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Everything posted by Fist

  1. Fist

    GUI DATA Refresh

    thanks. btw u could give some example?
  2. Hello everyone. I was wondering how can be possible to make so GUI Data refreshes every time i type command /warpmenu, example: i write command /warpmenu then opens menu but there is a player list which was updated once at resource start, but new players have joined and i want to get new players locations, but to get i need to restart resource. Hmm there is a fix for this? Thanks for your time!
  3. hmm, still i need help with that setElementPosition, it doesnt work for me. EDIT: SOLVED! i just needed to make a local variable with GetLocalPlayer(), thanks MrTasty for helping me out with coordinates.
  4. Fist

    Vehicles Bug

    quality crappy if because he uses low resolution, but that effects if u make/or add crappy looking resources, too.
  5. and how i can set it so it doesnt past 1st parameter?
  6. This function, is thePlayer a non-nil variable? thePlayer is only in that function, no where else.
  7. Still doesnt work. EDIT: I actually understund how it works, so code atm is like this, i checked it outputed on chatbox the coords and was all perfectly fine, but when i set it them to setElementPosition function it just doesnt do anything. why? function findVehicle(thePlayer) local vX, vY, vZ = unpack(guiGridListGetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]))) setElementPosition(thePlayer, vX, vY, vZ) end
  8. Like this, i think its wrong. guiGridListSetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, column, "" .. vX .. ", " .. vY .. ", " .. vZ .. "", false, false)
  9. Fist

    Vehicles Bug

    Probably problem is in your new vehicle hud, try to disable it and then check again or it give those errors or no.
  10. lol, im so blind. also i did use it but when i press it nothing happens, probably i did something wrong. here is code function findItem(thePlayer) local TowerCoords = guiGridListGetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1])) setElementPosition(thePlayer, TowerCoords) end edit: i store cordinates in 1 local called TowerCoords which looks like this when u export it to chat or where ever u want "1777.56640625, -1889.857421875, 13.087238311768".
  11. and how i can do it so it checks which item is selected?
  12. Yes, i already used it to check or i placed coordinates correct, and it is correct. But there is another thing what i dont know, how i can attach those cordinates to a button which will teleport to those coordinates?
  13. Hello everyone! How i can make so item in gridlist is with a name "example: Tower" and it has a data which position where that tower is, and then when i trigger button to use that position, it teleports player to that tower. I was this thinking this so long and i almost did it but am stuck at placing position data in that grid item. But please if u can explain it instead of giving whole code. It would be appreciated.
  14. thanks, hope it works i cant test it now.
  15. Hello everyone. Someone can explain me how i can make player can add other players to that team what he is now in, with command like this /addplayer
  16. How i can make when i restart or turn off server, then hes will save team groups? And how i can make when player is access on 1 team group to invite person to in or kick?
  17. Fist


    @myonlake thanks.
  18. Fist


    Hello everyone. How i can make when player spawn and hes have a parachute, but when hes use it then parachute will remove?
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