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Everything posted by WorthlessCynomys

  1. Probably the password is wrong. How do you make a local db?
  2. Well make the model and export it into a .dff file. MTA uses dffs for 3D models
  3. addEventHandler() onClientMinimize event getRealTime() outputChatBox() Read the wiki's of these things and try to build it yourself. With this amount of information, you should be able to. If not, you either don't know Lua basics or programming is not for you.
  4. You must have a .dff file, that contains the 3D model. After that you can write a CLIENT side code that changes one of GTAs model to your model. That code is 2 lines long, 4 if you have a UV mapped texture in .txd format. You can easily find the code on MTA WIKI.
  5. You can't. It is possible in client side, because every client side script runs separately om every players PC. The server side script runs only on the server PC and affects everyone. When you trigger a server side event, from client side, you get the client in the variable name "client". It's like source at events
  6. You never give up. That's a rule if you want to learn this. What should this script do? Do you use debugscript? Have any errors?
  7. Well... Most of the time I don't mix MTA GUI with dx functions. And tbh I don't really understand your intentions
  8. So you want to display the fuel amount in a car? Read the dxDrawText page on WIKI. Here's an example, how to put it in the context. addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() -- dxDrawText here end );
  9. Try to give the second argument of the addEvent. Set it to true to make sure that the other side can call it.
  10. Which car model did you replace? If it has tuneable parts by default, I mean the original model, then all you have to do is that you replace the tuning parts too. In the tuning system, I can't help you rn.
  11. There are a lot of white spaces in that SQL Query. Get rid of them! Clean up your code from top to toe!
  12. A leghatékonyabb megoldás erre a render target. Ha csinálsz egy render targetet és arra rajzolsz, akkor azt ami lelógna a render targetről levágja a rákba. Ezért mondtam. dxCreateRenderTarget dxSetRenderTarget aztán rajzolsz. Elméletben ami lelóg a render targetről, azt levágja.
  13. Több dx funkció is kell hozzá. Létre kell hozni, egy dxTargetet és utána dxSetRemder target, azután a rajzolások majd leveszed a renderTargetet
  14. Sortörést tudsz manuálisan végezni. És a levágást is meg lehet oldani másik módszerrel. A sortöréshez \n-t kell használnod a stringben: "Ez itt\negy új sor" -- [[ Ez így fog kinézni: Ez itt egy új sor --]] A levágást meg dxSetRenderTarget segítségével tudod megoldani.
  15. Clip. Bocsánat. A clip argumentum intézi, hogy ha kilóg a keretből akkor levágja
  16. Hello! Növelheted a keretet, de ha azt nem akarod, akkor van egy crop argumentuma. Nézd meg a wikit...
  17. Gui labelekről beszélünk? Mert ott szerintem nem lehet. Csak dxText ben
  18. Ha outputChatBoxban csinálod akkor a colorcoded argumentumot truera kell állítani
  19. Próbáltad HEX színkódokkal? Pl. : "#0000FFKÉK #FFFFFFés #FF0000PIROS"
  20. No. That only works on client. Sorry
  21. As I know, players are children of root and resourceRoot(not sure about this second) by default.
  22. I don't know if it is possible, but why would you have to do that?
  23. On client side, you can point to the local player with the word localPlayer. Like: getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
  24. I can't open that file. I'm from mobile rn. What arguments does lazyQuery request? Do you give them properly?
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