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Everything posted by aliensky

  1. Hello, i need help. Why does this script is not working? I can't see it when i'm in other team. It's okay but when i join to Criminal team, i can't see it again. What should i do? Thanks. local crMarker = createMarker(1863.6999511719,-1598.6999511719,12.89999961853, 'cylinder', 2, 255, 0,0, 150) setElementVisibleTo (crMarker,getTeamFromName ("Criminal"), true) setElementVisibleTo (crMarker, root, false )
  2. Oh, thank you so much It worked
  3. Hello guys, i want to set player team when player joined to server. I want them to join Civilian team. I created civilian team with another script. What should i do about that script please help. Thank you. function whenJoin (player) setPlayerTeam (player,Civilian) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement (), whenJoin)
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