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Everything posted by Eweest

  1. В начале этого года обновление вышло вроде. Но случаи с использованием данного чита, были недели 2-3 назад. Вот вам ссылка на группу распространителя: https://vk.com/galaretka_hack
  2. Когда будет уже фикс данного чита?
  3. Eweest

    [HELP] Skin

    Hi guys! What's wrong here? Client: local skin = { {" Skin1" , 280 }, {" Skin2" , 281 } GUIEditor_GridList[30] = guiCreateGridList ( 0.01, 0.09, 0.5, 0.9, true, GUIEditor_Window[3] ) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled ( list, false ) GUIEditor_GridListAddColumn[30] = guiGridListAddColumn ( GUIEditor_GridList[30], "Название скина", 0.8 ) GUIEditor_GridListAddColumn[31] = guiGridListAddColumn ( GUIEditor_GridList[30], "ID", 0 ) for i, skin in ipairs (skin) do GUIEditor_teleRows[30] = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor_GridList[30]) GUIEditor_GridListSetItemText[30] = guiGridListSetItemText ( GUIEditor_GridList[30], GUIEditor_teleRows[30], 1, skin[1], false, false ) GUIEditor_GridListSetItemText[31] = guiGridListSetItemText ( GUIEditor_GridList[30], GUIEditor_teleRows[30], 2, skin[2], false, false ) end GUIEditor_Button[112] = guiCreateButton (350, 80, 140, 20, "set", false, GUIEditor_Window[3]) function spawnFreeSkin () if ( source == GUIEditor_Button[112] ) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor_GridList[30]) local mid = guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor_GridList[30],row,2) if ( row and col ) then triggerServerEvent("spawnskin",localPlayer,mid) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,spawnFreeSkin) Server: Skin = {} function spawnskins(mid) if ( Skin[source] ) then setElementModel(Skin[source],mid) end end addEvent("spawnskin",true) addEventHandler("spawnskin",root,spawnskins)
  4. Нет, нельзя. Удалишь дамми кузова, модель работать не будет.
  5. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    thx, for helping me)
  6. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    Well look. When the spawn so Vehicle = {} function spawnCars(modelid) if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end if ( Vehicle[source] ) then destroyElement( Vehicle[source] ) end local playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle(modelid,playerX + 2,playerY, playerZ + 1) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, Vehicle[source]) end addEvent("spawn",true) addEventHandler("spawn",root,spawnCars) then when the player is in the car, he could not spawn a new car until you leave. Here's how to make sure that I could.
  7. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    Server: Vehicle = {} function spawnCars(modelid) if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end if ( Vehicle[source] ) then destroyElement( Vehicle[source] ) end local playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle(modelid,playerX + 2,playerY, playerZ + 1) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, Vehicle[source]) end addEvent("spawn",true) addEventHandler("spawn",root,spawnCars) How to make sure, so you spawn a car sitting in the car? Thanks in advance.
  8. When the car flipped onto the roof, it burns. How to undo this action?
  9. hi guys! How to make, a car didn't fire during the coup?
  10. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    But, He wants to destroy the car if not modelid. Therefore Vehicle = {} function spawnCars(modelid) if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end if ( modelid ) then local playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle(modelid,playerX,playerY, playerZ) warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Vehicle[source]) else destroyElement(Vehicle[source]) end end addEvent("spawn",true) addEventHandler("spawn",root,spawnCars) Sory... The problem with working capability.
  11. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    Thanks! Work)
  12. Hi guys! What's wrong here? Server: Vehicle = {} function spawnCars(modelid , carN) if (isElement(Vehicle[source])) then return end if ( modelid and carN) then local playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle(modelid,playerX,playerY, playerZ) setElementData(source,"veh",Vehicle[source]) warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Vehicle[source]) outputChatBox("You have spawned "..tostring(carN).. " !" ,player,255,255,0) setElementData(source , "vehN" , carN) g_VehicleData[vehicle] = { creator = source, timers = {} } if not g_Trailers[modelid] then if getOption('vehicles.idleexplode') then g_VehicleData[vehicle].timers.fire = setTimer(commitArsonOnVehicle, getOption('vehicles.maxidletime'), 1, vehicle) end g_VehicleData[vehicle].timers.destroy = setTimer(unloadVehicle, getOption('vehicles.maxidletime') + (getOption('vehicles.idleexplode') and 10000 or 0), 1, vehicle) end destroyElement(vehN) outputChatBox("Your Spawner :[ " ..tostring(carN).." ] is destroyed",player,255,255,0) end end addEvent("spawn",true) addEventHandler("spawn",root,spawnCars)
  13. Eweest

    [HELP] Car

    Hi guys! How to make so that when spawn auto, last destroyed. Server: Vehicle = {} function spawnCars(modelid) if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end if ( modelid ) then local playerX,playerY,playerZ = getElementPosition(source) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle(modelid,playerX,playerY, playerZ) warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Vehicle[source]) else destroyElement(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) end end addEvent("spawn",true) addEventHandler("spawn",root,spawnCars)
  14. Eweest


    I noticed this)
  15. Eweest

    [HELP] Button

    There is an example: function drawWindowAndButton() window_1 = guiCreateWindow(x, y, w, h, "WINDOW 1", false)--Create window 1(Were button is) window_2 = guiCreateWindow(x, y, w, h, "WINDOW 2", false)--Create window 2(The window to show after click) guiSetVisible(window_2, false)--Make window 2 invisible!So we can make is visible later. button = guiCreateButton(x, y, w, h, "SHOW WINDOW 2", false, window_1)--Create the button! end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, drawWindowAndButton) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() if (source == button) then guiSetVisible(window_2, true) --Now make window 2 visible! end end) Thank you. I figured out
  16. Hi! I have a question. How you can create flashing lights? (Strobe lights)
  17. Например source. Нет не sourse, но я уже разобрался. Там нужно было чуть-чуть переписать пару строк.
  18. Eweest

    [HELP] Button

    Hi guys! Such question. How to make so that when you press the button opened another window
  19. Всем привет такой вопрос. Что тут может быть не так? Client: function wh1() triggerServerEvent("wh1", getLocalPlayer()) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[20], wh1, false ) Server: function wheel1() if isPedInVehicle(source) then addVehicleUpgrade(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), 1073) end end addEvent("wh1", true) addEventHandler("wh1", getRootElement(), wheel1 )
  20. -- Simple Police-Lights by MuLTi! p_lights = {} p_timer = {} p_lvar = {} p_pvar = {} p_lvar2 = {} p_lvar3 = {} p_lvar4 = {} function toggleLights(thePlayer, cmd, level) local level = tonumber(level) if not(level) then outputChatBox("#FF0000 Please select a level![1-2]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if(level < 1) or (level > 2) then outputChatBox("#FF0000 Please select a level between 1-2!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) local id = getElementModel(veh) if (id == 579) or (id == 400) or (id == 404) or (id == 489) or (id == 505) or (id == 479) or (id == 442) or (id == 458) or (id == 602) or (id == 496) or (id == 401) or (id == 518) or (id == 527) or (id == 589) or (id == 419) or (id == 533) or (id == 526) or (id == 474)or (id == 545) or (id == 517) or (id == 410) or (id == 600) or (id == 436) or (id == 580) or (id == 439) or (id == 549) or (id == 491) or (id == 491) or (id == 507) or (id == 585) or (id == 587) or (id == 466) or (id == 492) or (id == 546) or (id == 551) or (id == 516) or (id == 467) or (id == 426) or (id == 547) or (id == 405) or (id == 409) or (id == 550) or (id == 566) or (id == 540) or (id == 421) or (id == 529) or (id == 402) or (id == 542) or (id == 603) or (id == 475) or (id == 562)or (id == 565) or (id == 559) or (id == 561) or (id == 560) or (id == 558) or (id == 429) or (id == 541) or (id == 415) or (id == 480) or (id == 477) or (id == 582) or (id == 579) or (id == 490) or (id == 455) or (id == 516) then if(level == 1) then if(p_lights[veh] == 0) or(p_lights[veh] == nil) then p_pvar[veh] = 1 p_lights[veh] = 1 outputChatBox("#FFFFFFPolice-Lights #00FF00on.", thePlayer, 0, 200, 100, true) setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 2 ) p_timer[veh] = setTimer( function() if(p_lvar[veh] == 0) or (p_lvar[veh] == nil) then p_lvar[veh] = 1 setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 0, 0, 255) else setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 0, 0) p_lvar[veh] = 0 end end, 500, 0) else p_lights[veh] = 0 outputChatBox("#FFFFFFPolice-Lights #00FF00off.", thePlayer, 0, 200, 100, true) killTimer(p_timer[veh]) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 255, 255) setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 1 ) end elseif(level == 2) then if(p_lights[veh] == 0) or(p_lights[veh] == nil) then p_lights[veh] = 1 outputChatBox("#FFFFFFPolice-Lights #00FF00on.", thePlayer, 0, 200, 100, true) setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 2 ) p_timer[veh] = setTimer( function() if(p_lvar3[veh] == 4) then setTimer(function() p_lvar3[veh] = 0 end, 1000, 1) setTimer( function() if(p_lvar4[veh] == 1)then p_lvar4[veh] = 0 -- 0 = vorne links 1 = vorne rechts 2 = hinten links 3 = hinten rechts setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 77, 77, 255) else setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 77, 77) p_lvar4[veh] = 1 end end, 50, 5) return end if(p_lvar2[veh] == 0) or (p_lvar2[veh] == nil) then p_lvar2[veh] = 1 -- 0 = vorne links 1 = vorne rechts 2 = hinten links 3 = hinten rechts setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 0, 0, 255) else setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 0, 0) p_lvar2[veh] = 0 end if(p_lvar3[veh] == nil) then p_lvar3[veh] = 0 end p_lvar3[veh] = (p_lvar3[veh]+1) end, 500, 0) else p_lights[veh] = 0 outputChatBox("#FFFFFFPolice-Lights #00FF00off.", thePlayer, 0, 200, 100, true) killTimer(p_timer[veh]) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 255, 255) setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 1 ) end end end end addCommandHandler("pl", toggleLights) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), function() if(p_lights[source] == 1) then killTimer(p_timer[source]) end end )
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