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MedKhiti's Achievements


Civilian (7/54)



  1. im gonna translate to tunisian language
  2. can u create the full code for me ? and thanx
  3. function createMarkers() for i, med in ipairs(locations) do local marker = createMarker(med[2], med[3], med[4], "cylinder", 1.5, 55, 37, 30) createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 9) markers[marker] = med addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, destMarker) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createMarkers) How To DrawText For Markers .? help please with Code ;=)
  4. addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i = 1, #jobs do local players = getElementsByType("player") local marker = createMarker(0,0,0,"cylinder",1.5,153,0,153,255) local marker1 = createMarker(0,0,0,"arrow",1.5,96,96,96,255) local star = createObject(1247,0,0,0) ped = createPed(jobs[i][2], jobs[i][3], jobs[i][4], jobs[i][5]) setElementRotation(ped, 0, 0, jobs[i][6]) setElementFrozen(ped, true) setElementData(ped, "job.ped", true) setElementData(ped, "job.title", jobs[i][1]) setElementData(ped, "job.team", jobs[i][7]) setElementData(ped, "job.info", jobs[i][9]) setElementData(ped, "job.r", jobs[i][10]) setElementData(ped, "job.g", jobs[i][11]) addPedClothes ( source, "moto", "moto", 16 ) setElementData(ped, "job.b", jobs[i][12]) setElementData(ped, "job.skin", jobs[i][2]) setElementData(ped, "job.skinRequired", jobs[i][8]) setElementData(ped, "job.enabled", jobs[i][13]) blip = createBlip(jobs[i][3], jobs[i][4], jobs[i][5], 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 350.0, root) blip5 = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip(jobs[i][2], jobs[i][3], jobs[i][4], jobs[i][5], 20, 20, "job.png", 20,) attachElements(marker,ped,0,0,-1) attachElements(marker1,ped,0,0,3) attachElements(star,ped,0,0,1.6) end end) [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] ERROR: 33\s:77: call: failed to call 'customblips:createCustomBlip' [01:18:24] 33 restarted successfully Any Help i want the Custom blip attach to all The jobs
  5. can u simple it to me ? with a simple code ?.
  6. can any one tell me how to create object 1247 star/wanted object on the head of player when a player is wanted and it removes when a player get unwanted ?
  7. NO debug no Panel Showing really
  8. ana esmi TusCan w chrit des Servers MTA avc paypal and my server gonna open soon, proof : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater
  9. no debugs but when i enter marker nothing is happen
  10. no debugs but when i enter marker nothing is happen
  11. thank you so much really but can u help me in a last thing the job panel shows when i press 'M' and Click on ped i want to change it when a player hit the marker addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state, aX, aY, wX, wY, wZ, clickedElement) local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if clickedElement and button == "right" and state == "up" and (getElementType(clickedElement) == "ped") and (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pX, pY, pZ, wX, wY, wZ) <= 2) then if (getElementData(clickedElement, "job.ped") == true) then job = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.title") team = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.team") info = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.info") cR = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.r") cG = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.g") cB = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.b") skinID = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.skin") skinRequired = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.skinRequired") enabled = getElementData(clickedElement, "job.enabled") arrests = getElementData(localPlayer, "Arrests") showJobWindow(true) end end end) jobWnd = guiCreateWindow(503,255,327,267,"test",false) guiWindowSetSizable(jobWnd,false) jobLabel = guiCreateLabel(11,24,303,186,"DESCRIPTION",false,jobWnd) guiSetFont(jobLabel,"clear-normal") takeButt = guiCreateButton(11,219,141,36,"Take Job",false,jobWnd) closeButt = guiCreateButton(173,219,141,36,"Close",false,jobWnd) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButt, function() showJobWindow(false) end, false) guiSetVisible(jobWnd, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", takeButt, function() if enabled then if job == "Detective" and arrests < 150 then outputChatBox("You need "..150-arrests.." arrests before you can get this job!", 255, 0, 0) return end if job == "Traffic Officer" and arrests < 75 outputChatBox("You need "..75-arrests.." arrests before you can get this job!", 255, 0, 0) return end outputChatBox("You are now employed as a "..job.." !", 0, 255, 0) guiSetVisible(jobWnd, false) triggerServerEvent("givePlayerJob", localPlayer, job, team, cR, cG, cB, skinID, skinRequired) else outputChatBox("This job is not available yet!", 255, 0, 0) end end, false) function showJobWindow(state) if state == true then guiSetVisible(jobWnd, true) guiSetText(jobLabel, tostring(info)) guiSetText(jobWnd, tostring(job)) else guiSetVisible(jobWnd, false) end end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", root, function() if (getElementData(source, "job.ped") == true) then cancelEvent() end end) bindKey("m", "down", function() showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) end)
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