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Everything posted by Dolinho

  1. Dolinho

    maximum team

    How do I limit a team for it to have a number I want it? I want you to have only 8 players in a particular team and it exceeds not. sorry bad english
  2. when a player calls the police generates a cylinder in himself But when i enter the cylinder who first called the first is destroyed but the cylinder of the second player is not destroyed. help help Call = {} local x,y,z = getElementPosition( client ) marker = createMarker( x, y, z, "arrow", 0.5, 0, 0, 255, 255) attachElementToElement ( marker, client, 0, 0, 1.5 ) function blipes() if (isElement(Call[marker])) then destroyElement(Call[marker]) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),blipes)
  3. Thanks to you guys for letting me help once again worked perfectly
  4. I can make a cylinder follow a player using: getElementPosition ?
  5. Dolinho


    ok then I will do it this way, I tried with an easier way.
  6. Dolinho


    this complete when tightening the L script does not work.
  7. Dolinho


    Why not this working? function KissCommand ( source ) if not ( isPedDead(source) ) then setElementFrozen (source, true) setPedAnimation (source, "shop", "shp_rob_handsup", -1, true, false, false ) end end bindKey ( source, "l", "down", KissCommand) function StopCommand ( source ) setElementFrozen (source, false) setPedAnimation ( source ) unbindKey ( source, "l", "down", KissCommand) end
  8. Thank you very, very happy for the help He gave me a big relief
  9. I tried, but this is not working. There are other ways of doing work?
  10. Everyone can see the chat, however what I want is that the outputChatBox appear only for Admin, Admin and who is not not aperecia. I want to make a control accounts using the bank. I want to see everyone but he can not see. " outputChatBox visualization of all but only for admin" sorry bad inglesh. if getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Admin") then theName = getPlayerName ( source ) outputChatBox( "Info: Securit Acont Server Bank balance de: "..theName.." $ " .. tostring( playersAccount[ source ].balance ), root, 255, 255, 0 ) end
  11. Thanks, helped me again.
  12. the script works not only this "else". does not work: team = getTeamFromName("Bandido") -- Use if the group is not created from the script the_team = getPlayerTeam(team) if (the_team) then outputChatBox ( "Voce pertence a uma Team que nao pode usar este comando.", kill, 255, 255, 0, false ) is working: else setTimer(killPed, 3000, 1, kill) setElementFrozen (kill, true) outputChatBox ( "Voce sera morto em 9 segundos. Aguarde.", kill, 255, 255, 255, false ) sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. What should I use for a particular team does not use the command ? server: addCommandHandler('kill', function(kill) setTimer(killPed, 3000, 1, kill) setElementFrozen (kill, true) outputChatBox ( "Voce sera morto em 3 segundos.", kill, 255, 255, 255, false ) end end )
  14. Tested and not work. I really want to learn date.
  15. Total votes Like joining votes of all players in one panel?
  16. is a voting panel each player adds +1 to return the value that I have with the other player. Summing the values ​​of all players and show full.
  17. How can I see the total of all players in outputChatBox ? call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Mod1", getRootElement(), 8, 0.07) addEvent("Votosparaum",true) addEventHandler("Votosparaum",root, function() local aScore = getElementData(source, 'Mod1') or 0 setElementData(source, 'Mod1', aScore +1) outputChatBox("Jogador TESTE esta com "..aScore.." Votos",source, 10, 118, 240) end )
  18. It is not that. What I want is to be more precise to find players with level sought. local wanter = getRandomPlayer() Finding player with precision that are really wanted level. getRandomPlayer this finding random player, I want fixed player.
  19. This gives me random players: getRandomPlayer() How do I find a player first? It takes a lot to find in random, and that's too bad have any precise way to find a player? accurately find. addEvent("Marktres",true) addEventHandler("Marktres",root, function (wanter) local wanter = getRandomPlayer() local theName = getPlayerName ( source ) if (getPlayerWantedLevel(wanter) == 3) then setTimer ( function() outputChatBox("Procurando Niveis 3..", source, 0, 255,255, true) end,1000, 1 ) setTimer ( function() outputChatBox("Registrando...", source, 0, 255,255, true) end,2000, 1 ) setTimer ( function() outputChatBox("Altenticando....", source, 0, 255,255, true) end,3000, 1 ) setTimer ( function() outputChatBox("Um Meliante "..getPlayerName(wanter).." Encontrado pelo sistema policial...", source, 0, 255,255, true) outputChatBox ( "Dica quanto mais Criminosos com estrela, mais facil fica para achalos", source ) exports.killmessages:outputMessage("*"..getPlayerName(wanter).." Esta sendo Oficialmente procurado pela PM.", root, 255, 15, 15, true) local blip = createBlipAttachedTo(wanter, 19) end,4000, 1 ) else outputChatBox ( "Verifique se realmente tenha jogadores com 3 nivel de procurado.", source ) outputChatBox ( "Caso tenha, procure ate achar.", source ) end end )
  20. Can anyone tell me if this is correct ? Client: guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level, getElementData(playeritem,"wants"), false, false ) Server: function SecondPlayerWanted (playeritem) for i,playeritem in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if playeritem ~= source then local level = getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) setElementData(playeritem, "wants",level) end end end setTimer (test, 50, 0 )
  21. I have to use trigger?
  22. If I have one star wanted level for all Appeared a star, but if I have 2 or 3 will have all the same level as me. why this is happening? can someone help me? function Mineirojob() if ( players ) then for id, playeritem in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( grid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, players, getPlayerName ( playeritem ) or "Sem dados", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,1,getPlayerNametagColor(playeritem)) cx,cy,cz = getElementPosition( playeritem ) guiGridListSetItemText (grid, row, location, getZoneName ( cx,cy,cz ) or "Sem dados", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, travel, getElementHealth ( playeritem ) or "Morto", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, team, getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(playeritem)) or "Sem Team", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor (grid, row, team, getTeamColor(getPlayerTeam(playeritem)) ) if (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 0) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level,"Esta limpo", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 1) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 1 Estrela", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 2) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 2 Estrela", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 3) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 3 Estrela", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 4) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 4 Estrela", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 5) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 5 Estrela", false, false ) elseif (getPlayerWantedLevel(playeritem) == 6) then guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, level," 6 Estrela", false, false ) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), Mineirojob)
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