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About bravo351

  • Birthday 30/05/1979


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  • Location
    Eagle River, WI, USA
  • Occupation
    Carpenter, Architect, IT Repair Specialist (all under my own company "Bravo Subcontracting"). One of 5 head administrators of WestCoastFreeRoam, a popular MTA server.
  • Interests
    PC Gaming, including every GTA, every NFS, Source games @Steam, Scarface, Godfather, LOTR:BFME, and more. Modding 3-era GTA installs, handling.cfg and vehicles.ide specialist, who takes pride in modding without GUI frontends.

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  1. I am plum out of revision ideas on this one, guys... any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm adding missile functionality to the Rustler using projectile 19 (non-heatseeking rocket), and limiting the ammo to 4 shots, one per function per onVehicleEnter (I hope, the counter involved and all that are far from my mind at this phase). For some reason, I can't get this damned clientside script to parse no matter what I change. This is what I have so far for beta... function rustlerMissile1 (player) theRustler = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) if (theRustler) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition (theRustler) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation (theRustler) if getElementID(theRustler) ~= 476 then return else createProjectile (getLocalPlayer(), 19, x-2, y, z-4, 1.0, nil, rx, ry, rz) outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ", fox-1.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ("fox1", rustlerMissile1) function rustlerMissile2 (player) theRustler = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) if (theRustler) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition (theRustler) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation (theRustler) if getElementID(theRustler) ~= 476 then return else createProjectile (getLocalPlayer(), 19, x+2, y, z-4, 1.0, nil, rx, ry, rz) outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ", fox-2.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ("fox2", rustlerMissile2) function rustlerMissile3 (player) theRustler = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) if (theRustler) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition (theRustler) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation (theRustler) if getElementID(theRustler) ~= 476 then return else createProjectile (getLocalPlayer(), 19, x-5, y, z-4, 1.0, nil, rx, ry, rz) outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ", fox-3.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ("fox3", rustlerMissile3) function rustlerMissile4 (player) theRustler = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) if (theRustler) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition (theRustler) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation (theRustler) if getElementID(theRustler) ~= 476 then return else createProjectile (getLocalPlayer(), 19, x+5, y, z-4, 1.0, nil, rx, ry, rz) outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ", fox-4.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ("fox4", rustlerMissile4) Any ideas? I get no errors in console, no outputs to the chatbox, no missile, nothing. Resource is recognized, refreshed each time, console confirms all that.
  2. Try this replacement out... no promises, I haven't tested it myself... running a little low on time. bankrob = {} function rob (thePlayer, key, keystate) if (key == "x") and (keystate == "down") then outputChatBox (***All Police To The Bank "..getPlayerName ( thePlayer ).. " Is Robbing The Bank*** ", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, false) setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, 4 ) bankrob = setTimer( robb, 100000, 1 ) end end function robb (thePlayer) if (source ~= robmarker) then return else givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, math.random(50000, 100000) ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, 6 ) end end Also, try adding another event handler to your death function, e.g. "onMarkerLeave"... I'd hate to see you get robbed by a doofus who triggers the robbery in the marker, hops in his Infernus immediately, runs like a girl, and is still richer after 100 seconds. Good luck, man.
  3. I have a server that allows users to modify their handling file (within limits), but 1.0.3 does not allow my users to connect to the server while using their modded files. Is there a setting I can turn off in mtaserver.conf (or elsewhere) to allow these modded files in my OWN server? P.S.: using a modded install and trying to access local map editor also returns this fail.
  4. R3mp, you are a saint. I got it working, even made it expandable. But there's still a few issues in the functionality (e.g., the finish marker can be stolen by anyone in the server who knows where it is, despite it not being visible to them on the radar). Here's the new code: --boat drug function Load ( name ) if name ~= getThisResource() then return else createObject ( 6300, 5003.75, -2586.6298828125, 10.101668357849 ) createObject ( 3620, 4979.0913085938, -2631.3962402344, 31.267587661743 ) createObject ( 3620, 4968.3295898438, -2588.1796875, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 270.67498779297 ) createObject ( 3620, 5018.798828125, -2541.947265625, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 177.37524414063 ) createObject ( 3620, 5023.5815429688, -2600.3518066406, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 336.17370605469 ) createObject ( 3620, 4996.599609375, -2567.1616210938, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 83.35986328125 ) createObject ( 3427, 4996.9228515625, -2605.7299804688, 18.185813903809 ) createObject ( 3256, 5011.9150390625, -2602.1533203125, 18.551418304443 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.6938476563, -2553.3493652344, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.6752929688, -2568.9877929688, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.8032226563, -2584.6606445313, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3258, 4996.9965820313, -2601.5166015625, -11.843643188477 ) createObject ( 1383, 5027.5815429688, -2619.6652832031, 50.680812835693 ) createObject ( 1384, 5027.7055664063, -2619.6687011719, 82.882995605469 ) createObject ( 3361, 4982.8603515625, -2580.0056152344, 16.143913269043, 0, 0, 98.434936523438 ) createObject ( 3361, 4981.9912109375, -2574.1572265625, 12.243919372559, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4981.1274414063, -2568.2854003906, 8.268949508667, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4980.2485351563, -2562.2912597656, 4.2439475059509, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4979.3408203125, -2556.3525390625, 0.24394765496254, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) drugboat = createVehicle ( 446, 4964.63, -2521.94, 1, 0, 0, 244.87 ) destination = createBlip ( 4964.63, -2521.94, 0, 19, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 99999.0 ) addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", drugboat, drugboatJob) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Load ) function drugboatJob ( thePlayer, seat ) if ( thePlayer ) and ( seat == 0 ) and ( source == drugboat ) then setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, 4 ) outputChatBox ("Deliver the drugs to the storehouse.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, false) theEndMarker = createMarker ( -1862.27, -1511.58, 0, "cylinder", 16, 0, 255, 0, 90, thePlayer ) theEndBlip = createBlip ( -1862.27, -1511.58, 0, 53, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 99999.0, thePlayer ) addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", theEndMarker, drugboatJobMarkerHit) end end function drugboatJobMarkerHit ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) theMarkerID = getElementID (theEndMarker) if (source == theEndMarker) then setPlayerWantedLevel ( hitPlayer, 6 ) givePlayerMoney ( hitPlayer, 20000 ) setTimer ( destroyElement, 2000, 1, theEndMarker ) setTimer ( destroyElement, 2000, 1, theEndBlip ) setTimer ( respawnVehicle, 5000, 1, drugboat ) drugvan = createVehicle ( 456, -1857.13, -1620.78, 23, 0, 0, 180 ) outputChatBox ( "Your storehouse is now loaded with coke!", hitPlayer, 255, 0, 0, false ) end end function drugboatJobFailed ( thePlayer ) destroyElement ( theEndMarker ) destroyElement ( theEndBlip ) setTimer ( respawnVehicle, 5000, 1, drugboat ) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", drugboat, drugboatJobFailed) So the mission does work, but what can I do to tighten it and shore up the exploits? Line 48: When drugboat respawns in its original location, if the player has not exited the driver seat, they are teleported as well. If they get out and back in, they get the mission again (line 26).
  5. I am experiencing much fail in my latest mission script, where I'm trying to trigger the Point A to Point B with "onVehicleEnter". If any of you have 5 minutes to review this script, I'd appreciate any feedback you may have. --boat drug function Load ( name ) if name ~= getThisResource() then return else createObject ( 6300, 5003.75, -2586.6298828125, 10.101668357849 ) createObject ( 3620, 4979.0913085938, -2631.3962402344, 31.267587661743 ) createObject ( 3620, 4968.3295898438, -2588.1796875, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 270.67498779297 ) createObject ( 3620, 5018.798828125, -2541.947265625, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 177.37524414063 ) createObject ( 3620, 5023.5815429688, -2600.3518066406, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 336.17370605469 ) createObject ( 3620, 4996.599609375, -2567.1616210938, 31.267587661743, 0, 0, 83.35986328125 ) createObject ( 3427, 4996.9228515625, -2605.7299804688, 18.185813903809 ) createObject ( 3256, 5011.9150390625, -2602.1533203125, 18.551418304443 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.6938476563, -2553.3493652344, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.6752929688, -2568.9877929688, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3255, 4995.8032226563, -2584.6606445313, 18.156356811523 ) createObject ( 3258, 4996.9965820313, -2601.5166015625, -11.843643188477 ) createObject ( 1383, 5027.5815429688, -2619.6652832031, 50.680812835693 ) createObject ( 1384, 5027.7055664063, -2619.6687011719, 82.882995605469 ) createObject ( 3361, 4982.8603515625, -2580.0056152344, 16.143913269043, 0, 0, 98.434936523438 ) createObject ( 3361, 4981.9912109375, -2574.1572265625, 12.243919372559, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4981.1274414063, -2568.2854003906, 8.268949508667, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4980.2485351563, -2562.2912597656, 4.2439475059509, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) createObject ( 3361, 4979.3408203125, -2556.3525390625, 0.24394765496254, 0, 0, 98.432006835938 ) local drugboat = createVehicle ( 446, 4964.63, -2521.94, 1.92, 0, 0, 275 ) local destination = createBlip ( 4964.63, -2521.94, 0, 19, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 99999.0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Load ) function drugboatJob ( theDriver) local theDriver = getVehicleOccupant ( source, 0 ) if ( theDriver ) and ( source == drugboat ) then outputChatBox ("Deliver the drugs to the storehouse!.", theDriver, 255, 0, 0, false) theEndMarker = createMarker ( -1862.27, -1511.58, 0, "cylinder", 16, 0, 255, 0, 90, theDriver ) theEndBlip = createBlip ( -1862.27, -1511.58, 0, 53, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 99999.0, theDriver ) end end addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", drugboat, drugboatJob) function drugboatJobEnd ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) theMarkerID = getElementID (theEndMarker) if (source == theEndMarker) then givePlayerMoney ( hitPlayer, 20000 ) destroyElement ( theEndMarker ) destroyElement ( theEndBlip ) respawnVehicle ( drugboat ) outputChatBox ( "You succeeded, and earned $20000 for your trouble!", hitPlayer, 255, 0, 0, false ) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", theEndMarker, drugboatJobEnd) function drugboatJobFailed ( theDriver ) removeEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", theEndMarker, drugboatJobEnd) local theDriver = getVehicleOccupant ( source, 0 ) destroyElement ( theEndMarker ) destroyElement ( theEndBlip ) respawnVehicle ( drugboat ) outputChatBox ( "You n00b.", theDriver, 0, 255, 255, false ) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", drugboat, drugboatJobFailed) Any thoughts? I'm thinking my problem lies in Line 32.
  6. Dang, MoP! I thought you were helping me script WCG! We're almost where we need to be, and we welcomed you back with open arms, knowing your busy schedule and working around said. What took your mind off of the project? @MOH: I understand motivation, and the need to be interested in an outcome borne of a clear goal, but financial gain in an open source mod is where I fail to see eye-to-eye. I myself offer a plethora of benefits to anyone who helps me complete a task, albeit not often that I do ask. I remind the viewers of this topic that I am not asking for scripting help here, but simply stating my opinion of the subject matter. @DarkDragon[GER]: I do use the resource repository quite a bit. I find the resources provided there somewhat wanting when it comes to plugging them into WCG, mostly minor alterations and customizations before they're fully compatible with the rest of the server. 60% of our server is built on these, and none of those are completely original, save for the credits in the meta and readme, if applicable. A perfect example of this is Slothman's "legalsystem" resource, which I use in WCG regularly despite the server's freeroam base. With the first version, I worked with Slothman to improve the resource's functionality when used in a freeroam environment, brainstormed over a few bugs, and ultimately made it better and more popular for both Slothman AND I when Sloth released v2 of it with these changes applied. I did modify it further, removing a few blip-controlling aspects of it so as to make it compatible with our other blip resources, and applied it to the server. A similar story comes with every resource WCG includes, and will include if vercetti1010 indeed hasn't forgotten about working with me yet again. But to the original subject matter, DarkDragon... you bring up an interesting motivational factor, one that I think stirs the real soul behind this project. When you say "i want to script what i want to see", what comes to your mind? What are your favorite scripts to write? And what kind of resources best hold your attention? Anyone here is welcome to answer this same question. I myself prefer things that move, like gates and elevators...simple scripts, but they really set a map off. What about you all?
  7. Now there's something I can agree with and understand. You're absolutely right; with over 140 servers, the number of scriptors able to handle the job doesn't measure up. And the fact that you all have wiki'd the necessary tools to learn the trade is a huge help in itself. I don't speak for the server owners who are just too lazy to learn, I just speak for me, my community, and the MTA frequenters who just can't understand the logic flow or the language itself. I knew coming in that I'd be doing most of my own work, and with the mod having been built I've no problem with that. And truth be told, I have personally never run into problems with any scriptor in the MTA community, mostly because I contribute as much as I ask for, and I don't ask anyone to do it FOR me. While I may never agree with racketeering of script service, I also will never agree with endusers who demand that things be done for them in a modification that they didn't pay for. To all of you that do what you do best without asking for money, you don't deserve random blowhards coming out of the woodwork and ordering you to change your script to suit them; after all, you're not customer service. So thanks to you, and f*** off to the blowhards.
  8. That's not very nice, fellas... Are you going to sit there and tell me there's not one decent scriptor in the MTA community that is willing to help build a server out of the kindness of his/her own heart? Servers are paying by the month for pro hosting just to defeat the lag issues inherent in MTA already, and as game servers they're not MAKING any money. Not to mention MTA being an open-source and cost-free mod of a single player game that hopefully everyone bought in the first place, how are server owners and/or administrators supposed to afford hiring greedy scriptors who prey on the desperation of regular players who just want to see something cool in a game they play in their offtime? All any MTA scriptor who worked on the mod itself ever got was thanks, and I am one of those who thanks every one of them for all the time, effort, and heart they put into this incredible piece of art. But I fail to see where resource creators get off selling their skills for profit in a game that has no profit to begin with, aside from donations that barely cover a server's pro hosting costs. But I digress... this is nothing more than the rantings of a comparatively old man who has poured countless hours into learning Lua himself only to become a novice at best, and then put those skills to use by modding or tweaking every last resource in the server he admins. I love the game for the sake of loving the game, not because I see dollar signs. If you're objective in the least, please... take the time to really understand where I'm coming from on this, because it seems to me that when topics like this get met with such harsh responses, MTA communities and the heart that binds them dies a little more. Thanks. -Bravo
  9. Been a while, Sloth... I apologize for my absence, but work > MTA. I love what you've done with the script, much better team system than my beta revision that eliminated the skin opt altogether, and the non-nightstick arrest methods work better now too. That having been said, allow me to report my findings. First, the arrest functions are incredibly lag sensitive. I can strike a wanted suspect 20 times with a nightstick, but as long as they move around even the slightest bit they can avoid the arrest. Not sure what can be done about that, but it's worth looking into. Second, if a freeroam server uses a resource that adds player blips to players on join, the legalsystem destroys those blips at some point, forcing a restart of the blips resource by admin. Again, not sure if it's legalsystem's fail or playerblips, but an accommodation in this area would be neat. Aside from bugs, I have a few ideas for added functions. For instance, a commandHandler that allows players to post bail calculated by wanted star level, with a customized value per star in the meta. And I'd like to see a long timer added to the wanted levels that allows player's levels to decrease if they lay low; I've received many complaints on my server by players who obtain a wanted level that never goes away if there's no cops on the server to arrest them. And finally, but certainly not critical, can the roles be reversed? For example, kingCIV ups a bat or a flower, and kidnaps the cop?? The only alteration I did to the resource for use in my server at all was adding another cop station to Missionary Hill to complement the WCG Police HQ I built there, and custom values placed in the meta. If you want to pick my brain further, I'll be watching the thread. Thanks, bro. -Bravo
  10. The url listed in modshop's help.xml doesn't exist, so I figured to post here in lieu... The only thing I've found in the modshops script that will cause problems is the GUI's wheels section. Selecting a wheel adds to the cart just fine, but if it's the last object selected, when you press exit, it applies mod... takes money... but the GUI remains. Using any method to bring the cursor back and selecting any other group besides wheels, and subsequently pressing exit, clears the GUI... but if you don't, you can leave the modshop and the GUI remains, deducting money every time you press exit.
  11. I didn't have any error messages whatsoever... my team problem came in properly referencing it in other scripts. Slothman was kind enough to help me with tightening up the bad syntax i used, in particular getTeamFromName instead of getTeamName. So now instead of restricting the skin models I don't want certain people in the server to have, I simply reference the server team and let the others wear whatever they want. I'd still like to know how I could restrict the available skins to spawn with for certain groups, but it's not nearly as critical anymore.
  12. In integrating "legalsystem" into the server I'm helping to build (ty Slothman, author), I need a way to restrict the availability of cop skins to certain members of the server. In the mainly freeroam server I'm administering, there are 2 ways to obtain setElementModel; /setskin (or the F1 button of the "freeroam" GUI), or /skin, made possible by the following script: function playerSkin ( player, commandName, id ) setElementModel ( player, id ) end addCommandHandler ("skin", playerSkin ) "legalsystem" works by identifying Officers by skin, not by team. I tried recoding it to identify by server team with getPlayerTeam and failed, so I'm left with restricting the cop skins to the Police team in these 2 skin-getting resources. How do I do this? Any help offered would be greatly appreciated, and due credit will be inserted into each altered resource. Thank you.
  13. Thank you. You've been very helpful in my endeavors so far. I, and the server I represent, will go forward from here with what we have, and wait patiently on the next admin update. You guys, all the modders of the 1.0 team, are doing such an awesome job in epic improvements over the dp, and this thread of questions answered is a token example of your dedication. I could not have done any of this without you. Thanks again.
  14. It turned out that I had 2 instances of "admin" loaded in the resources folder, and for some reason the console reverted to serial ID to verify the member. Losing the updated 2.3 version repaired this, and I am now able to join and manage the local with no problems. Thanks, guys. Now, the "admin" included with 1.0 is having a bit of an issue on my end. I am not running "webadmin", just "admin", but my console is outputting the following errors: [09:37:59] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [09:38:25] CONNECT: bravo351 connected (IP: [09:38:32] JOIN: bravo351 joined the game (IP: [09:38:38] LOGIN: bravo351 successfully logged in [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getPedOccupiedVehicle' - Line: 620 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'doesPedHaveJetPack' - Line: 621 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getElementPosition' - Line: 624 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getPedRotation' - Line: 626 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getElementInterior' - Line: 626 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getElementDimension' - Line: 626 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerTeam' - Line: 626 [09:38:41] WARNING: admin_server.lua: Bad argument @ 'spawnPlayer' - Line: 626 [09:39:03] QUIT: bravo351 left the game [Quit] Is this a 1.0 issue, or am I yet again mistaken and have tried running the 2.3 with basic console upgrade applied? CP shows v1.2.
  15. I'm running a betatest local server through console, have added proper permissions to ACL, mtaserver.conf, and accounts, and the server WAS working fine @ But now I try to enter the game after firing up the Console, game loads, and my own console kicks me for "invalid serial". On checking the accounts.xml, my password had been changed to a serial code, so I deleted the string and added my usual login password, and set the autologin to "1". Restarted, and same problem, only this time Console erased my account altogether. What am I doing wrong? And how can I fix this? Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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