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  1. Isn't a db easier to edit? Or... maybe the better idea would be loading all phrases from DB (i really want to make a PHP interfrace so the MySQL is best for me) when server starts and then just making a table with them. Also good. P.S: I just wont to call the query from MTA SERVER because i want maximum speed, the PHP server and callRemote will do their job correctly. (I guess it's faster ) P.S2: Is there a possibility to change the callRemote user-agent (if the MTA is acting like a browser(?) when executing a callRemote)? @Edit: Nevermind P.S2. I found LuaSocket, i'll testi it later. Hope it'll give me exactly what what i expect.
  2. [url=https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=]https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=[/url]8612 Here is it. Just make a timer to save them or [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnResourceStop]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnResourceStop[/url]
  3. Hey. I have a question about the multi-language. What would be best for you? #1: -- some code if getElementData(element, "s:lang") == "pl_PL" then outputChatBox("omgwtf POL") elseif getElementData(element, "s:lang") == "en_US" then outputChatBox("omgwtf ENG") end -- somecode or... function langKey(playah, langKey) if getElementData(element, "s:lang") == "pl_PL" then -- searching for langKey in mysql database elseif getElementData(element, "s:lang") == "en_US" then -- searching for langKey in mysql database end return langKey end function cmd(player) outputChatBox(langKey(playah, "lang.command.test")) end -- command handler (it's just pseudocode) Which would be better for you? The second option wouldnt lag me cuz i'd use the PHP requests instead of lagging mysql_query from MTA.
  4. Ciebie chyba nie kosztuje? IPB jest chyba najlepszym dostępnym silnikiem forum. chyba sie nie zrozumielismy do konca. zwrocilem uwage na to, ze jest drogie w sensie, ze nic za nie nie dali tylko sciagneli z internetpow
  5. HI. I have ubuntu 14 and i want to play MTA:SA so... I just installed the GTA: San Andreas and with single player everything is okay. Literally, no general problems. Then i installed MTA:SA. When im opening it in wine: wine "Multi Theft Auto.exe" Then it's showing the virtual desktop and and its closing - the mod doesnt work. I tried to change some options in wine graphic configuration but nothing is helping. Can any1 help me? Thanks. Edit: THE logfile:
  6. wow 25 slotow serwer chujowy hosting ts3 lokalny/rdp drogie ipb __ Serio?
  7. monumento

    My Request

    omg https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=5028
  8. It's possible. But if you want to make to make it for DD server you need to put it somewhere else, not in onpalyerentercar because player is teleported to car.
  9. getElementsByType for loop getElementData outputChatBox
  10. monumento

    Money hack

    That may be a bug somewhere in your scripts/script. That's all.
  11. If the file is compiled then you cant.
  12. vehicle_spawns.lua then just add them to the table like others. ( X,Y,Z values )
  13. function checkAllNicksOfPlayer(who, cmd, playah) local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromNamePart(playah) -- searching player from name part so we dont need to write all the name if not targetPlayer then outputChatBox("this player does not exist", who) else local targetSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) -- getting serial to check the db local searchForANicks = executeSQLQuery("SELECT `nicks` from `aliases` WHERE `serial`=?", targetSerial) -- checking if #searchForANicks > 0 then -- we found player outputChatBox("#FFD330History of nicks for "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer)..":#FAFAFA "..searchForANicks[1].nicks, who, 0, 0, 0, true) -- show message to command executor with player nicks history else outputChatBox("#FFD330This player doesnt have a nick history (Which mean problem with your sqlite db...)", who, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end as always debugscript 3 then try. if you got This player doesnt have a nick history (Which mean problem with your sqlite db...) then send me your registry.db (better on the pm) #edit: i just gave it to my friends and it works fine for them
  14. Dat's because you put wrong nick... Look at this local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromNamePart(playah) -- searching player from name part so we dont need to write all the name local targetSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) -- getting serial to check the db And think. Change all the function for this: function checkAllNicksOfPlayer(who, cmd, playah) local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromNamePart(playah) -- searching player from name part so we dont need to write all the name if not targetPlayer then outputChatBox("this player does not exist", who) else local targetSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) -- getting serial to check the db local searchForANicks = executeSQLQuery("SELECT `nicks` from `aliases` WHERE `serial`=?", targetSerial) -- checking if #searchForANicks == 1 then -- we found player outputChatBox("#FFD330History of nicks for "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer)..":#FAFAFA "..searchForANicks[1].nicks, who, 0, 0, 0, true) -- show message to command executor with player nicks history end end end Then try. Nahh men. Both forms are ok.
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