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  1. Does it save the original spawnpoints of the vehicles?
  2. Thanks for the help man, but there is one kind of a big problem with the vehicle backup system. Whenever it does backup everything goes fine, but once the vehicle explodes, the vehicle gets respawned to the place it was saved, not to the original spawn place. Is there any way for this to be fixed? Edit: I have added you on Steam to talk there!
  3. If you can do it, it would be great! Edit: Just got back at home, the mod looks amazing, you've done great work with it!
  4. I am using the newest login panel from 0.9.5 DayZ, could it be causing the problem?
  5. Can you help me with this, once I startup the mod, and try to login, it throws these errors in console and blackscreen in-game:
  6. It doesn't give error but it simply doesn't work, when I start it and start a shooter map, you still can't shoot.
  7. Hello, I've got lots of shooter maps which have no shooting script. The thing is that they are so much it would take more than a day work to add the script to every map. I wrote something but for some reason it's not working, I am new into scripting and I need some help. Client: local shootingAllowed = true function playerSpawn() shootingAllowed = true end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), playerSpawn) function doShoot() if isShooterMap then if shootingAllowed == true then if not isPlayerDead(getLocalPlayer()) then shootingAllowed = false local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(theVehicle) local rX,rY,rZ = getVehicleRotation(theVehicle) local x = x+4*math.cos(math.rad(rZ+90)) local y = y+4*math.sin(math.rad(rZ+90)) createProjectile(theVehicle, 19, x, y, z, 1.0, nil) setTimer(allowShooting, 3000, 1) end end end function allowShooting() shootingAllowed = true end for keyName, state in pairs(getBoundKeys("fire")) do bindKey(keyName, "down", doShoot) end Server: function isMapShooter() return string.find(g_MapInfo.name,"Shooter") end Any help is appreciated!
  8. You have a table with vehicleAddonsInfo {422, --[[Car ID]] 4, --[[Car Tires]] 1, --[[Car Engines]] 1}, --[[Car Tank Parts]] Thanks for the reply!
  9. How can I add other vehicles into the backup system, I saw the code but I don't understand what the numbers after the car ids mean, can you help me?
  10. Hello, I've recently opened a DayZ server with uncompiled scripts, everything is okay except the fact that the backpack spawning rate is really low, I've added more loot spawnpoints but it doesn't help. How can I increase the backpack spawn rate?
  11. anyways you are welcome. Damn, I forgot to check if it's server-side, since I am new in scripting it's kinda hard for me to distinguish client from server side.
  12. It doens't work but I fixed this one cuz it was easier for me instead of the one I made. There it is the working one: function teleport( ) if not isPedInVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) then setElementPosition( getLocalPlayer(), 2414.16919, 1123.87756, 10.82031 ) outputChatBox("You have been teleported successfully",255, 255, 255) else outputChatBox("Teleport failed, get out of your vehicle and try again!",255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler( "bank",teleport) Thanks for the help!
  13. Hello! Yesterday I started working on freeroam server which has bank in it. I didn't wanted my players to need to travel to the bank before being able to deposit money in it so I wanted to make warp command with which you can teleport infront of the bank entrance, but the problem is that you need to be outside of the car so I wanted to make the script being able to warn them about it. I made it but there's a problem. local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) addCommandHandler( "bank", function( player ) setElementPosition( player, 2414.16919, 1123.87756, 10.82031 ) then if ( x == 2414.16919 ) and ( y == 1123.87756) and (z == 10.82031) then outputChatBox("You have been teleported successfully", 255, 255, 255) else outputChatBox("Teleport failed, get out of your vehicle and try again!") end end ) The warp script actually works but after I added getElementPosition both the warp and warn script stopped working. Any help is appreciated!
  14. I tried fixing a script that a friend of mine made for sound command but I'm new in lua and it's kinda hard for me. The script is giving that *Bad argument* and I can't figure it out how to fix.It's saying "Error: sound/gay_s.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'getAccountName' [Expected account at argument 1, got nil]" local cmd = {} function gay(thePlayer) end if getAccountName(account) == "swatrat" then if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) and not isTimer(cmd[thePlayer]) then triggerClientEvent(getRootElement(), "gay", getRootElement()) local name = getPlayerName( thePlayer ) outputChatBox (tostring( name )..": #FF00FFHA GAY", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) cmd[thePlayer] = setTimer(resetcmd,30000,1,thePlayer) else if isTimer(cmd[thePlayer]) then local remaining,execute = getTimerDetails(cmd[thePlayer]) outputChatBox("#FF0000[CMD] #ffffffWait "..math.floor(remaining/1000).." seconds.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) else end end end addCommandHandler("gay", gay) function resetcmd(thePlayer) if isTimer(cmd[thePlayer]) then killTimer(cmd[thePlayer]) end cmd[thePlayer] = nil end Any help is accepted!
  15. Hello, I'm making DM server and I was thinking about, how to make this when all the players die and there's only one alive to stop the votemanager pop-up till he gets hunter or he die? If someone can help me I will appreciate it.
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