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  1. Please i really need to change the car sound when driving but i don't have any resources to replace it. Anyone have please share it to me.
  2. Im using mta 1.4x , all i tried is added police car mod into server but nothing happend even't i try to restart modloader , something wrong with police car mod?
  3. Hi guys , like i edited spl4z gamemode , it's was a good mode but have someproblem with this when i try /duty sytem , it's tell me to press f4 but when i press f4 nothing happend to me , the server.exe didnt say any error here is my code : Please help me local odimension, ointerior, ox, oy, oz, orot, oskin local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local team = 0 local factionrank local skins local skincount local curr function changeDutySkin() local factionid = getElementData(localPlayer, "faction") factionrank = getElementData(localPlayer, "factionrank") curr = 1 if (factionid==1) then team = 1 skins = { } skins[1] = { } skins[1][1] = 71 skins[1][2] = 1 skins[2] = { } skins[2][1] = 280 skins[2][2] = 2 skins[3] = { } skins[3][1] = 281 skins[3][2] = 10 skins[4] = { } skins[4][1] = 282 skins[4][2] = 12 skins[5] = { } skins[5][1] = 283 skins[5][2] = 15 skins[6] = { } skins[6][1] = 284 skins[6][2] = 2 skins[7] = { } skins[7][1] = 288 skins[7][2] = 13 skincount = 7 elseif (factionid==2) then team = 2 skins = { } skins[1] = { } skins[1][1] = 274 skins[1][2] = 1 skins[2] = { } skins[2][1] = 275 skins[2][2] = 1 skins[3] = { } skins[3][1] = 276 skins[3][2] = 1 skins[4] = { } skins[4][1] = 277 skins[4][2] = 1 skins[5] = { } skins[5][1] = 278 skins[5][2] = 1 skins[6] = { } skins[6][1] = 279 skins[6][2] = 1 skincount = 6 elseif (factionid==4) then team = 4 skins = { } skins[1] = { } skins[1][1] = 163 skins[1][2] = 1 skins[2] = { } skins[2][1] = 164 skins[2][2] = 1 skins[3] = { } skins[3][1] = 165 skins[3][2] = 1 skins[4] = { } skins[4][1] = 166 skins[4][2] = 1 skins[5] = { } skins[5][1] = 286 skins[5][2] = 1 skincount = 5 else return end odimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) ointerior = getElementInterior(localPlayer) ox, oy, oz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) orot = getPedRotation(localPlayer) oskin = getElementModel(localPlayer) local dimension = 65000 + getElementData(localPlayer, "gameaccountid") setElementDimension(localPlayer, dimension) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 0) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 2373.1181640625, 972.830078125, 18.318904876709) setPedRotation(localPlayer, 0) setCameraMatrix(2373.0029296875, 976.880859375, 18.318904876709, 2373.1181640625, 972.830078125, 18.318904876709) bindKey("Enter", "down", finishDutySkin) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), displayHelpText) unbindKey("F4", "down", changeDutySkin) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", prevDutySkin) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", nextDutySkin) setElementModel(localPlayer, skins[1][1]) toggleAllControls(false, true, false) end bindKey("F4", "down", changeDutySkin) function prevDutySkin() curr = curr - 1 if (curr<1) then curr = skincount end setElementModel(localPlayer, skins[curr][1]) end function nextDutySkin() curr = curr + 1 if (curr>skincount) then curr = 1 end setElementModel(localPlayer, skins[curr][1]) end function displayHelpText() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText("Use arrow keys to pick a skin. Enter to select that skin.", screenHeight-380, screenHeight-93, screenWidth-30, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown") if (skins[curr][2]>factionrank) then dxDrawText("You are not a high enough rank to use this skin.", screenHeight-380, screenHeight-120, screenWidth-30, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown") end end function finishDutySkin() if (skins[curr][2]>factionrank) then playSoundFrontEnd(7) else toggleAllControls(true, true, false) bindKey("F4", "down", changeDutySkin) unbindKey("arrow_l", "down", prevDutySkin) unbindKey("arrow_r", "down", nextDutySkin) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), displayHelpText) setElementDimension(localPlayer, odimension) setElementInterior(localPlayer, ointerior) triggerServerEvent("finishDutySkin", localPlayer, ox, oy, oz, orot, odimension, ointerior, skins[curr][1]) setElementModel(localPlayer, oskin) unbindKey("Enter", "down", finishDutySkin) end end
  4. When i didnt add your code i still can create an account an login it , Now i add it make me cant create an account to join sever help me
  5. i used the Cylus Gaming script . But i when i joined the game it make my screen Black.. you can watch it here
  6. Where can i add it . I should add it in account sytem or anything?
  7. i used the Cylus Gaming script . But i when i joined the game it make my screen Black.. Please watch it and help me please
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