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  1. You should really stop saying people leak or steal scripts when the scripts are infact open-source . He also gave credits to who made it , and didn't said it's his. On : There should be a tutorial about this , find it on their site .
  2. You're welcome , I spotted a mistake though. It was jailing the dude for the wanted points in miliseconds , just edited so it jails him for seconds. Check the new code
  3. function getwp(player) local wp = getElementData(player,"wantedpoints") if wp == nil then setElementData(player,"wantedpoints",0) end if not wp == 0 then local seconds = sToMs(wp) jailTheDude(player,s) -- Oops , edit fail ._. end end -- Please note jailTheDude is not a real function , you should use your own.. function sToMs(s) -- 1 second is 1000 miliseconds local s = s*1000 return s end -- Should work ._.
  4. LUA is case-sensitive , I don't think ROOT works , though you could replace it by simply " root " ._. root is the global for "getRootElement()" , like localPlayer .
  5. How do you declare those wanted points or whatever ? If you mean wanted level , here it is function outputWantedLevel (player,command) local wantedLvl = getPlayerWantedLevel (player ) if wantedLvl == 5 then --jail end end addCommandHandler ( "wanted", outputWantedLevel )
  6. local r,g,b = 255,0,0 Why are you still using this line if you don't use your variables anyway ? You could use it like this if you would like , but I find no use in it. outputChatBox(theMessages[math.random(#theMessages)],root,r,g,b)
  7. Thank you This is indeed very helpful
  8. Is there any way to remove the last character from a string ? Like "password" -> "passwor" Can you give me any examples too , please ? Strings part is not my best .
  9. teQuilla


    setCameraTarget or setCameraMatrix
  10. If adding 3 zeros is hard for you , use this script everytime you want to convert seconds to milliseconds function sToMs(s) return s*1000 end sToMs(5) -- -> 5000
  11. Hi LinKin , my name is teQuilla. I've made over $200 with scripting for MTA , and the experience is pretty fine . Had some difficulties sometimes , but we fixed it in the end. I see you're concerned about the security of your scripts . Everybody is , as for the luac encryption , it doesn't helps at all , because there are alot of decompilers out there. Though you might want to use luac for small scripts ( Vehicle Spawner for example . ) , but for big gamemodes ( Like Race including all the fancy stuff , or vH scripts ) you might want to do your own security system . I know this sounds like a stupid idea for alot of you , but creating a security system that requires a License key , that once used it registers the IP of the server in a website , and everytime a script or something from the gamemode is run , it requires a check that the License is valid , and compares the website's IP to the server's IP . To prevent them for editing this edit system , you should use .luac encryption , and you need a pattern that only you know for the license key , then preferably use sha256 to encrypt it even further. I know this might sound stupid and a lot of work to do for you , but for me it's working like charm . Sorry for my english , it's 3 AM here and I'm pretty tired . If you didn't understand what I told you , just leave a comment and I'll explain tomorrow .
  12. teQuilla


    CVC , then again , he's going to lose the table everytime he's restarting the script .
  13. Maybe I'm asking to much , but can you please translate it into english , so we have an idea what you want to do there ?
  14. teQuilla


    Account data is your friend in that case , just save the serial of the player when he logs in , and use the event : onPlayerLogin to get the account , then get the serial through getAccountData , and compare it to who tries to login . If it doesn't match , just use cancelEvent() .
  15. teQuilla


    The table inside the script is bad , you're going to lose the table everytime the script is getting restarted, I'd suggest you using XML or even account data , but not tables.
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