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Everything posted by SkatCh

  1. SkatCh


    bro i think you don't undrestand my question just i need simple script to refresh it , because i create an ATM system but when i edit player money from db the player can't see the money ingame but when i close the server the money appear .
  2. SkatCh


    guys i have a question how can 'refresh or restart or reload' db files like registry.db.
  3. i tried both also i'm pretty sure that i have Trial Staff in my ACL group.
  4. i don't undrestand , what are u talking about i already tried it .
  5. guys i need some help here : function joinNameCheck(old,new) local account = getAccountName(new) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Trial Staff"))) then --> this line adminLoginMessage(source, getPlayerName(source).." logged in - L1") return elseif (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Trained Staff"))) then adminLoginMessage(source, getPlayerName(source).." logged in - L2") return elseif (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Trusted Staff"))) then adminLoginMessage(source, getPlayerName(source).." logged in - L3") return elseif (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Hight Staff"))) then adminLoginMessage(source, getPlayerName(source).." logged in - L4") return elseif (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Head Staff"))) then adminLoginMessage(source, getPlayerName(source).." logged in - L5") return end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, joinNameCheck) it's just a part from my script , the problem is when i login i got this warning : Bad argument @isObjectInACLGroup ' [Excepted acl-group at argument 2 , got boolean]
  6. thx brother topic can be locked. problem resolved
  7. hi guys please i have a question , which function i need to use to make dxDrawImage movable .
  8. SkatCh

    about markers

    i'm sorry bro if i waste your time , i tried the same script this : function dxDrawCircle3D( x, y, z, radius, segments, color, width ) segments = segments or 16; -- circle is divided into segments -> higher number = smoother circle = more calculations color = color or tocolor( 255, 255, 0 ); width = width or 1; local segAngle = 360 / segments; local fX, fY, tX, tY; -- drawing line: from - to for i = 1, segments do fX = x + math.cos( math.rad( segAngle * i ) ) * radius; fY = y + math.sin( math.rad( segAngle * i ) ) * radius; tX = x + math.cos( math.rad( segAngle * (i+1) ) ) * radius; tY = y + math.sin( math.rad( segAngle * (i+1) ) ) * radius; dxDrawLine3D( fX, fY, z, tX, tY, z, color, width ); end end i changed the seagnle etc but i got an other form not a rectangle , i think it's wrong . because i don't undrestand your last answer .
  9. SkatCh

    Web map

    type='text' id='message' />type='button' value='say' onclick='say();' />
  10. SkatCh

    about markers

    bro i tried my option but i can't draw a rectangle can you help me .
  11. SkatCh

    about killcam

    guys please how can i create a killcam script , ex when someone kill you will see killcam.
  12. SkatCh

    about markers

    ok bro i want to ask you what can i do if i want to draw a rectangle .
  13. SkatCh

    about markers

    no it's working fine i already asked to close the topic , just i want to add something ; 50p you must add this : addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function( ) for _, marker in pairs( getElementsByType("marker") ) do if getMarkerType( marker ) == "cylinder" then setElementAlpha( marker, 0 ); -- make the marker invisible local x,y,z = getElementPosition( marker ); local radius = getMarkerSize( marker ); local color = tocolor( getMarkerColor( marker ) ); dxDrawCircle3D( x, y, z, radius, 24, color ); end end end end <---------------------------------- missing )
  14. SkatCh

    about markers

    thx 50p for your time , i fixed it and now i can see it but just stay 3 second . Edit : Thank you so much bro i fixed it . topic can be locked.
  15. SkatCh

    about markers

    thx bro for help i changed all markers alpha to 0 but i can't see the dxDrawcircle. can you tell me how to create it is this right : dxDrawCircle3D(1631.2060546875,1850.658203125,10.8203125,1.5,24,tocolor( 255, 255, 0 ),2)
  16. SkatCh

    about markers

    Can any one explane to me how can i use what xXMADEXx gave to me . please
  17. SkatCh

    about markers

    thx bro for ur help but i'm sorry i don't undrestand how
  18. SkatCh

    Drop Briefcase

    just for the player who have the Briefcase .
  19. SkatCh

    Drop Briefcase

    can anyone help me .
  20. SkatCh

    Drop Briefcase

    lol i'm asking how to create it i tried this but didn't work : function Drop () if getElementData(source,"bag") and getElementData(source,"bag") == true then local data = getElementData(atBag,"num") local data = tonumber(data) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setElementData(source,"bag",false) destroyElement(atBag) destroyElement(marker) destroyElement(bli) destroyElement(marBli) ob = createPickup(x,y,z,3,1210,0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(ob,false) mar = createMarker(x,y,z,"corona",0.9,255,0,0,0) setElementData(mar,"num",data) bl = createBlipAttachedTo(mar,52) end end addCommandHandler ("dropbc" , drop)
  21. hi guys please can anyone help me to create a command to drop briefcase like this onPlayerWasted : addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root, function () if getElementData(source,"bag") and getElementData(source,"bag") == true then local data = getElementData(atBag,"num") local data = tonumber(data) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setElementData(source,"bag",false) destroyElement(atBag) destroyElement(marker) destroyElement(bli) destroyElement(marBli) ob = createPickup(x,y,z,3,1210,0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(ob,false) mar = createMarker(x,y,z,"corona",0.9,255,0,0,0) setElementData(mar,"num",data) bl = createBlipAttachedTo(mar,52) end end )
  22. SkatCh


    hi there please can anyone explane this line to me : Resource must have access to function.kickPlayer function.getClientIP and function.getPlayerSerial
  23. SkatCh

    Gui position

    hi guys i need some information about Gui position ( Center , right , left) : i know how to put it center : (screenWidth / 2) - (windowWidth / 2), (screenHeight / 2) - (windowHeight / 2). what about the others .
  24. SkatCh

    Bone attach

    guys can anyone tell me the riht coordonation to attach this object to the player : object ID:1550 (money Bag) . attachElementToBone(element,ped,bone,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz)
  25. SkatCh

    Map interior

    i already tried it but nothing happen .
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