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About MariaNN

  • Birthday 27/09/1994


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  1. MariaNN

    Money saver

    Ja man zo heb ik geleerd Ja maar denk ik dat hoeft niet meer deze script te hebben I'm finish with this script.
  2. MariaNN

    Money saver

    Hi, I have a problem with saving money script. I download different scripts but do not work. Scripts is for Truck Serwer. I was grateful for the help
  3. Cześć! Chciałbym wam przedstawić Reklamę najlepszego Polskiego Serwera jaki był ! CPS ONLY DD, Skrypty kupione od właściciela czyli Admaxis'a. Co do nazwy miała być na początku Street Server ale za zgodą zmieniliśmy na CPS Only DD Nazwa Serwera: CPS Only DD Ilość Slotów: 40 Gamemode: Destruction Derby IP: Wersja MTA: 1.4.0 R7 (build 6760) Stachursky, Moxing, Dave Parę Fotek PANEL OTWIERAMY KLAWISZEM F7 STATYSTYKI SHOP USTAWIENIA OSIĄGNIECIA NAJLEPSZE CZASY RADIO VIP Panel
  4. That's dashboard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original file by NeXTreme. Thanks for you'r awesome resource. -- -- -- -- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.-- -- [url=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ]http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ [/url] -- -- -- -- Edited by Xiti. All right reserved. Copyright 2012. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String.random characters chars = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"} local dataTable = { "cash", "points", "firstTimeJoin", "totalTimesJoined", "mapsWon", "totalToptimes", "totalHunters", "mapsPlayed", "totalBets", "totalBetsWon", "totalDeaths", "totalPlayingTimeMinutes", "totalPlayingTimeHours", "totalReactionTests", "highestWinstreak", "totalSpins", "DMwins", "DMplayed", "DDwins", "DDplayed", "buyedMaps", "firstRed", "firstGreen", "firstBlue", "secoundRed", "secoundGreen", "secoundBlue", "headRed", "headGreen", "headBlue", "policeLights", "discoLights", "poisonColor", "blackColor", "policeEnabled", "discoEnabled", "poisonEnabled", "blackEnabled", "firstEnabled", "secoundEnabled", "headEnabled", "donatorEnabled", "donatorTime", } textDataTable = {"nick"} playerTableStats = {} respawnFix = {} hunterFix = {} ----------- -- Settings ----------- betTimeLimit = 40 -- Duration of the betting period in seconds. minPlayers = 5 -- Minimum required players to bet. mapCost = 1000 -- The price for setting maps. vehicleColor = 5000 headlightColor = 10000 nitroColor = 7000 discoLightsCost = 1000 VIPcolor = 12000 moneyEarnPart = 30 -- The amount of money to calculate with to get the final money to give to the player. reactionMin = 200 -- Minimum money for the reaction test reactionMax = 500 -- Maximum money for the reaction test reactionDuration = 20 -- Duration of the reaction test in seconds reactionMinRedo = 300 -- Minimum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionMaxRedo = 400 -- Maximum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionLength = 10 -- Number of characters to use in the reaction test function onResourceStart() mapIsAlreadySet = false reactionString = "" reactionMoney = 0 mapType = "" mapName = "" mapBlock = "" setTimer(newReactionTest,math.random(reactionMinRedo*1000,reactionMaxRedo*1000),1) end -- Disable voting function disableVote() cancelEvent() end ---------------------------- -- Refresh Players ---------------------------- function triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist(thePlayer) local loggedPlayers = {} for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player))) then table.insert(loggedPlayers, tostring(getPlayerName(player))) end setTimer(callClientFunction,1000,1,getRootElement(),"refreshConnectedPlayers",loggedPlayers) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) ---------------------------------- -- Tables System based on Accounts ---------------------------------- function createNewTables() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(source)).." to 0") end end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, getPlayerName(source)) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), createNewTables) addCommandHandler("resetStats", function (player, cmd, arg1) if (arg1) then local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then local target = getPlayerWildcard(arg1) if (target) then local account = getPlayerAccount(target) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(target)).." to 0") end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do end end end end end end) function checkLoggedPlayer() for id,thePlayer in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then onPlayerLoginHandler(thePlayer) end end end ------------------------------------------- -- Userpanel - handle requests from clients ------------------------------------------- function timesJoin() setElementData(source,"join","joined") scoreboardRefresh(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),timesJoin) -- Stats view function getPlayerStats(triggeringPlayer,thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then playerTableStats[1] = getPlayerName(thePlayer) playerTableStats[1] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) playerTableStats[2] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"points")) playerTableStats[4] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalHunters")) playerTableStats[3] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalToptimes")) playerTableStats[5] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsPlayed")) playerTableStats[6] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsWon")) playerTableStats[7] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalDeaths")) playerTableStats[8] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak")) playerTableStats[9] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) playerTableStats[10] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalBets")) playerTableStats[11] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) playerTableStats[12] = "00:00" minutes = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes")) hours = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeHours")) if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end playerTableStats[12] = ""..hours..":"..minutes.."" -- Total Playing Time playerTableStats[13] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalTimesJoined")) callClientFunction(triggeringPlayer,"buildPlayerData",playerTableStats,thePlayer) end end -- Maps function getServerMaps(loadList) local tableOut = {} if loadList then local maps = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode" , getResourceFromName("race")) for i,map in ipairs (maps) do tableOut[i] = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) end table.sort(tableOut, sortCompareFunction) end callClientFunction(loadList,"createMapList", tableOut) end function sortCompareFunction(s1, s2) if type(s1) == "table" and type(s2) == "table" then s1, s2 = s1.name, s2.name end s1, s2 = s1:lower(), s2:lower() if s1 == s2 then return false end local byte1, byte2 = string.byte(s1:sub(1,1)), string.byte(s2:sub(1,1)) if not byte1 then
  5. WARNING: LeiOn_Panel/client.lua:1259: Bad argument @ 'dxDrawText' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] And even more
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original file by NeXTreme. Thanks for you'r awesome resource. -- -- -- -- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.-- -- [url=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ]http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ [/url] -- -- -- -- Edited by Xiti. All right reserved. Copyright 2012. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String.random characters chars = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"} local dataTable = { "cash", "points", "firstTimeJoin", "totalTimesJoined", "mapsWon", "totalToptimes", "totalHunters", "mapsPlayed", "totalBets", "totalBetsWon", "totalDeaths", "totalPlayingTimeMinutes", "totalPlayingTimeHours", "totalReactionTests", "highestWinstreak", "totalSpins", "DMwins", "DMplayed", "DDwins", "DDplayed", "buyedMaps", "firstRed", "firstGreen", "firstBlue", "secoundRed", "secoundGreen", "secoundBlue", "headRed", "headGreen", "headBlue", "policeLights", "discoLights", "poisonColor", "blackColor", "policeEnabled", "discoEnabled", "poisonEnabled", "blackEnabled", "firstEnabled", "secoundEnabled", "headEnabled", "donatorEnabled", "donatorTime", } textDataTable = {"nick"} playerTableStats = {} respawnFix = {} hunterFix = {} ----------- -- Settings ----------- betTimeLimit = 40 -- Duration of the betting period in seconds. minPlayers = 5 -- Minimum required players to bet. mapCost = 1000 -- The price for setting maps. vehicleColor = 5000 headlightColor = 10000 nitroColor = 7000 discoLightsCost = 1000 VIPcolor = 12000 moneyEarnPart = 30 -- The amount of money to calculate with to get the final money to give to the player. reactionMin = 200 -- Minimum money for the reaction test reactionMax = 500 -- Maximum money for the reaction test reactionDuration = 20 -- Duration of the reaction test in seconds reactionMinRedo = 300 -- Minimum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionMaxRedo = 400 -- Maximum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionLength = 10 -- Number of characters to use in the reaction test function onResourceStart() mapIsAlreadySet = false reactionString = "" reactionMoney = 0 mapType = "" mapName = "" mapBlock = "" setTimer(newReactionTest,math.random(reactionMinRedo*1000,reactionMaxRedo*1000),1) end -- Disable voting function disableVote() cancelEvent() end ---------------------------- -- Refresh Players ---------------------------- function triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist(thePlayer) local loggedPlayers = {} for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player))) then table.insert(loggedPlayers, tostring(getPlayerName(player))) end setTimer(callClientFunction,1000,1,getRootElement(),"refreshConnectedPlayers",loggedPlayers) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) ---------------------------------- -- Tables System based on Accounts ---------------------------------- function createNewTables() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(source)).." to 0") end end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, getPlayerName(source)) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), createNewTables) addCommandHandler("resetStats", function (player, cmd, arg1) if (arg1) then local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then local target = getPlayerWildcard(arg1) if (target) then local account = getPlayerAccount(target) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(target)).." to 0") end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do end end end end end end) function checkLoggedPlayer() for id,thePlayer in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then onPlayerLoginHandler(thePlayer) end end end ------------------------------------------- -- Userpanel - handle requests from clients ------------------------------------------- function timesJoin() setElementData(source,"join","joined") scoreboardRefresh(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),timesJoin) -- Stats view function getPlayerStats(triggeringPlayer,thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then playerTableStats[1] = getPlayerName(thePlayer) playerTableStats[1] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) playerTableStats[2] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"points")) playerTableStats[4] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalHunters")) playerTableStats[3] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalToptimes")) playerTableStats[5] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsPlayed")) playerTableStats[6] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsWon")) playerTableStats[7] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalDeaths")) playerTableStats[8] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak")) playerTableStats[9] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) playerTableStats[10] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalBets")) playerTableStats[11] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) playerTableStats[12] = "00:00" minutes = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes")) hours = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeHours")) if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end playerTableStats[12] = ""..hours..":"..minutes.."" -- Total Playing Time playerTableStats[13] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalTimesJoined")) callClientFunction(triggeringPlayer,"buildPlayerData",playerTableStats,thePlayer) end end -- Maps function getServerMaps(loadList) local tableOut = {} if loadList then local maps = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode" , getResourceFromName("race")) for i,map in ipairs (maps) do tableOut[i] = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) end table.sort(tableOut, sortCompareFunction) end callClientFunction(loadList,"createMapList", tableOut) end function sortCompareFunction(s1, s2) if type(s1) == "table" and type(s2) == "table" then s1, s2 = s1.name, s2.name end s1, s2 = s1:lower(), s2:lower() if s1 == s2 then return false end local byte1, byte2 = string.byte(s1:sub(1,1)), string.byte(s2:sub(1,1)) if not byte1 then
  7. How to win the game is not getting the money, but as the second die it gets the points and money but if I win it's
  8. As a player wins the map is not got money for DD and Race. Please Help my! end local pAlive = getAliveRacePlayers() local pDead = getDeadRacePlayers() local WinS = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak")) if WinS < WinStreak then setAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak",WinStreak) end if WinStreak >= 2 then local WinStreakToExport = WinStreak call(getResourceFromName("race"), "setWinStreakOnMessege", WinStreakToExport) end local cashToWin = tonumber((moneyEarnPart*getPlayerCount())*WinStreak) local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if not (cashToWin < 0) then setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+cashToWin) end local points = math.floor(((pAlive + pDead)*pDead)*WinStreak) if not (points < 0) then local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") setAccountData(account,"points",playerPoints+points) end addStat(account,"mapsWon",1) if mapType == "DM" then addStat(account,"DMwins",1) elseif mapType == "DD" then addStat(account,"DDwins",1) end outputChatBox ("#ff4400* #FFFFFFYou won the map, earned #ff4400$" .. tostring(cashToWin) .." #FFFFFFand #ff4400"..points.." #FFFFFFexp. [x#ff4400"..WinStreak.."#ffffff]",winner,255,255,255,true) scoreboardRefresh(winner) else outputChatBox("#ff4400* #FFFFFFNot enough players to earn money - #ff44003 #FFFFFFrequired.",winner,255,255,255,true) end local thePlayer = winner scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) end
  9. Prosze skrypty są na Community. więc udostępniam je Tutaj : ) http://www61.zippyshare.com/v/15224959/file.html Oczywiście jest tam moja mapa w folderze 1 jak coś. Jakbyście potrzebowali pomocy z uruchomieniem servera lub pomocy w budowie napisz mi na GG: 35y71897 y=5 Lub PM
  10. MariaNN

    Help My Pls!

    Thanks for Help but i have this clear
  11. MariaNN

    Help My Pls!

    Want to center the table which is selected
  12. MariaNN

    Help My Pls!

    I would like it centered in the middle of gamemode not change over, it can also be a script. Tell me how you name the file in which is placed the image over time.
  13. MariaNN

    Help My Pls!

    So look the Foto and help my How can I this do? Sorry for my bad english Image : http://i.imgur.com/XKb4JUZ.png
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