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Everything posted by scaryface87

  1. I got big scripts in the server , sort of RPG but it isnt rlly an RPG server.(sort of real life survive if u know what i mean) 40 slots were the minimum slots of the servers thats why i ask for 40 slots server gonna run on linux then and there will be alot of vehicles around map and an MYSQL will be running Greetings
  2. Hello, I would like to know how mmuch gb ram i need for 40slots no lag
  3. Hello , I would like to see the players weapon + ammo in the collum I've created collums ; guiGridListAddColumn(myGridList3, "weapon", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(myGridList3, "ammo", 0.5) I tought something like this but its not working somehow ammount = guiGridListAddColumn(myGridList2, "ammo", 0.5) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( myGridList2 ) guiGridListSetItemText ( myGridList2, row, amount, getPlayerTotalAmmo ( player), false, false ) expected string at arg 4 of guigridlistsetitemtext
  4. Hello , Im trying to make a close button but i found out a (bug?) if i click close button it closes but if i click around close button and or on the panel self it closes the panel also Both are in same lua client side function gui() myWindow = guiCreateWindow(116, 135, 603, 346, "Test gui", false) guiWindowSetSizable(myWindow, false) myTabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(9, 20, 584, 316, false, myWindow) myTab = guiCreateTab("Health", myTabpanel) myButton1 = guiCreateButton(33, 32, 218, 72, "car3", false, myTab) guiSetProperty(myButton1, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",myButton1,health1) myButton2 = guiCreateButton(308, 150, 218, 72, "car4", false, myTab) guiSetProperty(myButton2, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",myButton2,health4) myButton3 = guiCreateButton(33, 150, 218, 72, "car2", false, myTab) guiSetProperty(myButton3, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",myButton3,health3) myButton4 = guiCreateButton(308, 32, 218, 72, car"", false, myTab) guiSetProperty(myButton4, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",myButton4,health2) button5 = guiCreateButton(479, 255, 95, 27, "close", false, myTab) guiSetProperty(button5, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button5,close) end function close(tPlayer) guiSetVisible(myWindow,false) showCursor(false) end addEvent("close",true)
  5. It doesnt do rlly what i wanted ; I want it so it outputs in chatAn object is on the colshape i created a colrectangle on the object (so its in it) but it isnt shouting the message or is the problem that the object is already in the colshape? object1 = createObject(1000,394.33875,2442.71362,16.50000) col1 = createColRectangle(377.94525,2432.49194, 53.5, 45 ) function lol () if getElementsWithinColShape(col1,object1) then outputChatBox("An object is on the colshape!") end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", col1, lol )
  6. Hello , Is there any function event or something to know if there are objects on DFT? for example if an object is in this col I tought something like this but it doesnt work [lua] object1 = createObject(1000,394.33875,2442.71362,16.50000) function incol () if getElementsWithinColShape(col,object1) then outputChatBox("An object is on the colshape!") end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),incol)
  7. Hello , I'm trying to create a colrectangle around the hangar at abonded airport https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPzR5ffi7xc8dbVYeIlo2zOkOCCWWsMaJdYHP5AXqyUv9qdM4nCw the hangar on the left Are there any trics to make one? i tried this but i think its wrong ; cs1 = createColRectangle(377.85559,431.17932, 43, 60 ) I know its wrong cuz i made a "test function" function test() outputChatBox("Colshape is working!") end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",cs1,test)
  8. Hello , I wanna make a script where u can select an account name and add a note by him (multiple notes) and that everyone sees it but i dont know wich functions i should use i tought getPlayerAccount -- maybe? addCommandHandler Greetings
  9. Im trying to create a script that you gain + 25 health but it isnt working i got attempt to perform arithemetic on a boolean value function health1(localPlayer) outputChatBox("test") -- made this to check if the function self was working and it does setElementHealth ( source, getElementHealth ( source) + 25 ) end addCommandHandler("healme",health1)
  10. It was meant to be attached to the marker and not the marker to the vehicle I tought something like this but it isnt working nothing in debugscript Marker = createMarker(-1456.7243652344, 532.509765625, 18.010332107544, "cylinder", 7, 100, 100, 100) addCommandHandler ( 'attach', function ( ) local nMax = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( nMax ) then attachElements (nMax, Marker ) end end )
  11. Bad argument at getpedocupiedvehicle and bad argument at attachelements expected argument at 1, got boolean testMarker = createMarker(-1456.7243652344, 532.509765625, 18.010332107544, "cylinder", 7, 100, 100, 100) function attach() vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) attachElements ( vehicle, testMarker, 0, 0, 5 ) end addCommandHandler("attach",attach)
  12. So i cant make it? or how can i make it working
  13. function attach() vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) object = getElementsByType("object") attachElements ( vehicle, object, 0, 0, 5 ) end addCommandHandler("attach",attach) isnt working
  14. Hello , How can i glue an vehicle and or plane to an object wich can move? I wanna also deattach the plane / vehicle. (like if there is an admin spawned car that i can use /gluecar that it glues the car for example)
  15. im just using setElementData(player, "class", className)
  16. its sending the message to everyone not to 1 class wich u are in
  17. bad argument #1 for 'ipairs' (table expected, got nill) function classchat(player, command, ...) local message = table.concat(arg, " ") local classmembers = getElementData(player,"class") for i,v in ipairs(classmembers) do outputChatBox("*CLASS*" .. getPlayerName(player) .. ": " .. message ,255, 100, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler("class", classchat)
  18. Hello , I would like to attach an car on an DFT (so if ur near a car with ur dft and u use /load then the car gets on it for example) Im not sure how to start to be here functions i think i need to use attachElements addCommandHandler greets
  19. Hello , Is it possible to attach a marker to an object wich can move? something like this? ; attachElements ( arrowMarker, thePlayer, 0, 0, 2 ) Greets
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