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Everything posted by Rat32

  1. Rat32

    Bad function?

    Because it is here I am writing you to help me. If you do not know how to fix it, it does not write anything and that's it.
  2. Rat32

    Bad function?

    I mean, you know, tired by this code, and secondly it is very long. I am afraid that someone will call him. Do you have something else up his sleeve?
  3. Rat32

    Bad function?

    I've thought about it, but I do not know what way debugscript calls for closing parenthesis. "ERROR: Loading script failed: ')" expected to close ( at line 164 (in the up code this is line 1), near end.
  4. Rat32

    Bad function?

    function asastkise() if guiGetText(tytul) == "Tytuł: Mleko" then guiSetVisible(oknoprz, false) showCursor(false) exports["notifications"]:showBox("info","Na Twoim radarze zostało umieszczone miejsce rozładunku.") jakafura = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) nazwafury = getVehicleName(jakafura) trasa = true if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: San Fierro" then punkt = createMarker(-2443.31812, 740.89063, 34, "cylinder", 10, 0, 255, 255, 20) blip = createBlip(-2443.31812, 740.89063, 34.01563, 41) end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Los Santos" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$500") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Las Venturas" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$2000") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Bayside" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$1700") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Fort Carson" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$1800") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Angel Pine" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$700") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Palomino Creek" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$1000") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Blubbery" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$900") end if guiGetText(wyladunek) == "Wyładunek: Doki" then guiSetText(wynagrodzenie, "$100") end if nazwa == "Roadtrain" then triggerServerEvent("cysterna", root) outputChatBox("Do tego rodzaju pojazdu wymagana jest przyczepa. Uważaj! Nie zgub jej.", 0, 255, 0) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guifinalizuj, asastkise, false) In debugscript "addEventHandler" have expected function at arg 3. Why? Please, help. IDK this...
  5. "atempt to concetante a nil value"
  6. Hey! serverside: function nadajkolory() kontod = getPlayerAccount(source) r = setAccountData(kontod, "kolor", 56) g = setAccountData(kontod, "kolor2", 24) b = setAccountData(kontod, "kolor3", 67) a = getAccountData(kontod, "kolor") b = getAccountData(kontod, "kolor2") c = getAccountData(kontod, "kolor3") triggerClientEvent(source, "kolorely", resourceRoot, a,b,c) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), nadajkolory) client: function dajkolor(a, b, c) setVehicleColor(kar, tonumber(a)..","..tonumber(b)..","..tonumber(c)) outputChatBox(a..","..b..","..c) end addEventHandler("kolorely", getRootElement(), dajkolor) In debugstring i have "Incorret numbers, but outputChatBox say good: "x, x, x". Any help?
  7. I have vehicle "Roadtrain", but script don't give money too.
  8. tablicapremii = {"Roadtrain", "Tanker", "Linerunner"} czypremiakon = getVehicleName(czypremia) if getVehicleName(czypremia) == tablicapremii then givePlayerMoney(client, 10000) Why this "if" not read the "tablicapremii" table? Please help .
  9. Work, but give me only 2 dollars
  10. Same, but outputChatBox working, see "$500", but with "$"
  11. Now, "getPlayerMoney" at arg2 got nil
  12. Nothing, "base out of range" in the debugscript.
  13. 'tonumber' #2 - base out of range - this error I have
  14. local dosyfa = "$500" syfik = tonumber(string.gsub(dosyfa, "%$", "", 1)) givePlayerMoney(client, tonumber(syfik)) Debugscript nothing. Gsub not working, any help?
  15. Not work. First and second ;d
  16. Hello! clientside: function wyladunki() if source == punkt then kasa = guiGetText(wynagrodzenie) exports["notifications"]:showBox("info", "Dostarczyłeś ładunek. Twoje wynagrodzenie to: "..kasa) triggerServerEvent("hajsy", getRootElement(), kasa) destroyElement(punkt) destroyElement(blip) trasa = false end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), wyladunki) serverside: function manimani(kasa) givePlayerMoney(source, kasa) end addEvent("hajsy", true) addEventHandler("hajsy", getRootElement(), manimani) In debugscript nothing. Script not work, why? (this is only part of this script)
  17. Don't work. Any help?
  18. Hi. I apologize in advance for my bad English. Well, I have no clue why it does not work, serverEvent indicates nil, even if it is probably good. I'm sending you the current status of the script. Everything works except that at the end of the timer does not release a player from his cell. Regards. CLIENT: addEvent("wypuszczony", true) addEvent("zamkneles", true) addEvent("zostaleszamkniety", true) addEvent("zlygracz", true) addEvent("puchatimer", true) function info1() exports["notifications"]:showBox("info","Zostałeś zamknięty na okres 10 minut. Po wyjściu z serwera i po ponownym wejściu kara znowu zostanie zresetowana na 10 minut, bez względu na to ile odziedziałeś wcześniej.") end addEventHandler("zostaleszamkniety", getRootElement(), info1) function info2() exports["notifications"]:showBox("info","Zostałeś wypuszczony. Postaj się nie trafić tutaj ponownie.") end addEventHandler("wypuszczony", getRootElement(), info2) function info3() exports["notifications"]:showBox("info","Zamknęłeś wybranego gracza w areszcie.") end addEventHandler("zamkneles", getRootElement(), info3) function info4() exports["notifications"]:showBox("error","Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika.") end addEventHandler("zlygracz", getRootElement(), info4) function puchatimers(who) setTimer(function(who) triggerServerEvent("accountdata", resourceRoot) end, 5000, 1) end addEventHandler("puchatimer", getRootElement(), puchatimers) SERVER: addEvent("accountdata", true) function zapuszkuj(player, cmd, who) who = getPlayerFromName(who) if (who) then playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( who ) setAccountData(playeraccount, "areszt", 1) setElementPosition(who, -1948.09949, 274.29776, 35.47393) triggerClientEvent(who, "puchatimer", resourceRoot) triggerClientEvent(player, "zamkneles", resourceRoot) triggerClientEvent(who, "zostaleszamkniety", resourceRoot) else triggerClientEvent(player, "zlygracz", resourceRoot) end end addCommandHandler("aresztuj", zapuszkuj) function antitrick() end function ustawdate(who) playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( who ) setAccountData(playeraccount, "areszt", 0) setElementPostion(who, -1951.99268, 276.64502, 35.46875) end addEventHandler("accountdata", getRootElement(), ustawdate)
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