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Everything posted by juanruiz85

  1. How will that help? It sounds like the actual issue is that MySQL is not accepting outside connections on that user or the mysqld is not running. [2014-11-04 17:02:05] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" [2014-11-04 17:02:05] Starting resources... [2014-11-04 17:02:05] ERROR: Unable to connect to mysql: (2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql.hostinger.ru' (1) the module it´s working then the problem its that mysql.hostinger.ru not accept remote conections.. this server its a webhosting and really many of this free hosting not accept remote conections for this i said that need change to db4free.net...
  2. maybe this can help you function notifyAboutExplosion() -- source is the element that triggered the event and can be used in other events as well outputChatBox(getVehicleName(source) .. " just blew up") end -- by using getRootElement() as root, it works for any vehicle addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), notifyAboutExplosion) source https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnVehicleExplode
  3. change your db to db4free.net some gamemodes need make a settings file with the mysql information what gamemode are you using? or you make it?
  4. are you sure that your mysql server accept remote conections ??? good luck then
  5. just need have installed the mtasa v1.3 install it and try again good luck
  6. Are these script of you? New MTA Server by MyArena.ru http://forum.myarena.ru/index.php?/topi ... ikh-v-pis/ really i saw duplicated resources and other not found.... are you trying to connect to this server mysql.hostinger.ru this server not work of this way... you need change it but really i think that those resources no are of you maybe a laked gamemode? sorry
  7. Really sound good... but really paradise i think that isn´t a good choice for start maybe this gamemode can be useful for RP https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=4994 and about zombies its good... but i hope not be as other server that only have zombies resources see this Zday script (zombies) https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=347 Zombie Gamemode (zombiegamemode) https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=2405 good luck with your project
  8. [quote name=..&G:..]You have the gamemode and the files in front of you, you can look for commands BTW, if you try to make a public server out of it, and you don't know scripting, then it's useless, even I struggle to make something out of it. Really no said that i no have the commands... just say that i needed help with some because altought i tried use it,.,, i couldnt for this i am asking if someone have guide about paradise... or something as that... In this post are the all commands https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=45936 thanks for reply commands: MTA PARADISE 1.00 COMMAND LIST COMMAND LIST FROM: 27.10.2010 OTHER COMMANDS /reloadacl /setskin nick skinname /get nick /goto nick /setname nick newname /freeze /unfreeze /sethealth, /sethp /kick /ban /staff, /admins, /mods /staffduty, /adminduty, /modduty /getpos /report, /re /endreport, /er /reports /acceptreport, /ar /closereport, /cr /restartall /startall /spectate, /spec, /recon /stopanim /anim /adminchat, /a /freecam /giveitem /call /pickup /p /hangup /sms /jail /release /jailtime /arrest /replace MAP COMMANDS /addmap /removemap /setmapdimension /Replace weapon /setblipcolor /setblipscolor /id /reloadpermissions /changechar /pay /policeduty, /duty /motor /police /swatduty, /swat /firefighter /medic /armyduty, /army /arbygirl, /armyg /fine /offduty /strobe /strobeoff /teleport /crunt /changeteam /mod /ed - miniedtor /upanel - open panel for users /adduser /saveskin [id] - saves skin /shop, /openShop1 /repairvehicle, /fixvehicle /brakes, /handbrake /repairvehicles, /fixvehicles /fillvehicle, /fuelvehicle, /refillvehicle /fillvehicles, /fuelvehicles, /refillvehicles /respawnvehicle /respawnvehicles /park /getvehicle /gotovehicle /vehicleid, /thisvehicle /aflip /oldvehicleid, /oldvehicle /setwindowstinted /setvehiclecolor, /setcolor /setvehiclefaction /lookvehicle /toggleengine /togglelights /temporaryvehicle, /tempvehicle, /vehicle /setvehicleowner /sell CREATE COMMANDS TEXT CREATE COMMANDS: /createtext [text] (/createtext Hello World!) /deletetext /nearbytexts ------------------------------------------------- INTERIORS COMMANDS: /createinterior, /createint [name] (/createint bar) /deleteinterior, /delint, /delinterior [id] (/deleteint 1) /setinterior /setinteriorinside /setinteriorprice /setinteriorname /getinterior /sellinterior, /sellproperty INTERIORS CONFIGURATIONS: -- houses -- TODO: should be renamed to [cagegory][num], low1, etc. house1 -- two floors house2 house3 house4 house5 -- ryder's house house6 -- Awesome House house7 house8 -- two floors house9 house10 house12 house13 -- CJ's house house14 house15 house16 house16 house17 house18 house19 house20 house21 house22 house23 house24 house25 house26 house27
  9. good job... i will try this resources later
  10. just now i am resting this resources and really like it,.... i will try undestand all lines and modify a bit... for now i only need 4 rooms good job....
  11. Hi i am trying to get this gamemode i saw that was release time ago viewtopic.php?p=457988#p457988 and i be happy if someone can upload it again because i want study it,... really i no want use it in my server... just want know some functions and learn a bit more about some things i hope can help me thanks
  12. hi I'm starting with this and I like scripting We are working me and my brother on a roleplay server type ... and we are using more resources community ... of course slightly modifies each to fit what we are dealing The project utilized the gamemode "paradise" of mabako https://github.com/mabako/mta-paradise It really is an interesting gamemode But I have many doubts functions ... I'm reviewing the faq but still there are many things I do not know I am asking for help from the community if anyone will have some comprehensive guide to this gamemode or if you can tell me how to use one hundred percent ... there are many features that I do not know how to use and as much as I try I can not use it As the inventory work? We are also using the following resources: greenzones by JasperNL https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1287 Zombies (Yaratik) by JamesHeller https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8232 hospital (dieselhp) by diesel974 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9684 injuries (injury basicmode ^) by Rhbk https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9842 ac_train by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8060 ac_fastfood by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8041 ac_ammunationv by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8230 Note I used google translator --------------------------------------------------- Hola Estoy empezando con esto del scripting y me gusta Estamos trabajando mi hermano y yo en un servidor tipo roleplay... y estamos utilizando varios resources de la comunidad... claro que modificare un poco cada uno para que se ajuste a lo que estamos ocupando El proyecto utilizaran el gamemode "paradise" de mabako https://github.com/mabako/mta-paradise Realmente es un interesante gamemode Pero tengo muchas dudas con las funciones... estoy revisando el faq pero aun asi hay muchas cosas que desconozco estoy pidiendo ayuda a la comunidad si es que alguien tendra alguna guia completa de este gamemode o bien si puede decirme como utilizarlo al cien porciento... hay muchas funciones que desconozco como usar y por mas que intento no puedo utilizarla Como funciona el inventario? tambien estamos utilizando los siguientes resources: greenzones by JasperNL https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1287 Zombies (yaratik) by JamesHeller https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8232 hospital (dieselhp) by diesel974 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9684 injuries (basicmode^injury) by Rhbk https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9842 ac_train by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8060 ac_fastfood by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8041 ac_ammunationv by mrbrutus1456 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=8230
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