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Everything posted by scaryface87

  1. If possible but if it requires a database i dont want it to ssave if u restart the resource then it"ll just saves till the script restartss
  2. window= guiCreateWindow(264, 189, 355, 294, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) memo = guiCreateMemo(14, 25, 331, 259, "", false, window) guiSetVisible(window,false) Hello so i wanna make it so only people in ACL admin will be able to edit it. The one who arent admin shouldnt be able to edit it. So if player 1 does /memo and i write "this is a test" and then presses "save" button it would save if player 2 doess /memo he will see the SAME message that got last saved by player 1 for example
  3. Not working , in debug i get bad argument #1 to pairs table expected, got string
  4. Hello , I get this in debug if i do so cannot use "..." outside a vararg function near "..." plus ur using the wrong line to add no?
  5. I would like to know i its possible to add multiple words in "1" line for example it will add "Hello world" on the table (so if i do /addword Hello World it will add " hello world" due fact it will only add "hello" now)
  6. ye no , my fault cuz i didnt rlly explain it well , Thanks its working!!
  7. Hello , Maybe i said it wrong but i mean the last value like if getElementData(player,"theData",5) then outputChatBox("ur LVL 5! gz") end this i mean(this isnt working)
  8. Hello , Is it possible to get the value of the elemnt data from an hitelement? for example setElementData(hitElement,"data",this value)
  9. chair = createObject(1671,0,0,0) function changemyview(thePlayer) local cam = getCameraTarget() attachElements( cam, chair,0,0,10 ) end
  10. local cam = getCameraTarget() attachElements( cam, chair ) Hello , Its not working first i had error from local cam = getCameraTarget() , it needed an argument so i wrote "getCameraTarget(thePlayer) but then it does nothing.
  11. Hello , Im trying to make my view look at a chair. What i've tried ; chair = createObject(1671,0,0,0) function changemyview(thePlayer) setCameraTarget(thePlayer,chair) end So i wanna know how im able to get an camera attached on the chair (the chair is moveable so it should update if its moving)
  12. I want an camera looking to the chair while the chair is moving
  13. Jep i even tried to just create a chair and put the camera on it but i wasnt even able to
  14. Hello , I would like to update the camera every time the chair moves. I already tried something but it isnt working, it keeps looking at the same position and isnt following the object This need to be server side (or atleast the chair need to stay server side)! Also i need something to reset the camera back to normal but i dont have a clue how to do that , i tried setCameraTarget(player) but then it looks at the neck. local chair = createObject ( 1671, -1326, -67, 13355, 0, 0, 0 ) function test(player) x,y,z = getElementPosition(chair) setCameraMatrix(player,x,y,z) end addCommandHandler("test123",test)
  15. Hello , Im trying to spawn cars automaticle and let them assign to the job thats given. I tought it will work by doing /density but if i do /density Cars 0.1 i get an error ; The debug ; server is running on linux Sorry if wrong forum! not sure if it should be here or on resource , tried to contact crystal but he didnt respond, waiting long time now Greetings
  16. still showing nill in the gridlist , no debugerrors
  17. server lua 10: do exepted near local lua 10 (line 10) is local word = tostring(v[1])
  18. Ok that worked ouut , now it says nil nil in the gridlist
  19. Oh i didnt see , i tought it was the commandhandler of /addword , my excuses , trying ur code atm
  20. Hi It didnt work i think i messed someting with splitting it up from client and server Server : Client :
  21. Hm i dont get what to put after collumn1 then after combining it like this ; for i, v in pairs (Table) do window1 = guiCreateWindow(471, 219, 200, 210, "Words in randomizer", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window1, false) gridlist1 = guiCreateGridList(16, 50, 167, 146, false, window1) local row1 = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist1) local collumn1 = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist1, "Words", 0.9) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridlist1, row1, collumn1, ) -- not ssure if this gonna work , idont know how to call the table in end
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