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Everything posted by Blinker.

  1. Many Thanks , I ran MTADiag and it has installed the latest update and Fixed The Problem!
  2. Hello Folks , i can't join 1.4 servers , it shows "Mandatory update" and when i click update it shows "Update are currently not available" , it's a really annoying problem... Any Help would be appreciated By the way , sorry if it was the wrong section , i didn't know where to write
  3. function createBaseMap() --Edificios edificio1 = createObject ( 4004, 2302.7998046875, -1406.7998046875, 686.59997558594, 0, 0, 0 ) edificio2 = createObject ( 4004, 2269.7001953125, -1322.599609375, 687.59997558594, 0, 0, 90 ) --Gas station main1 = createObject ( 11387, 2299.900390625, -1370.5, 678.90002441406, 0, 0, 0 ) --Barreras barrera1 = createObject ( 8651, 2280.5, -1387.900390625, 675.29998779297, 0, 90, 0 ) barrera2 = createObject ( 8651, 2281.1000976563, -1386.0999755859, 676.79998779297, 0, 0, 0.5 ) barrera3 = createObject ( 8651, 2281.1000976563, -1386.0999755859, 678.5, 0, 0, 0.5 ) barrera4 = createObject ( 8651, 2280.7998046875, -1370.7001953125, 678.5, 0, 0, 91.99951171875 ) barrera5 = createObject ( 8651, 2280.7998046875, -1370.7001953125, 676.5, 0, 0, 91.99951171875 ) barrera6 = createObject ( 8651, 2299.7001953125, -1338.7998046875, 678.5, 0, 0, 0 ) barrera7 = createObject ( 8651, 2299.7001953125, -1338.7998046875, 676.5, 0, 0, 0 ) barrera8 = createObject ( 8651, 2309.2001953125, -1338.2001953125, 678.5, 0, 0, 91.99951171875 ) barrera9 = createObject ( 8651, 2309.2001953125, -1338.2001953125, 676.5, 0, 0, 91.99951171875 ) --Markers Marker1 = createMarker ( 2279.9458007813, -1372.3173828125, 676.54766845703, "corona", 1.5, 255, 158, 0, 255, getRootElement() ) --Carros hunter = createVehicle ( 425, 1292, -793, 98, 0, 0, 155) --NPC's npc1 = createPed(25, 52312, -1360.7, 676.70001) npc2 = createPed(25, 52312, -1360.7, 676.70001) --DM Map dmCar1 = createVehicle(411, 2307.3000488281, -1408.3000488281, 688.29998779297, 0, 0, 325) dmPed1 = createPed(0, 2305.3999023438, -1407.3000488281, 688.5) createObject(688, 2315.1000976563, -1407.3000488281, 687.5, 0, 0, 0) createObject(688, 2300.8999023438, -1408.0999755859, 687.5, 0, 0, 0) --DD Map ddCar1 = createVehicle(426, 2275.1000976563, -1417, 692.20001220703, 0, 0, 90) ddCar2 = createVehicle(542, 2266.6000976563, -1423.0999755859, 692.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) ddPed1 = createPed(0, 2273.8000488281, -1415.5, 692.29998779297) ddPed2 = createPed(0, 2267.3999023438, -1422.1999511719, 692.29998779297) createObject(8838, 2265.8000488281, -1430.9000244141, 689.79998779297, 0, 0, 90) createObject(8838, 2294, -1430.6999511719, 689.79998779297, 0, 0, 90) createObject(8838, 2279.8999023438, -1416.4000244141, 689.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) createObject(8838, 2280.1999511719, -1428.9000244141, 689.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) createObject(8838, 2279.6999511719, -1444.9000244141, 689.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2303.6999511719, -1420.3000488281, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2303.8999023438, -1434, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2304.1999511719, -1451.1999511719, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2293.6000976563, -1457.1999511719, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2278.3999023438, -1455.1999511719, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2266.6999511719, -1454.1999511719, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2254.8000488281, -1450.5999755859, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2255, -1438.9000244141, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2255.5, -1425.9000244141, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2254.8000488281, -1416.4000244141, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 0) createObject(896, 2280.6999511719, -1435.4000244141, 690.20001220703, 0, 0, 40) --Hunter Map htCar1 = createVehicle(425, 2236.8999023438, -1406.8000488281, 693.59997558594, 0, 0, 245) createPed(0, 2240.1000976563, -1406.0999755859, 692.79998779297, 90) createObject(4726, 2233.3999023438, -1409.0999755859, 690.5, 0, 0, 0) createObject(8357, 2228.5, -1416.9000244141, 711.29998779297, 90, 0, 180) createObject(8357, 2223.5, -1396, 711.29998779297, 90, 0, 0) createObject(8357, 2221.6000976563, -1413.9000244141, 691.79998779297, 0, 90, 0) createObject(672, 2241.3999023438, -1413.8000488281, 691.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) createObject(672, 2241.1999511719, -1398.4000244141, 691.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) createObject(672, 2226, -1413.3000488281, 691.79998779297, 0, 0, 0 ) createObject(672, 2224.6999511719, -1398.5999755859, 691.79998779297, 0, 0, 0) end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createBaseMap )
  4. Blinker.

    DD/DM help

    You need to edit your race folder , destructionderby.lua
  5. Thanks to both , but the problem is How would i be able to get the Resource Name from its meta name? if i try this exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap (getResourceFromName("[DD] Cross XL") ,nil,true) it won't work i need something like this exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap (getResourceFromName(getResourceName(??????)) ,nil,true) i still can't figure it out Thanks.
  6. Hello , i tried to set next map through runcode and i got an error "ERROR: mapmanager\mapmanager_exports.lua:64: mapmanager: Invalid map specified." well, i don't know how to define the map. i've tried that: exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap ("[DD] Cross XL" ,true) Thanks.
  7. getElementPosition --example local x , y ,z = getElementPosition(getPlayerFromName("MyName"))
  8. getPlayerName(string.gsub(player, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""))
  9. onClientGUIClick takePlayerMoney giveWeapon
  10. if you meant to draw the text "km/h" on the right bottom of the screen and to appear the same on all resolutions then this is what you need: local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function render() dxDrawText("km/h", sWidth - 130 ,sHeight - 65 , sWidth*0.94921875, sHeight*0.9427083333333333, tocolor(195, 195, 195, 255), 2.30, "pricedown", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render)
  11. well , I don't think so , but If you use guiGetScreenSize the text won't get out of the screen an example: local sw , sh = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText("",sw/2 , sh/2 ....)
  12. Hello folks, I would like to know how to use 'in next' to get top money or any other data Any Help is appreciated Thanks
  13. Your server needs to be stopped before editing the acl. stop your server , edit the acl and then start it again
  14. Hello , i have a problem enabling/disabling water shader , when i start the resource and i click on enable/disable buttons the shader will be disabled / enabled but on the next map the shader can't be disabled / enabled , i couldn't figure out the problem here's my code: function onGuiClick1 () if (source == enablewater) then W = dxCreateShader ( "water.fx" ) if W then local textureVol = dxCreateTexture ( "smallnoise3d.dds" ); local textureCube = dxCreateTexture ( "cube_env256.dds" ); dxSetShaderValue ( W, "microflakeNMapVol_Tex", textureVol ); dxSetShaderValue ( W, "showroomMapCube_Tex", textureCube ); engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( W, "waterclear256" ) applyWaterColor ( ) end elseif (source == disablewater) then engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(W,"waterclear256") end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClick1) Many Thanks, Blinker
  15. That Worked , Thank you a lot . Thank you Et-win too.
  16. i didn't mean how to edit , but i meant what to edit i have no idea what can fix this thing
  17. well how can i edit the scoreboard?
  18. Now when i click one time Money column will hide , but doesnt work if i click another time , and still the same problem (show/hide for all players not for 1 )
  19. what is the difference ?
  20. well i guess remove / add scoreboardcolumn only works server-side , i tried it now and it showed call:Failed to call 'scoreboard:removeScoreboardcolumn and addScoreboardColumn
  21. Hello , i made a script to show/hide scoreboard columns , if a player clicks on a checkbox , a named column should hide / appear. the problem is when a player clicks on a checkbox it shows/hides the column for all , not only for the player that clicked on it.. Below you can see my code -- client side function click() if ( source == checkboxmoney ) then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkboxmoney) then triggerServerEvent("deleteexportmoney",root,deleteexportmoney) else triggerServerEvent("addexportmoney",root,addexportmoney) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,click) -- server side function deleteexportmoney() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Money') end addEvent("deleteexportmoney",true) addEventHandler("deleteexportmoney",root,deleteexportmoney) function addexportmoney() exports.scoreboard:removeScoreboardColumn('Money') end addEvent("addexportmoney",true) addEventHandler("addexportmoney",root,addexportmoney) Thanks in Advance
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