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Posts posted by FlyingSpoon

  1. On 13/09/2021 at 17:12, Xenius said:
    local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
    addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
    	local interpolate = interpolateBetween(15, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, getTickCount() / 2000, "SineCurve")
    	dxDrawText(getIcon("fa-info").." fontawesome is working! Woah! "..getIcon("fa-smile-wink"), sx, sy, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, getFont("fontawesome", interpolate), "center", "center")

    Nice script but it's not worth $5. It's a really simple script based on unicode. That takes a few seconds to generate. Try maybe decreasing the price or making it open source.

    Regardless, good job :)

  2. 10 minutes ago, FlyingFork said:

    Hi, I came across an old Post about the same topic, here is the link: 

    It might help you.

    That won't work anymore, there's a new hashing/encrypting method implemented into 4.x as far as I remember.

  3. Just my review so far, since I decided to take it for a test ride. The support seems to not be trained that well, lacking in communication. I asked where they rented out their servers which should be basic information any client should know, they were not willing to give it. I asked for an IP to ping, didn't receive that either. So far, seems a bit sketchy. I'll keep reviewing them.

  4. dxDrawMaterialLine3D( v.x, v.y, v.z, v.x + 1/9, v.y + 1/9, v.z + 0, self.material, 1/9, tocolor(v.r, v.g, v.b, 255), ?, ?, ? )

    I want to make it so that, when you move around the image doesn't move. Not sure what I am meant to put at faceX, faceY, faceZ

  5. Well you seem inexperienced, you might want to do some more research before trying to set up a server. You can do some research regarding MySQL, and MySQL Servers; there's plenty of YouTube Tutorials available.

  6. 4 hours ago, adeh001ok said:

    I see people here have extraordinary potential. But I have a serious problem so I ask you to help me

      Hide contents



    function DeleteChara()
    	if (getElementData(theElement,"account:charselect:id")) then
    		local dbid = getElementData(theElement,"account:charselect:id")
    		local escapedID = exports.mysql:escape_string(dbid)
    		local result = exports.mysql:query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'")
    		local fetch = exports.mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
    		local query = exports.mysql:query("DELETE * FROM characters WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'")
    		if query then
    			outputChatBox("Successfully deleted this character!", source, 0, 255, 0)
    			outputChatBox("ERROR!", source, 255, 0, 0)
    addEvent("accounts:DeleteChara", true)
    addEventHandler("accounts:DeleteChara", getRootElement(), DeleteChara)


    function closeDelChar()
    function DeleteChara()
        triggerServerEvent("accounts:DeleteChara", localPlayer)
    function delChar()
        myWindow = guiCreateWindow ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, "Information", true )
        -- Button Boss
        bClose = guiCreateButton(0.550, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, "No", true, myWindow)
            addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bClose, closeDelChar)
        bAccept = guiCreateButton(0.050, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, "Yes", true, myWindow)
            addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bAccept, DeleteChara)
        -- Text
        lText = guiCreateLabel(0.025, 0.2, 1.0, 0.3, "Are You Sure?To Delete This Character.", true, myWindow)
            guiSetFont(lText, "default-bold-small")
            guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lText, "center", true)
    addEvent( "delChar", true)
    addEventHandler( "delChar", localPlayer, delChar)


    Since you're using leaked/stolen scripts, I don't think anyone will help you. And as you can see, the debug string is saying that you're trying to compare a number with a nil value.

  7. Using 50p's Masked Texture creator, I was trying to mess with it a little and was wondering if you could apply solid colors over the textures? I've given it a try below, but it doesn't work so therefore it's wrong. Can anyone help out? 

    Lua File

    float red;
    float green;
    float blue;
    float alpha;
    texture ScreenTexture;
    sampler implicitInputTexture = sampler_state
        Texture = <ScreenTexture>;
    texture MaskTexture;
    sampler implicitMaskTexture = sampler_state
        Texture = <MaskTexture>;
    float4 MaskTextureMain( float2 uv : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
        float4 sampledTexture = tex2D( implicitInputTexture, uv );
        float4 maskSampled = tex2D( implicitMaskTexture, uv );
        sampledTexture.a = (maskSampled.r + maskSampled.g + maskSampled.b) / 3.0f;
        return sampledTexture;
    technique Technique1
        pass Pass1
            MaterialAmbient = float4(red, green, blue, alpha);
            AlphaBlendEnable = true;
            SrcBlend = SrcAlpha;
            DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha;
            PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 MaskTextureMain();


    CMasker = { }; 
    CMasker.__index = CMasker; 
    function CMasker: create( texture, mask ) 
        local cShader = {  
            shader = dxCreateShader( "/files/50masktexture.fx" ), 
            texture = dxCreateTexture( texture, "argb", true, "clamp" ), 
            maskTexture = dxCreateTexture( mask, "argb", true, "clamp" ), 
        dxSetShaderValue( cShader.shader, "ScreenTexture", cShader.texture ); 
        dxSetShaderValue( cShader.shader, "MaskTexture", cShader.maskTexture ); 
        self.__index = self; 
        setmetatable( cShader, self ); 
        return cShader; 
    function CMasker: draw( x, y, width, height ) 
        if self.shader then 
            dxDrawImage( x, y, width, height, self.shader ); 
    function CMasker: color ( r, g, b )
        if self.shader then
            dxSetShaderValue ( self.shader, 'red', r/255 )
            dxSetShaderValue ( self.shader, 'green', g/255 )
            dxSetShaderValue ( self.shader, 'blue', b/255 )
            dxSetShaderValue ( self.shader, 'alpha', 255/255 )
    function CMasker: destroy( ) 
        if self.shader then 
            destroyElement( self.shader ); 
        if self.texture then 
            destroyElement( self.texture ); 
        if self.maskTexture then 
            destroyElement( self.maskTexture ); 


  8. Just now, thisdp said:

    the rough edges is adjustable, you can make it smooth just by changing the settings

    I've tried it, you can still see the imperfection. Plus I think it might be better to use images since there's less rendering to do.

  9. Just now, IIYAMA said:

    Hmm, you could try to generate it with a browser.


    > browser



    > html + css

    <section style="width:300px;height:100;background-color:black;border-radius: 25px;"></section>


    > get




    > set





    Yeah I know its possible with CEF, but I want to avoid that. Trying to do it through Dx, I've seen people do something with dxDrawImageSection, any idea on that?

  10. function drawRoundedRectangle ( x, y, w, h )
        -- draw image

    Curious if I'm able to make a function like this, and resize the image without blurring it out. Resizing both the width and height.

    For example, using this image -


  11. Hi there,

    I'm looking for a designer who can help me with my dxLib, struggling to come up with designs at the moment, and I'm willing to pay for the design. Also need a logo with an icon. If you are interested, please make sure you have some previous work to show. We can discuss more about this through Discord.

    Contact: ℓιgнт#6633

  12. 2 minutes ago, Dimos7 said:

    You need to replace them aswell

    You can only replace CJ's face as a whole, yeah you can add a texture to make it look a little different but the outline is still there. Even if I make a different face, the jawline, face outline still resembles CJ. That's what I want to change basically. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Dimos7 said:

    For change cj head you need 



    Yeah I already tried shaders, but CJ's face outline still stays there, like his big chin, jaw line, ears

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