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Everything posted by jingzhi

  1. Can I have more info of this? Make sure you also loaded the DFF files for the custom paintjobs for this vehicle and then you should be able to switch them by using setVehiclePaintjob
  2. specifiy a sound element then triggerClientEvent for all the players in the server by using getElementsByTtype("player") and loop them, so it's sent to all the players in the server
  3. jingzhi


    can you explane me . The fadeCamera function allows you to fade the original camera that is focused on the player. When you use setCameraMatrix it will make the camera move to the position x y z you specified and you can also set the position where you want the camera to point at
  4. Hey, I suggest you using dbFunctions because db module is outdated.
  5. I mean if i have sentinel it has max speed 160km/h, if i add item it will set to 190km/h Thats it, you should use setVehicleHandling
  6. From the video I can't really see what kind of change of direction you want. Do you wish to change the speed also? Is it like a 180 degrees turn or completely 2 opposite directions in all x,y and z axis?
  7. Your problem is that you didn't sync your function to the server side, use triggerServerClient and then triggerClientEvent for all the players in the server
  8. I suggest you using mysql You don't need MySQL @#,+( _xiRoc[K]; > already gived the best solution. I recommend mysql
  9. I suggest you using mysql
  10. jingzhi

    Packers up!

    Didn't understand what exactly you are trying to do?
  11. I Really don't know where to download that Module can someone help me please, Thanks. No one is using the mysql module nowadays..... just stick to the db functions, show more scripts so we can help you
  12. You can do it using some basic math and mySQL He could make it easier and without the need of SQL server (if the server hosting doesn't have mysql then he should pay for website hosting with remote mysql). OFFTOPIC: Ah stop telling everyone in the forum to use MySQL for anything! You are getting annoying. Lol, without sql database it's crap, check if any popular server uses account info
  13. Script name is mySQL and no error in debugscript 3 except for the one i showed there
  14. dbConnect(dbType,"dbname="..dbName..";host="..dbHost.."",dbUsername,dbPassword) I think I put....
  15. 本人正在申请中国区版主 并且正在开发RPG服务器:Second-Life
  16. I think he should use usernames but not serials on this one Yes but username will be a bit harder. If he use serial instead of username the players will not be able to get in their car if they use a new computer
  17. Hello, I have a problem with exporting the mySQL connection into the login script, the error is: "failed to call 'mySQL:dbConnection' [string'?']" Here are the codes mySQL.lua local dbType="mysql" local dbName="mta" local dbHost="" local dbUsername="jingzhi" local dbPassword="" local dbConnection = dbConnect(dbType,"dbname="..dbName..";"..dbHost.."",dbUsername,dbPassword) if dbConnection then outputDebugString("MySQL has been successfuly connected!") else outputDebugString("Failed to connect to MySQL!") end function dbConnection() return dbConnection end meta.xml "JingZhi" type="script" /> login.lua local dbConnection = exports["mySQL"]:dbConnection()
  18. I think he should use usernames but not serials on this one
  19. You can do that by yourself using mySQL
  20. jingzhi


    If you are asking if serial is safe then yes If you are trying to bypass your ban there is one way but I can't tell you
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