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  1. Thx for the two who tried to help me! Now, my problem is in this line: local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitElement) I'm already 2 hours trying to fix it but I don't have success! >;( >ERRO Bad argument @ 'getPedOccupiedVehicle'
  2. Hi guys I need to start this event addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker,...) Only, when the player is getVehicleEngineState = false and vehicle is getElementVelocity = 0 ie parked! I tried to do it addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker,function(player) if getElementVelocity(player) == 0 and getVehicleEngineState(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) == false then --code... end end) But, the event only executed one time and I dont have time to turn off the engine and neither park the car.. I need to update it constaly to check if the player is parked the car or not... I already tried to use timers and killTimer, but I couldn't stop it and generated a infinite loop! Thanks for all
  3. Jusonex , I meant to check if the player is aiming and force to aim like a sniper, rocket launcher and others that you should aim before you shoot!
  4. Hi everyone I would know how to force the player to aim to fire , like a sniper! Thanks everyone!
  5. Sorry everyone!! Actually It's works, I did a mess with name of script and I forgot to save the script Thanks for all!!
  6. Unfortunaly, it doesn't work for me!
  7. I'm trying to do a tazer system with silenced pistol then, I put it in serverside: function removeDamage () setWeaponProperty (23, "poor", "damage", 0) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, removeDamage ) But it doesn't work can anyone help me?? Thanks for all!
  8. My question were "How can I do return values through triggerEventServer or triggerEventClient to communicate serverside and clientside???" but your suggestion is a good way to resolve my problem Nice solution, I'm going to test it! Thank you!
  9. Hi guys! Again I here to ask your help Well, I trying to do a function in my gamemode to check if a player is VIP or not... To call this function I use triggerServerEvent triggerServerEvent("checkIfPlayerIsVIP", localPlayer) And I'm using the triggerServerEvent inside a if, see: if (triggerServerEvent("checkIfPlayerIsVIP", localPlayer)) == true then In the gamemode I put it: addEvent( "checkIsVIP", true ) addEventHandler( "checkIsVIP", root, function () local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user.".. accName, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then return true else return false end end) So I would want that the function in gamemode return a boolean value to use on my if to check if player is VIP or not I hope you understood my situation! Thanks for all!
  10. Nossa brigadão mesmo! Só tenho uma duvida id = #allLo+ 1 Esse # faz oque?? Valeu pela força!
  11. Hello everyone! Today, I would ask you about my problem Well, can anyone help me? I need to get a ACL group of the player, how can I do it?? which function should I use? Actually I'm trying to do a command for admin and vip acl group! Thank for all answers!
  12. E tipo se eu usar o SQL eu tenho que ter 2 servidores rodando então?? Tipo o do MTA e o do Base de dados? Ou tem como por tudo no MTA ?? Obrigadão
  13. Muito interessante, ajudou bastante e já fiz vários testes com essa função! Gostaria também se tem como eu buscar os valores via getAccountData quando o jogar estiver "Offline" e gostaria de pedir uma mãozinha Eu estou querendo criar um sistema de gang e queria saber se é possível usar o getAccountData e o setAccountData para fazer esse sistema ou se eu preciso usar XML para salvar a lista das gangs e no caso do XML , se puder, me recomendar algum tutorial ou tópico que me possa ajudar a entender como trabalhar com o XML no lua do MTA Fico muito! Mas muito grato a você! Valeu
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