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  1. http://uploaddeimagens.com.br/images/000/391/517/full/mta-screen_2014-11-05_09-59-23.png?1415192472 /debugscript 3
  2. GUIEditor = { button = {}, staticimage = {}, } function openGui() myWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(109, 53, 411, 267, "teleport.png", false) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(23, 83, 80, 27, "Arena 1", false, myWindow) end function guiOpen() if (guiGetVisible(myWindow) == true) then guiSetVisible(myWindow, false) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible(myWindow, true) showCursor(true) end end bindKey("F2", "down", guiOpen) Not open the window
  3. mym eta: type="script" version="1.0.0"> "BASE-SNIPERS.map" dimension="0"> my script: local myMarker = createMarker(1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local myBlip = createBlip( 1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125 ) GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {} } function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow (237, 146, 149, 206, "Aeroporto Las Venturas", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) outputChatBox('Object Created !',255,255,0) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(9, 29, 130, 28, "Ilha Perdida", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], click1, false ) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(9, 72, 130, 28, "New City", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], "default-bold-small") showCursor ( true ) end addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", myMarker, MarkerHit ) function click1 ( button, p ) guiSetVisible ( janela, false ) showCursor ( false ) setElementPosition ( p, 1, 1, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), click1 )
  4. dont work, Anubhav and king12 neither functioned ..
  5. attempt to call global 'guiCreateWindow' (a nil value)
  6. local myMarker = createMarker(1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local myBlip = createBlip( 1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125 ) GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {} } function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow (237, 146, 149, 206, "Aeroporto Las Venturas", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) outputChatBox('Object Created !',255,255,0) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(9, 29, 130, 28, "Ilha Perdida", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], click1, false ) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(9, 72, 130, 28, "New City", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], "default-bold-small") showCursor ( true ) end addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", myMarker, MarkerHit ) dont work
  7. local myMarker = createMarker(1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150) local myBlip = createBlip( 1358.8127441406,1679.6812744141,9.8203125 ) GUIEditor = { button = {}, window = {} } function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) janela = guiCreateWindow (237, 146, 149, 206, "Aeroporto Las Venturas", false) guiWindowSetSizable(janela, false) guiSetAlpha(janela, 1.00) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(9, 29, 130, 28, "Ilha Perdida", false, janela) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], click1, false ) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(9, 72, 130, 28, "New City", false, janela) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.button[2], "default-bold-small") end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", myMarker, MarkerHit ) function click1 ( button, p ) guiSetVisible ( janela, false ) showCursor ( false ) setElementPosition ( p, 1, 1, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), click1 ) the window is not created upon entering the marker
  8. function onPlayerBuildAWireFence(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) -1) setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false) setPedAnimation(source, false) local source = source setTimer(function() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local xr, yr, zr = getElementRotation(source) px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source) prot = getPedRotation(source) local offsetRot = math.rad(prot + 90) local vx = px + 1 * math.cos(offsetRot) local vy = py + 1 * math.sin(offsetRot) local vz = pz + 2 local vrot = prot + 90 tent = createObject(983, vx, vy, pz, xr, yr, vrot) setObjectScale(tent, 1) tentCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2) attachElements(tentCol, tent, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(tentCol, "parent", tent) setElementData(tent, "parent", tentCol) setElementData(tentCol, "wirefence", true) triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source) end, 1500, 1) end Like this ?
  9. function onPlayerBuildAWireFence(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, getElementData(source, itemName) -1) setPedAnimation(source, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", -1, false, false, nil, false) local source = source setTimer(function() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local xr, yr, zr = getElementRotation(source) px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source) prot = getPedRotation(source) local offsetRot = math.rad(prot + 90) local vx = px + 1 * math.cos(offsetRot) local vy = py + 1 * math.sin(offsetRot) local vz = pz + 2 local vrot = prot + 90 tent = createObject(983, vx, vy, pz, xr, yr, vrot) setObjectScale(tent, 1) tentCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 2) attachElements(tentCol, tent, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(tentCol, "parent", tent) setElementData(tent, "parent", tentCol) setElementData(tentCol, "wirefence", true) triggerClientEvent(source, "refreshInventoryManual", source) end, 1500, 1) end Video, dont stop animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Beap01g ... e=youtu.be
  10. function showClientImage() myImage = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.0,0.0,1279.0,767.0, "images/image.png", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientLogin", getRootElement(), showClientImage ) function hideClientImage() if isElement ( myImage ) then destroyElement ( myImage ) end end bindKey("space", "down", hideClientImage) The image does not appear after the player log.
  11. objects to create more does not move.
  12. The objects are not created nor move, can fix? local gate1 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate2 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate3 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate4 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate5 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate6 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate7 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate8 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate9 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate10 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate11 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate12 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate13 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate14 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate15 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate16 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate17 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate18 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate19 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate20 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate21 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate22 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate23 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate24 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate25 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate26 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate27 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate28 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate29 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate30 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate31 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate32 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate33 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate34 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate35 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate36 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate37 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate38 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate39 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate40 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate41 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate42 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate43 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate44 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate45 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate46 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate47 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate48 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate49 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate50 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate51 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate52 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate53 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), local gate54 = createObject (3437, 4905, -1600, 1999.0649414063, 0, 90, 90), function move1_1 () moveObject(gate1, 4500, 4880, -1619.2002, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate2, 4500, 4880, -1619.2002, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate3, 4500, 4880, -1580.8, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate4, 4500, 4905, -1580.7998, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate5, 4500, 4930, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate6, 4500, 4955, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate7, 4500, 4980, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate8, 4500, 5005, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate9, 4500, 5030, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate10, 4500, 5055, -1580.7998, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate11, 4500, 5080, -1580.80005, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate12, 4500, 4930, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate13, 4500, 4955, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate14, 4500, 4980, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate15, 4500, 5005, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate16, 4500, 5030, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate17, 4500, 5055, -1619.19995, 2005.44995, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate18, 4500, 5080, -1619.2, 2005.45, 0, 0, 90 ), moveObject(gate19, 4500, 4905, -1612.5, 1999.0649, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate20, 4500, 4905, -1587.5, 1999.0649, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate21, 4500, 4880, -1587.5, 1999.0649, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate22, 4500, 4880, -1587.5, 2011.0081, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate23, 4500, 4880, -1612.5, 2011.0081, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate24, 4500, 4880, -1612.5, 1999.0649, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate25, 4500, 4905, -1587.5, 2011.0081, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate26, 4500, 4905, -1612.5, 2011.0081, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate27, 4500, 4930, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate28, 4500, 4955, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate29, 4500, 4980, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate30, 4500, 5005, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate31, 4500, 5030, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate32, 4500, 5055, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate33, 4500, 5080, -1587.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate34, 4500, 4930, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate35, 4500, 4955, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate36, 4500, 4980, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate37, 4500, 5005, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate38, 4500, 5030, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate39, 4500, 5055, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate40, 4500, 5080, -1612.5, 2011.00806, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate41, 4500, 4930, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate42, 4500, 4955, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate43, 4500, 4980, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate44, 4500, 5005, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate45, 4500, 5030, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate46, 4500, 5055, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate47, 4500, 5080, -1587.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate48, 4500, 4930, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate49, 4500, 4955, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate50, 4500, 4980, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate51, 4500, 5005, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate52, 4500, 5030, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate53, 4500, 5055, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), moveObject(gate54, 4500, 5080, -1612.5, 1999.06494, 0, 90, 90 ), end Of the error script failed
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