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Everything posted by tony402

  1. tony402


    From the community, but i figured it out thanks
  2. tony402


    Hi, can anyone help me with this?? [12:32:11] ERROR: Cameras\cctv.lua:41: Database query failed: no such table: cct vterminals [12:32:11] ERROR: Cameras\cctv.lua:52: Database query failed: no such table: cct vcameras [12:32:11] ERROR: Cameras\cctv.lua:68: Database query failed: no such table: cct vterminals [12:32:11] ERROR: Cameras\cctv.lua:70: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expect ed, got string) thanks
  3. tony402

    Stop signs

    Hi, Can someone tell me how to make stop signs with custom writing on it?? Thanks
  4. tony402

    Vehicle save

    ya it lagged or else i dont want to fuking spam
  5. tony402

    Vehicle save

    Hi, does anyone know of a vehicle saving system that saves a persons car based on there login or serial? I looked all over the community but couldn't find it. Or if so one can tell me how to make just the vehicle save system. Thanks a lot.
  6. tony402


    Does any know a garage system that saves ur cars in it and the next time u join it's there again?
  7. tony402


    Hi, Does anyone know how to remove the map button from the f1 GUI?
  8. tony402

    Login Panel

    does anyone else know how to do it?
  9. tony402

    Login Panel

    i cant script anything yet
  10. tony402

    Save button

    do u know wat to add?
  11. tony402

    Save button

    does that create a button? cause i just want a button right next to the login button
  12. tony402

    Save button

    Hi does anyone know how to add a save button to a login panel?
  13. tony402

    Login Panel

    Hi does anyone know how to make log in panel with a help window? i already have a log in panel i just need to know how to add a help window to it. thanks
  14. tony402


    Does anyone know the best RPG game mode that is on the community, and a job system?
  15. tony402


    Does anyone know how to make a certain area just for one person. like if i want a player to just stay in one city how can i make him not allowed in the other city?
  16. hi, i downloaded a resource which is a gate for area 51 so only a specif skin can open the door. i was wondering if anyone knows how to make a GUI window and a password pad on the wall, so when some one clicks on the pad it opens up the GUI window and asks for a password.
  17. But how will i get the interior?
  18. Does anyone know how to get the coordinates and interior of a building i cant enter. For example i download the bank system resource and it says
  19. tony402

    [HELP] Spawn

    it worked but how would i change this to Spawn rather then login?
  20. tony402

    [HELP] Spawn

    Kk will try later thanks
  21. tony402

    [HELP] Login

    kk so the Server.lua would be like this right? Server.lua addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) fadeCamera ( source, true ) end ) that's it or i have to add something else?
  22. tony402

    [HELP] Spawn

    kk this is the server side --Elevator Function =D --Created by shorty16 function elevatorspawn() elevator = createObject(3115, 3197.5, -728.5, 0, 0, 0, 0) --spawning object end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement (getThisResource ()), elevatorspawn) function elevatorsystem() --Function to move the elevator A moveObject(elevator, 45000, 3197.5, -728.5, 104.4) end addCommandHandler("elevatorup",elevatorsystem) --you can edit the command function elevatorsystemB() --Function to move the elevator B moveObject(elevator, 45000, 3197.5, -728.5, 0) end addCommandHandler("elevatordown",elevatorsystemB) --you can edit the command addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount) ( source ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "V.I.P" ) ) then spawnPlayer(source,3227,-690,108) end end ) And this is the Meta
  23. tony402

    [HELP] Login

    So how do I do that JR10? Thnks.
  24. tony402

    [HELP] Login

    hi, i was wondering if anyone knows how to make the screen black until the download if complete. like SAES SERVER the screen is black and u cant do anything until the download is complete.
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