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Everything posted by SkatCh

  1. Show me your GUI. also here : addEventHandler("OnClientGUIClick", root, buttonHandling) it should be like this: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buttonHandling)
  2. You need to add un other end : addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', root, function () local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then AddingS("join", getPlayerName(source).."#FFFFFF has joined the game#FF4000[#FFFFFF :admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png #FF4000]") else flag = "N/A" end end )
  3. ??? all what you need is function jump() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local Controller = getVehicleController ( localPlayer ) if getVehicleController(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) == localPlayer then if ( isElement(vehicle) ) and (isVehicleOnGround( vehicle )) then local sx,sy,sz = getElementVelocity ( vehicle ) setElementVelocity( vehicle ,sx, sy, sz+0.7) end end end bindKey ( "z","down", jump)
  4. you can use this function isPlayerInACL ( player, acl ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then return false end return isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( acl ) ) end
  5. SkatCh

    Water level

    addCommandHandler( "waterlevel", function ( plr, cmd, newlevel ) if not newlevel then outputChatBox("Please type the level you want",plr,255,0,0) return end if newlevel and tonumber ( newlevel ) then setWaterLevel( tonumber( newlevel ) ); outputChatBox("Water level successfully change to "..newlevel,plr,255,0,0) return end end );
  6. local alpha = 150 setTimer( function () if (dx ) then destroyElement(dx) end local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer()) local playerZoneName = getZoneName( playerX, playerY, playerZ ) local dx = dxDrawRectangle(sW*70, sH*1355/2, sW*150, sH*35/2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha), false) dxDrawBorderedText(playerZoneName,sW*75, sH*1360/2, sW*515/2, sH*30/2,tocolor(255,255,255,alpha),1.0,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) alpha = alpha + 1 if ( alpha >= 254 ) then alpha = 0 end end,10000,0)
  7. Yes you can just change the postGUI value to true.
  8. function reczny1 ( player ) local auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if auto then if isElementFrozen ( auto ) then setElementFrozen ( auto, false ) outputChatBox ( "Freno de mano liberado", player, 0, 0, 125 ) exports.chat:me( player, "quita el freno de mano.") else setElementFrozen ( auto, true ) outputChatBox ( "((Freno de mano puesto", player, 0, 0, 125 ) exports.chat:me( player, "pone el freno de mano.") end else outputChatBox ( "((No estás en un vehiculo))", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "frenodemano", reczny1 ) bindKey ("num_0", "down", reczny1)
  9. Why you need to use 2 function ??? addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', root, function () local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then AddingS("join", getPlayerName(source).." has joined the game":admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png") else flag = "N/A" end )
  10. lol just add this ')' . function vehicleJump() bindKey(source, "z", "down", "jump", -- like this bindKey(source, "z", "down", jump) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if (isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) == true) then local sx,sy,sz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) setElementVelocity(vehicle ,sx, sy, sz+0.4) end end ) addEvent("onSpecialEvent", true) addEventHandler("onSpecialEvent", root, vehicleJump)
  11. SkatCh


    Simply try to use TCT resource.
  12. -- Server Side addCommandHandler ( "lock", function(player) if not isPedInVehicle ( player ) then return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) setVehicleLocked ( veh , not isVehicleLocked ( veh ) ) triggerClientEvent(player,"playSound",player) end) -- Client side addEvent("playSound", true) addEventHandler("playSound",getRootElement(), function () local volume = 1.0 -- 100% local LoginSound = playSound ( "Sound/...........mp3" ) setSoundVolume(LoginSound, volume) end)
  13. here you go : addCommandHandler ( "lock", function(player) if not isPedInVehicle ( player ) then return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) setVehicleLocked ( veh , not isVehicleLocked ( veh ) ) local sound = playSound("sounds/............mp3") --Play from the sounds folder setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) -- set the sound volume to 50% end)
  14. You must add an other end to close the function that's all : local gateOpen = false function createTheGate1 () myGate1 = createObject ( 987, 2500.7998046875, -1520.400390625, 22.700000762939, 270, 90, 90 ) myGate2 = createObject ( 987, 2500.7998046875, -1525.400390625, 22.700000762939, 270, 90, 90 ) myGate3 = createObject ( 987, 2500.7998046875, -1531.2001953125, 22.700000762939, 270, 90, 90 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), createTheGate1 ) function openMyGate1 () if (gateOpen == false) then moveObject ( myGate1, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1520.400390625, 19.5, 0, 0, 0 ) moveObject ( myGate2, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1525.400390625, 17.700000762939, 0, 0, 0 ) moveObject ( myGate3, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1531.2001953125, 16, 0, 0, 0 ) gateOpen = true else moveObject ( myGate1, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1520.400390625, 22.700000762939, 0, 0, 0 ) moveObject ( myGate2, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1525.400390625, 22.700000762939, 0, 0, 0 ) moveObject ( myGate3, 1500, 2500.7998046875, -1531.2001953125, 22.700000762939, 0, 0, 0 ) gateOpen = false end end addCommandHandler("yourcommand",openMyGate1)
  15. Try to use colshape example : local LS = createColRectangle (-800.81671, -2990.10657, 5100, 3330) function LSzone ( thePlayer ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then -- if the element that left was player killPlayer ( thePlayer ) -- kill the player outputChatBox ( "You are not allowed to leave Los Santos!", thePlayer ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", LS, LSzone )
  16. bro i already fixed it, Thank you anyway
  17. SkatCh


    it's just an advice so yes the last code is the most efficient way possible.
  18. SkatCh


    you must read the conclusion : Conclusion: Don't use pairs() or ipairs() in critical code! Try to save the table-size somewhere and use for i=1,x do!
  19. yes i know it's the only one solution because there is no function make the player exit the game.
  20. SkatCh


    as i told you ipairs is for indexed tables, it means every item <<<<>>>> in the table has it's own number: 1 is the index of the first value 2 is the index ot the second's and so on: local table1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } -- First type local table2 = { [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3,[4] = 4} -- Second type for i, v in ipairs( table1 ) do --both pairs and ipairs will work in those tables: for i, v in pairs( table1 ) do but if you have a table like this local table = { ["Yes"] = 1, [1] = "Table", ["example"] = 2014, [2] = "me", } -- ipairs won't work in this case. So try to use pairs all the time.
  21. function Save () if not ( isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount( source ) ) ) then local money = getPlayerMoney( source ) local occupation = getElementData( source, "Occupation") local team = getPlayerTeam( source ) local teamname = getTeamName( team ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) local dimension = getElementDimension( source ) local interior = getElementInterior( source ) local skin = getElementModel( source ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) local accountname = getAccountName( account ) local save = mysql_query(moduledb,"UPDATE playerinfo SET money=?, occupation=?, team=?, wanted=?, x=?, y=?, z=?, interior=?, dimension=?, skin=?, account=?, accountName=?" ,money ,occupation ,team ,wanted ,x ,y ,z ,interior ,dimension ,skin ,account ,accountname ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, Save )
  22. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() Window = guiCreateWindow(188, 157, 452, 187, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Window, false) guiSetVisible (window ,false) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 35, 103, 28, "Character Name :", false, Window) edit = guiCreateEdit(128, 31, 166, 26, "Firstname_Lastname", false, Window) button = guiCreateButton(343, 139, 94, 38, "Spawn", false, Window) end )
  23. You can use this : redirectPlayer(player,"",0)
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