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Everything posted by Derpy

  1. alright thanks could you just tell me what was i doing wrong?
  2. thanks, i have been doing some tests with exports as i haven't used them before and it worked fine when i was exporting a function which would get text from my command 'ctrigger' and it'd output it to chatbox perfectly fine however when i have tried using dxDrawText function it simply outputted that the function didnt recieve any text exportResource(client.lua) local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() function errorMessage(text) if text then dxDrawText(tostring(text),sw/2,sh/2,sw/2,sh/2,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"bankgothic","center","top",false,false,false,true) else outputDebugString("exportResource: error; no text") return end end function removeErrorMessage() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,errorMessage) outputDebugString("exportResource: render handler removed!") end function addErrorMessage() addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,errorMessage) outputDebugString("exportResource: handler was added, it will be removed in 5 seconds") setTimer(removeErrorMessage,5000,1) end test(client.lua) -- the resource which was supposed to send the text to exported resource function commandError(commandName,text) exports.exportResource:errorMessage(text) exports.exportResource:addErrorMessage() outputDebugString("test:4: Export call was sent.") end addCommandHandler("ctrigger",commandError) Additional Info of custom debugging: INFO: exportResource: handler was added, it will be removed in 5 seconds INFO: exportResource: Export call was sent. *** SPAM *** INFO: exportResource: error; no text *** END *** INFO: exportResource: render handler removed what am i doing wrong?
  3. i would appreciate if someone could help me,thanks.
  4. alright and thank you for your replies. @eAi there's nothing wrong with it, I've just been wondering if there was an other way to do it. edit: if i was using an export from client to client to trigger an error message(with dx text) for a single client, would using localPlayer(in exported function) draw it for only the client that i've sent dx text to or would it draw for anyone?
  5. hello, you probably already know whats my question as it can be seen on my topic name anyway i have seen some scripts which basically call custom functions e.g if a = 1 then createError("#1") return end how could i share a function among all resources without exports? if it's impossible then how could i pass an element(probably player) to another script so that it would make that error only for the sent player element? i also know that type of a script can be "shared" in meta, can anyone explain what does that exactly mean? i hope you guys have understanded my question, if you know an answer to this, please reply.Thanks in advance.
  6. ugh nobody helped me -.- i have used a loop and it works fine now
  7. its an element as i stated above. i usually use it for setting specific datas, i will give you an example when player joins, source is the player who joined if i set a timer for another function to output message to that player who joined, in that another function, source will be nil and i would like to be able to retrieve player whenever i want without any handler
  8. i dont have skype i just want to know how can i define player,vehicle or whatever(any element) without using handlers (im triggering those functions e.g like this) blabla()
  9. oh i forgot to mention: i am trying to work on this in server side because in client i already know how to make it but server side is better @Anubhav isn't there any other way? im activating that function with a timer, so i must use executeCommandHandler always to force players do something?
  10. example function health(thePlayer) local ppHealth = getElementHealth(thePlayer) setElementHealth(thePlayer,ppHealth + 2) end how do i define thePlayer in here?? it always returns nil
  11. okay thanks for answer tomorrow i think, i will buy the server
  12. Hi , if you are looking for a anti DDoS Hosting solution , also a powerfull one too , i recomend you Insane Hosting , All our servers are full DDoS protected , We accept Paypal , Bitcoin , DineroMail and SMS Payments We have two locations now , France and Dallas Texas Here is some test servers Dallas Texas: France: http://www.insane-hosting.net it seems like a good deal. just one more question. Do you have your servers on 1.4?if not, are they gonna be soon on 1.4? If an answer to any of these questions is yes, i'll definitely buy a server! also, will there be other server in europe for PRO plan, because now it seems that only USA server is available for PRO plan, and its kinda laggy for me as i'm far away from USA Server and close to France Server(in Europe) and Is it possible to get PRO Plan with SMS?
  13. hi is there any good host without lag and with a good ddos protection which has available MTA 1.4 to run on?
  14. Derpy

    easy problem

    i really doubt that i need that and i tested and it nno work
  15. Derpy

    easy problem

    hello im trying practice to know how triggerClientEvent/triggerServerEvent work but need help server function sendPlayerCount() local playerCount = getPlayerCount() triggerClientEvent("onPlayerCountChange",resourceRoot,playerCount) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,sendPlayerCount) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,sendPlayerCount) client addEvent("onPlayerCountChange",true) players = 0 local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function drawCount() dxDrawText(players,screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2,screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2,tocolor(0,0,255,255),1,"bankgothic") end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawCount) function totalFreeroamPlayerNumber(playerCount) if playerCount then players = playerCount else return end end addEventHandler("onPlayerCountChange",root,totalFreeroamPlayerNumber)
  16. Derpy

    help xml

    function punishPlayer(thePlayer,commandName,target,time,reason) local RootNode = xmlCreateFile("new.xml"," punishlist") local xmlPunishNickBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_nick" ) local xmlPunishSerialBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_serial" ) local xmlPunishTimeBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_time" ) local punishedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(target) local punishedPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(target) -- line 8 local punishedPlayerSerialSource = getPlayerSerial(source) -- 9 if not RootNode then xmlCreateFile("new.xml"," punishlist") xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_nick" ) xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_serial" ) xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_time" ) end if RootNode then if not isPlayerMuted(target) then if time then if reason then setPlayerMuted(target,true) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishNickBranch,punishedPlayer) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishSerialBranch,punishedPlayerSerial) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishTimeBranch,time) xmlSaveFile(RootNode) outputChatBox(punishedPlayer.." has been muted by: "..source.." for: "..time.." ("..reason..")") outputServerLog(punishedPlayer.." has been muted by: "..source.." for: "..time.." ("..reason..")") else if not time then outputChatBox("time not set",source) else if not reason then outputChatBox("reason not set",source) end end end end end end end addCommandHandler("punish",punishPlayer) function onPunishedJoin() if RootNode then if punishedPlayerSerialSource == xmlNodeGetValue(xmlPunishSerialBranch) then if xmlNodeGetValue(xmlPunishTimeBranch) >= 0 then setPlayerMuted(source,true) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onPunishedJoin) me no understand line 8 expected element got string *playernick* me not know how to put element so it work line 9 expected element got nil onplayerjoin source is player who entering servers and element so how error here? helpp
  17. Derpy

    help xml

    hello im try to make this but it no work local RootNode = xmlCreateFile("new.xml"," punishlist") local xmlPunishNickBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_nick" ) local xmlPunishSerialBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_serial" ) local xmlPunishTimeBranch = xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_time" ) local punishedPlayer = getPlayerName(target) local punishedPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(target) local punishedPlayerSerialSource = getPlayerSerial(source) function punishPlayer(thePlayer,commandName,target,time,reason) if not RootNode then xmlCreateFile("new.xml"," punishlist") xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_nick" ) xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_serial" ) xmlCreateChild ( RootNode, "punished_players_time" ) end if RootNode then if not isPlayerMuted(target) then if time then if reason then setPlayerMuted(target,true) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishNickBranch,punishedPlayer) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishSerialBranch,punishedPlayerSerial) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlPunishTimeBranch,time) xmlSaveFile(RootNode) outputChatBox(punishedPlayer.." has been muted by: "..source.." for: "..time.." ("..reason..")") outputServerLog(punishedPlayer.." has been muted by: "..source.." for: "..time.." ("..reason..")") else if not time then outputChatBox("time not set",source) else if not reason then outputChatBox("reason not set",source) end end end end end end end addCommandHandler("punish",punishPlayer) function onPunishedJoin() if RootNode then if punishedPlayerSerialSource == xmlNodeGetValue(xmlPunishSerialBranch) then if xmlNodeGetValue(xmlPunishTimeBranch) >= 0 then setPlayerMuted(source,true) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onPunishedJoin) line 5 bad argument getPlayerName expected element at argument 1, got string *nickname* line 6 bad argument getPlayerSerial expected player at argument 1, got string *nickname* line 14 bad argument isPlayerMuted i am try to punish player for time in seconds i put and if time pass he get unmutted but if he reconnect he not evade mute and mute set back time and if time expired then player unmuted please help me bad at xml
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