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Everything posted by SEV3NS

  1. so i cant log in anymore. i had this server since 1.3 and after revamping im getting this problem. [2019-08-26 03:36:20] Resources: 201 loaded, 0 failed [2019-08-26 03:36:20] Starting resources... [2019-08-26 03:36:20] Server minclientversion is now [2019-08-26 03:36:20] ERROR: DayZ animals_client.Lua is invalid. Please re-compile at https://luac.multitheftauto.com/ [2019-08-26 03:36:22] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]\DayZ\login.lua_dayz:456: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] [2019-08-26 03:36:22] WARNING: [DayZ-MTA]\DayZ\login.lua_dayz:509: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] [2019-08-26 03:36:22] ERROR: [DayZ-MTA]\DayZ\group_system\gang_server.lua_dayz:0: exports: Call to non-running server resource (scoreboard) [string "?"] [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Creating new DB table gangs [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Creating new DB table gang_members [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:) [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Authorized serial account protection is enabled for the ACL group(s): `Admin` See https://mtasa.com/authserial [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2019-08-26 03:36:22] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [2019-08-26 03:36:22] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
  2. im working on revamping a silent hill survival horror type server i had running in 1.3 thing is alot of files depreciated. i upgraded most of the files but no avail. i can provide log errors and entries if need be. please get back to me as soon as possible!
  3. i actually need help with making blips in front of doorways that teleport players into internal structures. such as entering story houses or buildings. but maybe map edited rooms as resources.
  4. yea i figrued that much. but when i add the new skins the dont spawn as drops when i copy and rename for example military chlothing to a specific name that relates to the new skin im trying to add. i know im sopposed to modify the survivor system, pick ups, and invetory scripts to implant the new skins but nothing has changed.
  5. i need help i want a bigger verity of skins for my day z server but idk how to add them in without replacing the original skins.
  6. i want to add the blood system to this bodyguard script i downloaded off the community resources but i cant figure it out. i tried to pull it off the zombie script but the two are still not compatible with each other in dealing and receiving damage to each other. bodyguard --declare global variables guardList = {} markerList = {} blipList = {} iterator=0 --declare custom events addEvent("checkTable",true) --make markers function createMarkerAttachedTo(element, mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset) mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset = mType or "checkpoint", size or 4, r or 0, g or 0, b or 255, a or 255, visibleTo or getRootElement(), xOffset or 0, yOffset or 0, zOffset or 0 assert(isElement(element), "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected element at argument 1, got " .. type(element) .. "]") assert(type(mType) == "string", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected string at argument 2, got " .. type(mType) .. "]") assert(type(size) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 3, got " .. type(size) .. "]") assert(type(r) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 4, got " .. type(r) .. "]") assert(type(g) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 5, got " .. type(g) .. "]") assert(type(b) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 6, got " .. type(b) .. "]") assert(type(a) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 7, got " .. type(a) .. "]") assert(isElement(visibleTo), "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected element at argument 8, got " .. type(visibleTo) .. "]") assert(type(xOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 9, got " .. type(xOffset) .. "]") assert(type(yOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 10, got " .. type(yOffset) .. "]") assert(type(zOffset) == "number", "Bad argument @ 'createMarkerAttachedTo' [Expected number at argument 11, got " .. type(zOffset) .. "]") local m = createMarker(0, 0, 0, mType, size, r, g, b, a, visibleTo) if m then if attachElements(m, element, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset) then return m end end return false end --make table compressed function compressTable() local tempGuardTable= {} local tempMarkerTable= {} local tempBlipTable= {} local newkey = 0 for key=1, iterator, 1 do if((not isElement(guardList[key]))or(getElementHealth(guardList[key])<=0))then destroyElement(blipList[key]) destroyElement(markerList[key]) else newkey = newkey + 1 tempGuardTable[newkey]=guardList[key] tempMarkerTable[newkey]=markerList[key] tempBlipTable[newkey]=blipList[key] end end guardList = nil markerList = nil blipList = nil guardList = tempGuardTable markerList = tempMarkerTable blipList = tempBlipTable iterator = newkey end addEventHandler("checkTable",getRootElement(),compressTable) --check every dead ped function clearall() compressTable() end addEventHandler("onPedWasted", getRootElement(), clearall) --make the bodyguard function copyBot(from) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(from) local tpTeam = getPlayerTeam(from) local tpName = getPlayerName(from) if(tpTeam and(getPlayerMoney(from)>=0))then iterator = iterator + 1 guardList[iterator] = exports["slothbot"]:spawnBot(x+5, y, z, 0, 287, 0, 0, tpTeam, 29, "following", from) outputChatBox("Working...", from, 0, 0, 255, true) triggerEvent("checkTable", from) if(guardList[iterator])then takePlayerMoney(from, 0) setElementData(guardList[iterator], "ownerName", tpName) blipList[iterator] = createBlipAttachedTo(guardList[iterator],0,2,0,255,0,255,0,65535,from) markerList[iterator] = createMarkerAttachedTo(guardList[iterator],"arrow",0.3,0,255,0,0,from,0,0,1.3) outputChatBox("Beware, "..tpName.." #ff0000 has created a bodyguard!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true) else guardList[iterator]=nil iterator = iterator - 1 outputChatBox("Sorry an error occured, please pm to the creator(ilhamaryasuta)!", from, 255, 0, 0, true) end elseif(tpTeam and (getPlayerMoney(from)>=0))then outputChatBox("You don't have enough money!",from, 255, 0, 0, true) else if(isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(from)))then outputChatBox("Please register/login first!", from, 255, 0, 0, true) else outputChatBox("Please join a team first!", from, 255, 0, 0, true) end end end addCommandHandler("spawnguard", copyBot) --count the bodyguard function countGuard(from) triggerEvent("checkTable", from) outputChatBox("there is "..iterator.." bodyguards", from, 0, 255, 0, true) for gkey,gval in pairs(guardList)do if(isElement(gval))then local gHealth = getElementHealth(gval) local thisOwner = getElementData(gval, "ownerName") outputChatBox("Bodyguard "..gkey.." : "..math.floor(gHealth+0.5).." hp, Owner : "..thisOwner.."#00ff00 !", from, 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox("Bodyguard "..gkey.." : Dead", from, 0, 255, 0, true) end end end addCommandHandler("guard", countGuard) --clean the bodyguard data function sweepGuard(from) triggerEvent("checkTable", from) end addCommandHandler("cleanguard", sweepGuard) day z (i already added the guards blood on the one below but no effect. --[[ #---------------------------------------------------------------# ----* DayZ MTA Script editor_server.lua *---- ----* This Script is owned by Marwin, you are allowed to edit it. ----* Owner: Marwin W., Germany, Lower Saxony, Otterndorf ----* Skype: xxmavxx96 ----* *---- #---------------------------------------------------------------# ]] --SERVER OUTPUTS shownInfos = {} shownInfos["nomag"] = "No magazines left for this weapon!" shownInfos["youconsumed"] = "You consumed" shownInfos["needwatersource"] = "You have to be inside a body of water!" shownInfos["filledup"] = "You filled your Water Bottle up!" shownInfos["noradio"] = "You have no Radio Device!" --GAMEPLAY SETUP gameplayVariables = {} gameplayVariables["zombieblood"] = 6000 -- Zombie Blood/Health - DEFAULT: 6000 gameplayVariables["guardblood"] = 10000 gameplayVariables["foodrestore"] = math.random(40,100) -- Amount of hunger to be restored when eating - DEFAULT: math.random(40,100) - FOR FULL RESTORE, JUST WRITE 100 gameplayVariables["thirstrestore"] = math.random(40,100) -- Amount of hunger to be restored when drinking - DEFAULT: math.random(40,100) - FOR FULL RESTORE, JUST WRITE 100 gameplayVariables["loseHunger"] = -1.5 -- Amount of losing hunger per minute - DEFAULT: -1.5 gameplayVariables["loseThirst"] = -1.5 -- Amount of losing thirst per minute - DEFAULT: -1.5 gameplayVariables["playerzombies"] = 30 -- Amount of spawning zombies per player - DEFAULT: 6 - THE HIGHER THIS VALUE, THE MORE LAG CAN OCCUR! gameplayVariables["amountzombies"] = 10 -- Amount of zombies - DEFAULT: 3 - THE HIGHER THIS VALUE, THE MORE LAG CAN OCCUR! gameplayVariables["temperaturewater"] = -0.01 -- Amount of temperature to be lost when in water - DEFAULT: -0.01 gameplayVariables["temperaturesprint"] = 0.005 -- Amount of temperature to be gained when sprinting - DEFAULT: 0.005 gameplayVariables["sprintthirst"] = -0.2 -- Amount of losing thirst when sprinting - DEFAULT: -0.2 gameplayVariables["enablenight"] = true -- Whether or not the night should be darker - DEFAULT: true - SET TO false to disable - remember you need to set it in editor_client.lua too. gameplayVariables["itemrespawntimer"] = 14400000 -- Number of milliseconds that should elapse before the items will respawn. Note: You can also just do 14400000/2 to make it the half from the current (division). -- SERVER BACKUP gameplayVariables["backupenabled"] = true -- Whether or not backup should be enabled. Backup = saves all tents, accounts & vehicles. - DEFAULT: true - Set to false to disable backup. gameplayVariables["backupinterval"] = 86400000 -- Number of milliseconds that should elapse before backup. Minimum: 50. - 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. - DEFAULT: 86400000 (= 24 hours) }
  7. ok so i tested it and it turns out the gates never spawned so i just reverted back to the script you gave me earlier. it works grate! i just have to have the scripts seperate thats all. thank you soo much for the help none the less!
  8. so if i wanted to add a second gate to this table i would need to put "gate2" on the table? would i need to put b1 b2 etc? or a17 a18 for the function to control the second gate?
  9. thank you soo much man i just tested it and it works perfectly! also i noticed that the script has handler() if i put a number in the parentheses will i be able to add more gates to this script that way?
  10. So "gate1" is the command right?
  11. so i tried to add the bodyguard resource with the dayz mod i have, but i have hit some problems on the way. my bodyguards spawn and function properly but they do not deal damage to players and zombies and do not recive damage from the zombies or players.
  12. ok, so i did some digging and i managed to come up with this script. i tried the scripts above and the didnt seem to work. only one problem with this scrip, the gate doesnt want to go back up. function createTheGate () myGate1 = createObject ( 3084,2361,-1272,24.60000038147, 0, 0, 90 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), createTheGate ) function openMyGate ( ) moveObject ( myGate1, 2361, -1272, 21,6.0999999046326) end addCommandHandler("gd1",openMyGate) function movingMyGateBack () moveObject ( myGate1, 2361,-1272,24.60000038147,12.60000038147) end addCommandHandler("gu1",movingMyGateBack)
  13. function opengate() if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/opengate", true) == 0) { if (gTeam[sEV3NRS] == player) { if(playerToPoint(15.0, SEV3NRS, 2361, -1272, 24.60000038147)) { moveObject(object gate1, 2361, -1272, 21, 1.500000); return 1; } } } if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/closegate", true) == 0) { if (gTeam[sEV3NRS] == player) { if(playerToPoint(15.0, SEV3NRS,2361, -1272, 24.60000038147)) { moveObject(object gate1, 2361, -1272, 21, 1.500000); return 1; } } } gate1 = createObject(3084, 2361, -1272, 24.60000038147, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); end
  14. thanks for the help guys. so far im still working on the script. but i also have another question. is there a particular file location i should be placing these files at? i just have it in the same file folder as the map right now. and added the meta for it in the maps meta. also that is the full code. how would i go about typing in the function? function open gate( ) print (sript?) end?
  15. heres the code i got so far. it doesnt seem to work though. i just want the door to simply drop down then rise back up. if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/opengate", true) == 0) { if (gTeam[sEV3NRS] == player) { if(PlayerToPoint(15.0, SEV3NRS, 2361, -1272, 24.60000038147)) { MoveObject(object gate1, 2361, -1272, 21, 1.500000); return 1; } } } if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/closegate", true) == 0) { if (gTeam[sEV3NRS] == player) { if(PlayerToPoint(15.0, SEV3NRS,2361, -1272, 24.60000038147)) { MoveObject(object gate1, 2361, -1272, 21, 1.500000); return 1; } } } gate1 = CreateObject(3084, 2361, -1272, 24.60000038147, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);//closed
  16. im trying to make a simple script to make a gate drop down then me or players in my group want to enter but i cant figure it out. can someone help?
  17. does it work? can you make a computer in human for follow you with a weapon with this script?
  18. i also have another question. how can i increase the number of zombies spawned?
  19. hey nevermind i just finished installing it and playing it today!! the server is awesome!! one thing i noticed though. it is able to run on 1.4 but the backpack and weapons (when not equiped) are floating and following you in a teleporting sort of way. also when you eat or heal the animation does not cut off. you have to end it manually. other than that it looks great and very fun! on 1.3 it runs smoothly. no bugs nor glitches that i know of.
  20. also i do not have the original mod files this mod goes to. by any chance do you have a link and possibly a video tutorial on how to obtain and install the files i need to play this mod?
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