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Everything posted by Blinker.

  1. Hello, I tried to use 1920x1080 resolution, but my screen starts lagging all the time. My fps is always 50/51, but its still lagging. I tried with lowest and highest video settings, but it's same. Any fixes? Best regards Blinker
  2. Blinker.

    MTA lagging

  3. Blinker.

    MTA lagging

    hello , i've been experiencing screen lag in MTA 1.5 , when i set my resolution to 800x600 or lower , my screen starts lag but my fps doesn't change,and if i change 1024x768 or higher my screen doesn't lag and everything is fine , i hadn't this lag in mta 1.4 , only in mta 1.5 , not to mention it's not only me , all players are suffering this screen lag.
  4. hello everyone , i've been working a while on addVehicleUpgrade to add nos to my Vehicle , everything is working fine with nos hybrid , when i changed to nos nfs , if i click 1 time and remove my hand of nos button , the nos will end.. i'm simply using : addVehicleUpgrade(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 1010) i'm using also "race_nos2" resource to change nos state (hybrid/nfs) thanks in advance
  5. hello folks , idk if i'm posting in the right section but here is my problem, i changed things in coreconfig.xml , now i get failed to load shader like 10 times spaming in chat box when i join servers,also i can't open the scoreboard, i see only the black rectangle when i click tab Thanks in advance
  6. Blinker.


    where to get a new api from lol
  7. Blinker.


    so where / how can i get a new api ?
  8. Blinker.


    well so , how to make it work , i mean how to get a new api .. i have 0 knowledge in apis
  9. Blinker.


    Hello folks , i was wondering why am i getting that error in F8 "BASS ERROR 0 in PlayStream b3D = false path = http://yt.pilovali.nl/dl.php?id=https:/ ... SOzN0eihsE" i'm using: playSound("http://yt.pilovali.nl/dl.php?id=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSOzN0eihsE") Thanks in advance. EDIT: Btw , im in a local server , but i have internet.
  10. i already did what gallardo said , thanks anyway
  11. Hello , i was wondering how to make the image go to cache like lua files .. so people can't simply take images of their mta folder.. Thanks in advance.
  12. topic can be locked, ALw7sH came to my server and helped me there , thanks.
  13. ok add me at skype : Mikaelkh98 , i will come after 30 mins because i have a clanwar now sorry , thank you
  14. ALw7sH do you have free time ? , if yes come my server i can show u the problem.
  15. no man , deathlist = { 1) playername1 (whokilledplayer1) , 2) playername2 , 3)playername3 speclist = { spectatorname1 , spectatorname2 } player2 and player3 no one killed them so no "(whokilledplayer)"
  16. no man i have to use string.find because i use PlayerRank..") " .. playername in tables it will return like that table = {"1) Blinker" , "2) anyone"}
  17. Hello Folks, i've a problem with string.find , i am trying to do if the guy who's spectating another guy is on the list then highlight his name. i have 2 tables : 1 - deathlist 2 - speclist if the guy in the speclist is 1 of the people in deathlist then highlight his name thats my code for i ,v in ipairs (speclist) do for k , s in ipairs (deathlist) do if string.find(getUncolored(v),getUncolored(s),3,false) then r ,g ,b = 255,153,0 outputDebugString("spectator: ".. getUncolored(v).." "..getUncolored(s)) else r ,g ,b = 255,255,255 outputDebugString("no spectator: ".. getUncolored(v).." "..getUncolored(s)) end end end i don't know why it's not working the color stays white , when i am spectating a guy called KnoX, it outputs: INFO:no spectator: [LoA]KnoX 3) [LoA]KnoX ... i don't know why it doesn't find [LoA]KnoX in 3) [LoA]KnoX thanks in advance.
  18. Blinker.

    SQL help

    but it's not , i get syntax error EDIT: aa i had another problem , it's working. thx
  19. Blinker.

    SQL help

    Hello , i was wondering how to make 2 conditions in executeSQLQuery , i've tried to do something like that: local select = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM ts WHERE serial=? AND map=?", serial,map) -- or local select = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM ts WHERE serial=? WHERE map=?", serial,map) but it's not working .. if anyone could help me i would be so grateful, thanks in advance.
  20. Blinker.


    Hello folks , i've made a stats panel for dd , i've got a problem , sometimes all the people get the same stats , i mean if i had 6,000 $ and someone joined then he played for 5 mins he got 300 $ , after some secs he will have same stats as me. also sometimes when someone joins , his stats doesn't save it needs time to appear again .. it shows 0 at first then after he wins his real stats will appear again. that's what i am using: function insertInDatabase(serial , ban ,kick ,joins ,mute ,nick ,mesg ,maps ,ratio ,wins ,kills ,deaths ,kpm ,points ,money) if serial and ban and kick and joins and mute and nick and mesg and maps and ratio and wins and kills and deaths and kpm and points and money then local select = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM up_stats WHERE serial=?", serial) if #select == 0 then executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO up_stats (serial , ban ,kick ,joins ,mute ,nick ,mesg ,maps ,ratio ,wins ,kills ,deaths ,kpm ,points ,money) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",serial , ban ,kick ,joins ,mute ,nick ,mesg ,maps ,ratio ,wins ,kills ,deaths ,kpm ,points ,money) -- outputChatBox("[iNSERT] Serial: "..serial) return true else -- outputChatBox("[uPDATE] Serial: "..serial) executeSQLQuery("UPDATE up_stats SET ban=? ,kick=? ,joins=? ,mute=? ,nick=? ,mesg=? ,maps=? ,ratio=? ,wins=? ,kills=? ,deaths=? ,kpm=? ,points=? ,money=? WHERE serial=?", ban ,kick ,joins ,mute ,nick ,mesg ,maps ,ratio ,wins ,kills ,deaths ,kpm ,points ,money, serial) end end end and when a player wins i am using this local select = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM up_stats WHERE serial=?", serial) if #select == 0 then insertInDatabase(serial , 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,0,0 ,experience ,amount) else insertInDatabase(serial , select[1].ban ,select[1].kick ,select[1].joins ,select[1].mute ,select[1].nick ,select[1].mesg ,select[1].maps ,select[1].ratio ,select[1].wins +1,select[1].kills ,select[1].deaths ,select[1].kpm ,select[1].points + experience ,select[1].money +amount) end any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDIT: nvm i fixed it , i had something wrong.
  21. i've tried another custom font , it works with 0 lag. so i guess the first font "28 days later" have bad performance , thanks.
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