) do local r,g,b,a = getRadarAreaColor (v) if (r == 0) and (g == 255) and (b == 0) and (a == 127) then local x,y = getElementPosition (v) local sx,sy = getRadarAreaSize (v) local col = createColCuboid (x,y, -50, sx,sy, 7500) setElementID (col, "greenzoneColshape") end end end) addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", getRootElement(), function(hitElement, matchingDimension) if (getElementType (hitElement) == "player") and (getElementID (source) == "greenzoneColshape") then outputChatBox ("You entered the greenzone", hitElement, 255, 0, 0, false) toggleControl (hitElement, "fire", false) toggleControl (hitElement, "next_weapon", false) toggleControl (hitElement, "previous_weapon", false) toggleControl (hitElement, "sprint", false) toggleControl (hitElement, "aim_weapon", false) toggleControl (hitElement, "vehicle_fire", false) showPlayerHudComponent (hitElement, "ammo", false) showPlayerHudComponent (hitElement, "weapon", false) triggerClientEvent (hitElement, "enableGodMode", hitElement) end if (source == moneyZoneCol) and (getElementType (hitElement) == "vehicle") then setElementVelocity (hitElement, 0, 0, 0) setElementPosition (hitElement, 2018.33, 1534.77, 12.37) setVehicleRotation (hitElement, 0,0,270) if (getVehicleOccupant (hitElement, 0)) then outputChatBox ("You can't enter the moneyzone with your car!", getVehicleOccupant (hitElement, 0), 255, 0, 0, false) end end end) addEventHandler ("onColShapeLeave", getRootElement(), function(leaveElement, matchingDimension) if (getElementType (leaveElement) == "player") and (getElementID (source) == "greenzoneColshape") then outputChatBox ("You left the greenzone", leaveElement, 255, 0, 0, false) toggleControl (leaveElement, "fire", true) toggleControl (leaveElement, "next_weapon", true) toggleControl (leaveElement, "previous_weapon", true) toggleControl (leaveElement, "sprint", true) toggleControl (leaveElement, "aim_weapon", true) toggleControl (leaveElement, "vehicle_fire", true) showPlayerHudComponent (leaveElement, "ammo", true) showPlayerHudComponent (leaveElement, "weapon", true) triggerClientEvent (leaveElement, "disableGodMode", leaveElement) end end) --money zone col moneyZoneCol = createColCuboid (1993.12, 1519.14, -100, 17.43, 54.24, 117) --stop moneyzone col function moneyZoneTimerFunction () local allPlayersInCol = getElementsWithinColShape (moneyZoneCol, "player") for i,v in ipairs (allPlayersInCol) do givePlayerMoney (v, 5) end end -- marker bij hospital createMarker (1607.36, 1814.24, -10, "cylinder", 24, 0, 255, 0, 190, getRootElement())
  2. Hi, I need an boss script can some one give me that script? I mean a giant which's health is 1500 or 10000.
  3. I don't think it is happened with Sniper, I was killing zombies in RPG Server then game closed and this problem appear they said Restart MTA or Not. There is also a option " [Check Box] Server Crash to Internet" Please help me this problem comes again and again.
  4. No I was killing the zombies!
  5. Megatron123

    Error of MTA.SA

    When I am playing MTA.SA suddenly game closed and this message appeared. Can someone help me? Version = 1.4.1-release-7060.0.000 Time = Sun Mar 01 12:02:55 2015 Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x0032F4DE EAX=00000040 EBX=4E7035D0 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000016 ESI=FFFFFFC0 EDI=FFFF80F0 EBP=0000011F ESP=0028F944 EIP=0072F4DE FLG=00010202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  6. Hi I need GUI Editor help, How i can make GUI and make it as Script? I can only design it. Please someone send me tutorial via Text or Video Link? Best Regards, Megatron
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