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  1. This is the last release I did to my Server DayZ Latinoamerica version 3.5 (It's in Spanish as main language), I did it like 5 months ago. The all gamemode is encripted and when I open the server I upload everything encripted with other protections, obviously i'm the only one with the decompiled code of the new things I added. Hope you like it: Added 4 more backpacks and changed slots. Added new admin panel (Member Levels) and ban system. I'll not share these things. Added like 30 more vehícles. I added new Survivor Hud like War Z (I did it). I changed old DayZ Scoreboard by Normal One with better things. Also new Vehicles Hud (Another script, edited by me to add DayZ's specifications. I changed lot of more things but I don't have screenshots. I'll not release things like Survivor Hud, Vehicle Hud and other things that aren't showen. As I remember I have a backup of my server, encripted and decripted backup to update it as I want Two Screenshots I took months ago: Maybe you don't understand some words at screenshots so: Nombre = Name Z Asesinados = Zombies Killed Asesinatos = Murders Tiempo Vivo = Time Alive Pais = Country Sangre = Blood Gasolina = Fuel
  2. Well, the Gamemode Includes: Lobby System. Login System. Userpanel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, if you want this MGM contact me: Skype: xTanKx.MTA Screenshot of the Lobby: To see all of the screenshot, right click on the screenshot and then open it in a new window Screenshots of the Login Panel: Login: Register: DX Message when login: More Screenshots Soon! You have to know that this is not cheap.
  3. 4 bags to increase te roll? bandage ? jajajaja you modified DayZ Gamemode JAJAJAJAJAJAJA Guys dayz gm is free to download!
  4. here you have more lines: if ( t ~= "Players" ) then for i, v in pairs ( WayPointLocs [ t ] ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( source ) guiGridListSetItemText ( source, row, 1, tostring ( i ), true, true ) for k, f in pairs ( WayPointLocs [ t ] [ i ] ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( source ) guiGridListSetItemText ( source, row, 1, tostring ( f [ 1 ] ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( source, row, 1, f ) end end
  5. First Error: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected got nil) Line of first Error: for i, v in pairs ( WayPointLocs [ t ] ) do And here is the table WayPointLocs: WayPointLocs = { ['Jobs'] = { -- Los Santos { "LS - Criminal 1", 1625.33, -1509.2, 13.6 }, { "LS - Criminal 2", 2141.6, -1733.16, 17.29 }, { "LS - Mechanic", 2277.06, -2359.07, 13.58 }, { "LS - Medic", 1178.47, -1327.87, 14.12 }, { "LS - Police", 1545.88, -1681.27, 13.56 }, }, ['Locations'] = { -- Los Santos ['Los Santos'] = { -- { "Name", x, y, z } { "Ammunation", 1366.23, -1278.39, 13.6 }, { "Bank", 914.4, -995.55, 38.19 }, { "All Saints General Hospital", 1184.45, -1322.87, 13.57 }, { "Jefferson Hospital", 2001, -1446.85, 13.56 }, { "Transfender Modshop", 1041.3, -1032.18, 32.09 }, { "Aircraft Modshop", 1937.03, -2302.26, 13.55 }, { "Lowrider Modshop", 2644.5, -2020.54, 13.55 }, { "Pay n' Spray", 1025.46, -1031.82, 32.02 }, { "Pay n' Spray", 2077.75, -1831.17, 13.38 }, { "Pay n' Spray", 1921.97, -2247.42, 13.55 }, { "Sports Car Shop (Grotti)", 551.84, -1272.28, 17.3 }, { "Ghetto Car Shop (Coutt And Schutz)", 551.84, -1272.28, 17.3 }, { "Cycle Shop", 1802.8, -1914.98, 13.4 }, { "Aircraft Shop", 1802.8, -1914.98, 13.4 }, }, ['San Fierro'] = { { "Wheel Arch Angels Modshop", -2712.92, 217.36, 4.25 }, { "Transfender Modshop", -1936.02, 234.95, 34.31 }, { "Pay n' Spray", -1904.97, 273.14, 41.05 }, { "Sports Car Shop", -1972.91, 286.07, 35.17 }, { "San Fierro Medical Center", -2661.14, 606.22, 13.86 }, } }, ['Players'] = { }, ['Custom'] = { }, } Second error: attemp to index local 'f' (a number value) Line of second error: guiGridListSetItemText ( source, row, 1, tostring ( f [ 1 ] ), false, false )
  6. I can't use /turfcolor or /groupchatcolor
  7. With a line like this: end )] is the same error
  8. It's not hard at all, can be done with less than 10 lines, and that's why you probably won't get support here. There's 150 lines of well written client side code and you're having trouble with just a few lines of the server side, which you didn't even tried to make, that kind of signs usually indicates that the script is leaked or stolen. Starting your post by saying "I have this" won't say anything about the author, no credits or license was found in the script, what are you trying to hide? If you really wrote this yourself then you won't have any trouble writing the server side part, you should at least try before asking someone to do all the work for you. I never said that I wrote the clientside, and You're right about that.
  9. Well in the line 208 I have this: end )]] And the error is: [2014-10-31 06:24:20] SCRIPT ERROR: [NG]\NGTurf\server.lua:208: unexpected symbol near ']' [2014-10-31 06:24:20] ERROR: Loading script failed: [NG]\NGTurf\server.lua:208: unexpected symbol near ']'
  10. If you can do it, and the same with another Event script that I have, I can pay via PayPal. Contact me at my skype: xTanKx.MTA If you can do that, I can pay, tell me how much
  11. Well, I have the clientside of the script DDEvent, however, I need a serverside. Can you help me to make the Serverside? This is the clientside: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local ddCanShoot = false local RCBDD = false --Marker Blip exports.customblips:createCustomBlip(2720, -1827, 25, 25, "blip.png", 100.0) function createDDGUI() --Window ddWindow = guiCreateWindow((screenWidth / 2) - 209.5, (screenHeight / 2) - 75.5, 419, 151, "Signup For DD Event", false) --Label ddInfoLabel = guiCreateLabel(11, 26, 396, 72, "Would you like to signup for the DD event?\nPlease note that the DD event will not start until 20 players have signed up for the event.\nEntry fee is 5,000. Winner gets 50,000.", false, ddWindow) --Buttons ddSignupButton = guiCreateButton(22, 110, 143, 26, "Signup", false, ddWindow) ddCancelButton = guiCreateButton(256, 110, 143, 26, "Cancel", false, ddWindow) guiSetAlpha(ddWindow, 1) guiWindowSetSizable(ddWindow, false) guiSetVisible(ddWindow, false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(ddInfoLabel, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(ddInfoLabel, "center", true) guiSetFont(ddInfoLabel, "clear-normal") --Handlers addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ddSignupButton, onDDSignupButtonClick, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ddCancelButton, onDDCancelButtonClick, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, createDDGUI) function onDDSignupButtonClick(button, state) if (button ~= "left" or state ~= "up") then return end if (RCBDD) then triggerServerEvent("ddevent.signupForRCBDD", root, onDDSignupButtonClick) guiSetVisible(ddWindow, false) showCursor(false) else triggerServerEvent("ddevent.signupForDD", root, onDDSignupButtonClick) guiSetVisible(ddWindow, false) showCursor(false) end end function onDDCancelButtonClick(button, state) guiSetVisible(ddWindow, false) showCursor(false) end function showSignupGUI(isRCBDD) guiSetVisible(ddWindow, true) showCursor(true) if (isRCBDD) then RCBDD = true guiSetText(ddWindow, "Signup For RC Baron DD Event") guiSetText(ddInfoLabel, "Would you like to signup for the RC Baron DD event?\nPlease note that the event will not start until 10 players have signed up for the event.\nEntry fee is $5,000. Winner gets $30,000.") else RCBDD = false guiSetText(ddWindow, "Signup For DD Event") guiSetText(ddInfoLabel, "Would you like to signup for the DD event?\nPlease note that the DD event will not start until 20 players have signed up for the event.\nEntry fee is $5,000. Winner gets $50,000.") end end addEvent("ddevent.showSignupGUI", true) addEventHandler("ddevent.showSignupGUI", root, showSignupGUI) function startDD(RCBDD) setTimer(ddCountDown, 1000, 1, 3) local fireKeys = getBoundKeys("vehicle_fire") if (fireKeys and #fireKeys > 0) then for key, state in pairs(fireKeys) do bindKey(key, state, vehicleFire) end else if (not RCBDD) then bindKey("lctrl", "down", vehicleFire) bindKey("rctrl", "down", vehicleFire) bindKey("mouse1", "down", vehicleFire) end end if (not RCBDD) then bindKey("lshift", "down", vehicleJump) end -- addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, removeGUIs) end addEvent("ddevent.startDD", true) addEventHandler("ddevent.startDD", root, startDD) function ddCountDown(count) if (count == 0) then count = "Go" playSoundFrontEnd(45) else playSoundFrontEnd(44) end exports.CSFtrivia:sMessage(count, 0, 255, 0) if (tostring(count) == "Go") then setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), false) ddCanShoot = true return end setTimer(ddCountDown, 1000, 1, count - 1) end function vehicleFire() if (not ddCanShoot) then return end if (isPlayerDead(localPlayer)) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(vehicle) local _, _, rotZ = getElementRotation(vehicle) posX = posX + (math.cos(math.rad(rotZ + 90))) posY = posY + (math.sin(math.rad(rotZ + 90))) createProjectile(vehicle, 19, posX, posY, posZ + 0.75) ddCanShoot = false setTimer(setCanShoot, 3000, 1) end function setCanShoot() ddCanShoot = true end function vehicleJump() if (isPlayerDead(localPlayer)) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (not isVehicleOnGround(vehicle)) then return end local velX, velY, velZ = getElementVelocity(vehicle) setElementVelocity(vehicle, velX, velY, velZ + 0.35) end function endDD() local fireKeys = getBoundKeys("vehicle_fire") if (fireKeys and #fireKeys > 0) then for key, state in pairs(fireKeys) do unbindKey(key, state, vehicleFire) end else unbindKey("lctrl", "down", vehicleFire) unbindKey("rctrl", "down", vehicleFire) unbindKey("mouse1", "down", vehicleFire) end unbindKey("lshift", "down", vehicleJump) -- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, removeGUIs) end addEvent("ddevent.endDD", true) addEventHandler("ddevent.endDD", root, endDD) function removeGUIs() for index, window in pairs(getElementsByType("gui-window")) do if (guiGetVisible(window)) then guiSetVisible(window, false) end end end
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