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Everything posted by UniTY

  1. Its hacking the games memory that was never designed for any of this.. give it a fucking break you.
  2. Very much interested in the following: More action means more data which means more packets. The servers at the moment eat a considerable ammount of bandwidth as they are, what is the general bandwidth usage now for say, 16 players? Since you haven't had 16 players on to test, I would expect an educated guess (answering anyone who might try to flame me). This is realitively important.. a nice response would be appreciated
  3. I don't know if this is what you want to know.. I can't tell if you are asking about how to run a server itself, or the MTA server.. I'll write this anyway since I'm bored.. If there are other howtos, whoops, use the "SEARCH" option to a forum. setup for MTA's server is extremely straight foward. However, I do recommend creating a different user to run the server from. This though requires root, so if you do not have root, don't do this: groupadd mtavc useradd -m -g mtavc mtavc passwd mtavc Enter your Password: (it wont show up) Re-enter your Password: (wont show up) You now have a user for MTA-VC if you are still root, type "su -l mtavc" download the linux package from a mirror using "wget" e.g. "wget http://path.to.mirror/[filename].tar.gz" Creator a directory for the files to reside in and extract the files: mkdir ~/mtaserver cd ~/mtaserver tar -zxf ~/[filename].tar.gz Edit the mta configuration file to the specifications to your server. Note its VERY detailed with comments I'm sure if you just read it you would install it without problem. You do need a linux server to do this - If you know nothing about linux, use Windows. If you don't have root, follow the directions on making the dir and extracting the files. To run the server type ./MTAsomething (i don't remember the filename, press tab after typing "./MTA" and it'll complete the filename for you.
  4. Possible for someone to tell me the syntax bans are set as in the file?
  5. there is a linux version.. mmorpg-net runs 3 linux servers with mtaserver on them. I'm figuring your use of 'unix' is implying 'linux'. Why don't you review the downloads
  6. Well, MMORPG-NET Servers CAN handle alot of users. The simple fact is the server isn't staying up. Not bashing anyone, but unstability :\
  7. It fills up, but not always.. we run 3 server, and after 2 hours all 3 were segfaulted.
  8. For the record, you've done a great job, since the complexity of what you are doing is something one usually wouldn't take on, I've enjoyed playing, even with the crashes. The only problem I'm having, other then crashes, is the fact I can't keep a server up long before it segfaults. Its happened to every server we run (MMORPG-NET). Linux server. Any information would be helpful, we just want to be stable
  9. check the download page, woot yay, gj MTAVC.
  10. servername: mmorpg-net.com port: default feel like playin a bit on it to see how well it keeps? The server is hosting a forum and a CS (ew, 1.6) server, thus dunno how it will work out. Take a try?
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