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ahmedo01 last won the day on January 9 2018

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  1. Sent it by pm. Thanks for help anyways.
  2. Hello everybody, I tried to do scope attachment for some weapons but I have a problem. I tried to get target coords for scope by using these functions. getPedTargetEnd getPedTargetStart But when I set the camera matrix, I couldnt get the positions with these functions. I am waiting for your help Thanks. Sorry for my bad English...
  3. Very good. Thanks for it. Is it synchronous between clients?
  4. I got a very important bug. Needs hot fix. I use edit in my gui and added this code addEventHandler("onClientDgsDxGUITextChange", add_item_amount, function(element) fixEdits() LAST_AMOUNT = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount) reloadPriceCalc() end) function fixEdits() local price = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price)) local amount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount)) local buyamount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit)) if not price then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(add_item_price,"") end if not amount then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(add_item_amount,"") end if not buyamount then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(buy_select_edit,"") end if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price):len() > 5 then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(add_item_price,LAST_PRICE) end if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount):len() > 5 then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(add_item_amount,LAST_AMOUNT) end if exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit):len() > 5 then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(buy_select_edit,LAST_BUYAMOUNT) end end function reloadPriceCalc() local price = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_price)) or 0 local amount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(add_item_amount)) or 0 exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[5],"Toplam: $"..(price*amount)) local buyamount = tonumber(exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUIGetText(buy_select_edit)) if buyamount then exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[10],"Alınacak eşya sayısı: "..buyamount) end local selectedbuy = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListGetSelectedItem( items_list ) if selectedbuy and selectedbuy > -1 and buyamount then local idata = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListGetItemData( items_list, selectedbuy, 1 ) exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGUISetText(GUIEditor.label[12],"Ödenecek miktar: $"..(buyamount * idata.price)) end end and when you try to enter something into edit. Game freeze''.s. Waiting for fix.
  5. local AnimationWindow = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateWindow(584,226,262,421,"TRYO ~ Animasyonlar",false) local stop = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(9,367,122,25,"Durdur",false,AnimationWindow) local close = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateButton(133,367,120,25,"Kapat",false,AnimationWindow) local animgrid = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxCreateGridList(9,3,244,358,false,AnimationWindow) local column1 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Kategoriler",0.35) local column2 = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddColumn(animgrid,"Animasyon",0.5) for i=1,#anims do local cato, name = anims[i][1], anims[i][2] local row = exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListAddRow ( animgrid ) exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column1, cato, false, false ) exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemText ( animgrid, row, column2, name, false, false ) exports.EKdgs:dgsDxGridListSetItemData ( animgrid, row, column1, {anims[i][3],anims[i][4]} ) end And buttons havent got wordwrap. Add it and it will be good. Thanks.
  6. Good library. Thanks for it. http://prntscr.com/hcf9e8 I have a gridlist and second column is blurred why? Can you help me with that?
  7. Hello everybody, Today I need a tool like this and I wrote it. This tool compiles all lua files in folder and automatically change meta.xml for their new name. It uses luac.multitheftauto.com's compiler. If you dont trust me you can replace it with your download. Meta.xml changing is not good because it find .lua and change it to the .trpg. Sorry for my bad English. Tutorial: Let's think you have a folder resources and it is full with scripts. 1. Select folder with "Klasör Seç" button. 2. If you want to delete not compiled lua files check "Eskileri Sil" checkbox. 3. Click "Şifrele" to start process. Note: Do not forget to make backup before progress! Some pictures: Downloads: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6tw8um74wmzt6ke/COMPILER_1.0.zip If you have any problem then post it to here.
  8. Tried some things bot it doesnt work. Need some help.
  9. Here the customblips resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=960 What i'm using: for i,v in pairs(locats) do exports.EKcustomblips:createCustomBlip ( v[2], v[3], 24, 19, "icon.png", 180 ) local obj = createObject( 5000, v[2], v[3], v[4], 0, 0, 0 ) end
  10. @darkdreamingdan Then this is a problem bc Talidan's last visited is April 16.
  11. Tried with other versions of customblips and not worked. Waiting for any help.
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